

width="238" height="196" alt="Sophia Petrillo
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target="_blank">Which Golden Girl Are You?

More posting later, I promise. However, right now, I'm deeply immersed in Dan Savage's new book. But don't worry; the Monday Mission, new (ok, it's last week's) Strong Bad Email, and more is on the way. 1

1. Footnotes are fun, aren't they? ;)



I've just been in a funk, that's all. I was sick of my job, and sick of being sick, so I took the week off. I sent out resumes with the lightning speed of . . .well, lightning. I've probably cut off my nose to spite my face in quitting like I did, but all well. Temporary agencies are pretty forgiving. And there's always more temp agencies, if Ajilon isn't. I've also been rockin out to Evanescence, whose lead singer is both hot, and has a hot voice. Kazaa that shit and get some music! But be careful, lots of the copies have bullshit copy protection in em. It's a hit or miss kinda thing.

Things that happened this week:

I officially became a homosexual stereotype: Relationship started and ended in two weeks. Things are still good between us, just a wrong place, wrong time, kind of thing.

I saw Maid In Manhattan on Wednesday with yet another Mike. Cute guy, but I didn't catch any vibe. Just chalk him up in my list of (five and counting) "gay friends named Mike, Michael, or Mikey." No harm, no foul, right?

The alternator went out in my car today. So even if I wanted to go to work today, I couldn't have. Hurrah, $75 bucks I'll get to spend that I wasn't counting on! Plus, since I couldn't go pick up my check today, Christmas will either be a mad dash on Tuesday, or not happen till after the holidays. O Frabjous Day! Callooh Callay!

(Actually, the fact that it's the alternator makes me feel a bit better, as I was afraid that the putt-putt-putt that my car was doing meant the Transmission was going out. But Still. . . .)

Found out that Webster's substituting my accounting classes at SMS for at least one of my required classes here. Technically, on paper, I can still graduate in May, hours-wise, but with the way scheduling looks, I think I'll probably end up taking *one* class in the summer, and graduate then. Bah!!!!

Hrmm. what else? Guess that's it for the moment. Oh yeah, Jennifer's home! Silly girl got a little tipsy at the *our first semester of hell of over* party on Wednesday, and I got passed around to all of her cute law school friends like a cheap whore. Not that I minded, really ;)


Sorry for the lack of posts for the past few days, I just wasn't in a bloggin mood. I've got lots to talk about in the next few posts, but here's a lighthearted quiz to brighten your day. Thanks Todd!


this quiz was made by the sunni bunni bear

Grr. . . just who I wanted to be. Sassy! The only other person I'd want to be would be Rose McGowan. Totally Hot. Too bad Parker Posey wasn't an option.



So, last night, I went to the River of Toys concert last night with Greg, "Hot" Dallas, and his newly acquired boyfriend, Rob. Our friend Mark showed up later, as well. Decent concert, for The River. Chris Porcelli, 13 year old son of this schmuck, tried his best to entertain us with pianist interpretations of classics from the likes of Styx, The Beatles, and Queen. He finished his "gig" with Jerry Lee Lewis' classic, Great Balls of Fire. Poor kid. He was a pretty good pianist for 13, but I felt like I was at a really bad Christmas concert in grade school. Or as Dallas likened it, "It's like we're at his Bar Mitzvah, and we'll have to carry him around The Pageant after he's done." (*sigh* He's cute, charming, and a lawyer. But horribly out of my league. I like hanging out with him anyway.)

The concert was a relatively entertaining time. The opening band, Sangria, or something, was ok. Lisa Loeb was ok, if one can use that term loosely. Being the evil man that I am, when she played one of her two hit songs, I just wanted to yell out, "So THAT's who you are!" Sister Hazel was what I expected. Better Than Ezra was great! Good stage presence, and I knew more of their songs than I thought I knew.

All in all, a good time was had by all, I think.

And today, that good time was lessened by a raging sore throat and pounding headache. I love sinus infections! *pffft*


1. So, what do you want for Christmas this year that you probably won't get?

I want a CD Burner, an MP3 player, a different job, and my car repaired. I'm a simple man.

2. What do you know you will be receiving for Christmas this year?

I'm getting a previously mentioned Featherbed, and I know I'm got the new Austin Powers Movie.

3. If you had the means to do so, what presents would you get some of your fellow bloggers? Be specific, it's more fun that way!

