1. Do you get sick very often? What illness do you find that you've had most frequently?
Eh, I don't get sick very often, except for the occasional sinus problem. (Ahh, cigarettes!) However, when I do get sick, I get horribly sick. I guess I don't like to do things half-assed, huh?
2. I know a man who flat out refuses to go to the Doctor's office. You'd need an ambulance to get him near a hospital. Not me, I'd rather go as soon as I feel sick so I can get better. Do you mind going to see the Doctor when you get sick? Do you know anyone who just refuses to go to a Doctor when they get ill? Any idea why they are like that?
I don't mind, but my doctor's pretty laid back, he usually just calls in a prescription.
3. How about visiting the Dentist? Do you go get a check-up every 6 months? Or do you dread going?
One thing that takes me forever to do regularly, is go to the dentist. It's like pulling teeth to get me there every six months (heh heh, bad joke, I know). I don't know why I'm so horrified. Although I was pretty lackidasical when I was smaller about my teeth, I think I take pretty good care of 'em now.
4. I've heard about a diet pill called "Thermolift" that allegedly gives you quite an energy rush (oh boy mentioning this will surelybring us all a ton of Google hits won't it?). Although I've thought about getting some of these pill for the times I need a boost, I'm probably not going to take the plunge. Have you ever taken any diet pills, energy pills or energy drinks? How did they make you feel? Do you still take them? How come?
Took Metabolife for a little while. They didn't really have an effect on me, but I had weird dreams when I slept. I don't take them often anymore, basically cause I'm a cheapskate. But they did make me snack less at night, and gave me more energy. But of course, when you're taking enough caffeine to keep a narcoleptic awake, that does tend to happen.
5. Have you heard about "Gastric Bypass" surgery that many celebrities are doing to lose weight? (The process reduces the size of your stomach to facilitate weight loss) What are your thoughts on this procedure? Would you ever consider it? How would you feel if a relative were to decide to undergo the procedure?
On one hand, I think it's a drastic step. However, if you're large enough to qualify for the surgery, you probably can't relearn correct eating habits (portion control, balanced meals, etc.) on your own. I don't think I would ever consider it; hopefully, I'll never get so out of control that I'll need it. I think I'd be more wary about it if a family member went through it though. Of course, like most things, your feelings change as the theoretical becomes a real-life issue.
6. What do you think the opposite sex needs to experience to fully understand what it is like to be your gender?
Although I won't get into the semantics of sex (physical anatomy) vs. gender (societal roles, expectations, etc.) , I think that there's no real way to "fully understand" how a person of the opposite sex and/or gender goes through. I think that we all can come close to fully sympathizing or empathizing, but I don't think that any one person can "fully understand" what it like to be another person, regardless of gender.
7. And to lighten things up a bit before we go...What's the most worthless gadget, infomercial item or "looked like a bargain" item you have ever purchased or owned?
Heh heh. I once bought a
Total Tiger. As it gathers dust under my bed, I would like to say that it did seem to work my abs and arms. I would probably do it more often, if I didn't feel so stupid doing it. To use this machine, it looks like you're humping the floor.
BONUS: Why can't every day be like Christmas?
Because it would take too much planning to make everyday "festive;" because children everywhere would never get any sleep waiting for Santa Claus every night; and because, frankly, how would anyone work? Christmas is a federal holiday, ya know? :)