Hrm. .. let's see. . . for Jen, I'd get . . .well, actually, I still might get it for her, so I'll keep it a surprise.

For Lisa, I'd get her a postage meter, so she wouldn't have to leave the house for her Ebay sales.

For Jared, a couple of cases of Guiness, or something from her wish list.

4. Do you support any organizations that provide for the less fortunate during the holidays? Or do any volunteer work?

Nope. I'm a selfish bastard, and I don't mind admitting it.

5. Each year about this time, I notice Church attendance seems to spike, then drops off sharply after Christmas. It tickles me that these folks think they are pulling a fast one on the Big Guy. What is the most recent thing guilt has motivated you to do?

Pleading the fifth on that one. For those of you in the know, check out my online diary, and I'll tell you more about it, along with some recent neuroses and what not. (It's password protected, so if you ask me real nice, I might give you access)

6. According to the commercials, the only way to truly tell someone you love them on Christmas day is to let them "Unwrap a Jaguar" automobile. Are there any examples of excessive commercialism and/or blatant disregard for the "Christmas Spirit" that really get under your skin?

Uh. Look around at any retail place. Nuff said. I used to work in retail during Christmas, and I think that's why I'm horribly disdainful toward the holiday season.

7. I remember a song where the singers wished they could teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony. What would you like to teach the world?

The complete version of Auld Lang Syne. Damned Drunkies never get it right every year.

BONUS: Do they know it's Christmas time at all?

See above. How could you not know when it's shoved down yo' throat immediately, if not before, Thanksgiving?

DISCLAIMER: I'm fighting a sinus infection today, and I'm not feeling my best. So ignore the bitchiness toward the holidays this fine Monday Morning.



this is wrong, on so many levels. And that smiling child obviously has no idea what's going on. The question I have is: is that thing to scale?

While finding info on the length of the colon, I came upon this. It reminds me of the SNL skit about the high fiber cereal. Heh heh heh.

Just got back from Doug's about an hour ago. After begging, pleading, and then just resigning to pouting, I still can't convince Mom to let me put my new Featherbed and Sheets on my bed. Bah! The downside to ordering your own Christmas present has arrived. It's just sitting in a box, taunting me.

Went out to Doug's last night to cook him a dinner consisting of this, a modified version of this, (as fucking Schnucks didn't have lemon curd; I substituted Strawberries instead), and lots of this.

All in all, the dinner was a moderate success. I felt a bit awkward, as I wasn't in *my* kitchen, so I was a bit on edge until dinner had been completed. No offense to Doug, but it's obvious that cooking doesn't happen very often in that house, so I had to make do with what I had. The dinner could've been much better if I had better acclimated to my surroundings.

Anyway, a good time was had by all, and I think I shall nap for a little while, and try to recoup.



Duh. I can't believe I forgot about that. BTW, ladies, be careful out there.

This was a great idea. Even better, it was signed for. Now the only question is, will he get his Digital Camera for being a good boy, not to mention so efficent?

I recently remembered that I had lost my Girls Are Pretty link in my ever-expanding blogroll, and am pleased that I once again have highlights like these to brighten my day in this dreary rainy day.

This goes out to any one of my local readers, but I think I'd like to see this movie, preceded by this, this, or at the very least, this.

Looks like one of my favorite hair bands is finally bitten the dust for good. Hopefully, Poison won't follow suit, and call it quits too.

Oh yeah, funny thing happened this morning. Woke up late (not so funny, more par for the course these days), but on my way to work, the cops were out in full force on St. Charles Rock Road. In the five minutes it took from I-170 to work, I saw three cops had people pulled over. Including a bus. Heh heh. There ain't nuthin funnier than that.

Looks like one of my favorite hair bands is finally bitten the dust for good. Hopefully, Poison won't follow suit, and call it quits too.

Oh yeah, funny thing happened this morning. Woke up late (not so funny, more par for the course these days), but on my way to work, the cops were out in full force on St. Charles Rock Road. In the five minutes it took from I-170 to work, I saw three cops had people pulled over. Including a bus. Heh heh. There ain't nuthin funnier than that.



Thanks to Promo Guy, also a Trading Spaces Fan, for this helpful tale of warning. However, I still think you know what you're getting over, and shouldn't be horribly pissed, even if you don't like it.



Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

Thanks to Todd for another quick way to waste time at work.

Oh yeah, and after nearly a month's hiatus. . . one of my favorite bloggers has finally updated. BTW, I would probably write for NBC, not CBS. Days of Our Lives or Passions are freaky enough that my stories would be the "tame" ones, by comparison.

1) I took the plunge. I'll expound more later, cause right now, I'm still getting used to the words in my head.

2) An article that intrigued me. Don't take offense if you think this applies to you, dear reader. Just some food for thought.



Just checked out my site stats, and I noticed a reader from mccann.com. Dear reader, whoever you are, drop me a line, please. I'd like to see what you do, where you are, and if there are any possible job opps for me. Heh heh. Networking at it's best.

Saw this link on MSN today, and was waiting for some pearls of wisdom. Nope, or at least nothing I didn't know already. They could've made it a much less verbose article, but just writing, "Don't be an asshole."

I should know better by now, you'd think. Any time I go to Jack In The Box and order an Ultimate Cheeseburger, I become instantly sleepy. It's been about an hour since lunch, and I can hardly keep my eyes open. Why, oh Why, must you be so good, Ultimate Cheeseburger? Why does the sound of my arteries clogging sound so appetizing to me at times?

Bring on the work, bring on the Indigestion.

1. Do you get sick very often? What illness do you find that you've had most frequently?

Eh, I don't get sick very often, except for the occasional sinus problem. (Ahh, cigarettes!) However, when I do get sick, I get horribly sick. I guess I don't like to do things half-assed, huh?

2. I know a man who flat out refuses to go to the Doctor's office. You'd need an ambulance to get him near a hospital. Not me, I'd rather go as soon as I feel sick so I can get better. Do you mind going to see the Doctor when you get sick? Do you know anyone who just refuses to go to a Doctor when they get ill? Any idea why they are like that?

I don't mind, but my doctor's pretty laid back, he usually just calls in a prescription.

3. How about visiting the Dentist? Do you go get a check-up every 6 months? Or do you dread going?

One thing that takes me forever to do regularly, is go to the dentist. It's like pulling teeth to get me there every six months (heh heh, bad joke, I know). I don't know why I'm so horrified. Although I was pretty lackidasical when I was smaller about my teeth, I think I take pretty good care of 'em now.

4. I've heard about a diet pill called "Thermolift" that allegedly gives you quite an energy rush (oh boy mentioning this will surelybring us all a ton of Google hits won't it?). Although I've thought about getting some of these pill for the times I need a boost, I'm probably not going to take the plunge. Have you ever taken any diet pills, energy pills or energy drinks? How did they make you feel? Do you still take them? How come?

Took Metabolife for a little while. They didn't really have an effect on me, but I had weird dreams when I slept. I don't take them often anymore, basically cause I'm a cheapskate. But they did make me snack less at night, and gave me more energy. But of course, when you're taking enough caffeine to keep a narcoleptic awake, that does tend to happen.

5. Have you heard about "Gastric Bypass" surgery that many celebrities are doing to lose weight? (The process reduces the size of your stomach to facilitate weight loss) What are your thoughts on this procedure? Would you ever consider it? How would you feel if a relative were to decide to undergo the procedure?

On one hand, I think it's a drastic step. However, if you're large enough to qualify for the surgery, you probably can't relearn correct eating habits (portion control, balanced meals, etc.) on your own. I don't think I would ever consider it; hopefully, I'll never get so out of control that I'll need it. I think I'd be more wary about it if a family member went through it though. Of course, like most things, your feelings change as the theoretical becomes a real-life issue.

6. What do you think the opposite sex needs to experience to fully understand what it is like to be your gender?

Although I won't get into the semantics of sex (physical anatomy) vs. gender (societal roles, expectations, etc.) , I think that there's no real way to "fully understand" how a person of the opposite sex and/or gender goes through. I think that we all can come close to fully sympathizing or empathizing, but I don't think that any one person can "fully understand" what it like to be another person, regardless of gender.

7. And to lighten things up a bit before we go...What's the most worthless gadget, infomercial item or "looked like a bargain" item you have ever purchased or owned?

Heh heh. I once bought a Total Tiger. As it gathers dust under my bed, I would like to say that it did seem to work my abs and arms. I would probably do it more often, if I didn't feel so stupid doing it. To use this machine, it looks like you're humping the floor.

BONUS: Why can't every day be like Christmas?

Because it would take too much planning to make everyday "festive;" because children everywhere would never get any sleep waiting for Santa Claus every night; and because, frankly, how would anyone work? Christmas is a federal holiday, ya know? :)


Things to notice in the morning. . . if you're reading a book review, pay attention to the subheadings of the article, before you nearly spit out your Dr. Pepper on the poor, unassuming accountant across the desk from you.



What Office Space character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Although I'm surprised. . . I figured I'd be Samir.

. . .but this is still funny. Ok, enough random linkage for now. Time for a nap.

Heh heh. . .anything that makes fun of this schmuck is funny in my book.

Which female sex symbol are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Jen, I've found yet another site for us to waste our time on. . . .

Thanks to Todd for the inadvertant link. I don't think I'm the Count's OCD problem, but you are definitely Bert and Ernie's little secret. Silly queer.
:) Ya knows I loves ya Todd.

BTW, does anyone else find it as funny as I do that Mike referred to me recently as 36 Hour Layover? I laughed out loud when I saw that.



Had to hear presentations before we took our final in my class today. This woman was talking about sexual harrassment training in the army, and said this statement: "We had problems with the special services sometimes. You know, there's lots of women on the front line, even if not in the fighting sense. There's always a little bit of flirting and tappin going on." Giggle.



Reading a comment from Jared about my recent post, and it reminded me of quite possibly the dumbest thing anyone has told me concerning the topic.

I was told once that I'm bisexual because "I can pass as straight." For one, that has nothing to do with it, and any person, gay, straight, or otherwise should realize that. Secondly. . . it's something like that. I can "pass as straight" becuase of my personality, not my sexuality. And besides, what woman would want to date a nelly fag? Gender roles, once again, rear their ugly head.

BTW, before I get someone riled up like poor Matt did, I have nothing against nelly fags, I think they're fun, entertaining, and the right match for someone, just not for me, and I don't think that I act as one.

Ok, well I was sent home from work early, so I think it's time to indulge in a bit of a nap.

As someone who would live at the Tivoli, just to make sure I caught all the movies I wanted to see, I think this is a great idea. Also, check out this week's Ask The Pilot. One of my favorite columns to read, although no Q&A this week makes me a bit sad.

How cool is this? Although, if I do say so myself, that's like adding jet fuel to an already raging fire of passion! *ahem* (Please keep all flaming comments to yourself, please)

Thanks to Jen for the link. That's my girl, always looking out for me. ;)

**If you can give a positive reference to my skills, feel free to post in the comments box. If not, then it was probably something you did wrong. :)

This article sums up a lot of the frustrations I've been feeling for the past few years. Last year, I went through a horribly deep depression, that I doubt many of my friends know about. I was depressed because I assumed that "coming out" would clear up all the questions I'd been feeling. The floodgates opened, and I figured I'd be swimming in a relationship that felt "right," or at least would have more options for that. Granted, when the floodgates opened, I had a lot more opportunity, but still not what I wanted. I was never secure in myself with women, and the bisexual label made me even more insecure around them. As I've likened it many times to my close friends, I've felt that I have a UV tattoo that reads "I like dick, too" under black lights.

And after a period of romping, I also felt insecure around men, too. Many guys I'd talked to at SMS, as well as some here, still subscribe to the "bi now, gay later" theory. I'd hear things like, "Well, how many women have you been with, vs. men?" As if that matters! Bisexuality is not about evening a score. "Hrmm. . .well, I've slept with x men, so I need to make sure I sleep with x women to make sure I'm bisexual." Bah! That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

I'm bisexual not because I'm greedy, or confused, or any other reason that people have given me. I'm bisexual becuase I enjoy the physical and emotional differences that men and women can offer. When I'm with a man, there are things that I miss about women, and vice versa. But I'm also happy that I'm in that moment. It's not a sense of regret, as in "it's really nice that you're here, but I wish you had a vagina." But more of a sense of "I'm glad I'm here with you, right now, because you're you." I dunno. Pardon my rambling.

When I'm in "relationship" mode, I weed out the ones that don't fit, and focus on the ones that do. It doesn't matter if it's a man or woman. Right now, I'm in "man" mode. i've never had a relationship with a man, and I'd like to experience that. If there was a woman that came along the way, it might sway my decision, depending on if I was single or not.

Anyway, this was a special report from the "Freudian Blog Hour." We not return you to your regular blogging programming, already in progress.

Things are definitely looking up, according to my horoscope for the month. Oddly, this past week has followed suit pretty well, and I didn't even know it.


To give you a better idea of what happened this week: I met this guy Doug. Went over there on Tuesday. Although it was completely innocent, just to watch a movie (and despite my recent movie watching experiences, it was meant to be completely innocent). Anyway, long story short, we spent two days together, and I felt like a God after I left.

The experience kind of scared me. The time I spent with him was a very symbiotic time. He's an Aquarius, and we make a pretty good match. By the end of day two, we were finishing each other's sentences, and predicting each other's thoughts. He's intelligent, attractive, and we're very compatible and in sync in other areas as well. I thought he may have like me a little too much, but I chalked it up to the fact that we had spent nearly 48 hours straight together.

Had a two hour conversation with Doug last night, and he's going through some personal things, which I will not delve into here, and asked for my advice. He values my opinion, despite the little time we've spent together, and I was happy to oblige. (Of course.) As I was helping him, the discussion of "us" came up. Right now, we both realize that we like each other, and there's potential for more, but we're taking it relatively slow. He just got out of a relationship, and I'm still exploring a few other possibilities (it's not who you think, dear readers), so we'll just hang out with each other when we can, and see where it goes.

But the experience helped us both. We both realized that we don't have to settle for less than what we want. Neither of us have to settle for someone who doesn't appreciate us, and it was just nice to feel wanted, desired.

So you may be hearing more about a certain 6'1 redheaded 25 year old in future postings. Just wanted to give you a heads up.



An explanation about the craziness from Monday: unfortunately, this is still a vague explanation, but basically, I had to have a "talk" with a friend about a possible change in our relationship. Things are cool now that there's been some open communication, but I took a few days to gather, refocus, and what not. BTW, for those ladies and gents who are curious, I'm still single, just a bit dehydrated. Consider this the end of the minor trip to drama-queeniness. Laid-back Jay has returned! Hurrah!

But it's nice to know that I've been missed. I've spent the past few days just fuckin' around *giggle*, and have been away from computer, and my blog, which I have missed dearly. I also realize how much of a dork I am in the fact that despite all the fun I've been having the past few days, I had about a million things to say in this here blog. Inevitably, all my pearls of wisdom are gone. But I'm back, and betta than eva!



. . . so I can be a fully educated Retail Zombie. Thanks to Mike for the link.



My diary wasn't read by who I thought it was, so everythings okay. And luckily, it opened up some communication. Hurrah! On top of everything else, I'm becoming mysterious. Who knew?

PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.48

1. Suppose God (or your deity of choice) grants you one miracle. Consider the world in which we live. Consider your life and family. What would you request for this miracle? Are you sure that is the best way to use it? You only get one.

I think I would get rid of all weapons, so that we can learn to fight with our bare hands, rocks, and sticks, just like the cavemen intended.

2. I believe that prayers do get answered, but I realize not everyone agrees. Have you ever had an experience where you truly believe your prayer was answered? If you don't believe in such things, how come? What is your philosophy on prayer?

I don't know; I really don't recall praying as a child, except for stupid things, like an "A" on a test or crap like that. I can see how prayers are answered, just not necessarily in the way we'd like. I think prayer is one of those things that is probably more just like our concience. . . .inner thoughts and ideas that will play out dependant on our actions.

3. Have you ever lost a pet? That is, have you ever had a pet get loose, run away or be stolen? Did you get it back? How did the loss impact your life?

Let's see. . .I've had like four or five cats die, a dog that my parents put to sleep, and didn't tell me till I came home, and Freckles wasn't there. I've never had any run away from me though. We thought we lost Doofus for a while, but he was just on a bender for pussy.

4. Getting together with family at the holidays is great, I just love it. Most of all I love the food. What is your favorite holiday food?

Hands down. . . Celery with that fun pineapple cream cheese stuff in the lil' glass jar. I could eat that for days upon end.

5. One thing I've noticed about the holidays is that no one makes Pumpkin Pie like my Grandmother. She has totally spoiled me on her recipe, I just don't like the taste of anyone else's Pumpkin Pie. Are there are dishes or desserts that someone in your family fixes better than anyone else?

Mama makes a bitchin Turtle Cheesecake, and collectively as a family, Ma, Pa, and I make Hot Wings like no one's business.

6. Since I have no brothers or sisters, I am always wondering what it would have been like. Now that I am older, it kinda stinks that I will never be an Uncle. Do you have any siblings with children? How does it make you feel to be an Aunt or an Uncle? If not, would you like to be have nieces and nephews? Would you make a good relative to them?

Jeff's got three: Nikki, Danny and Kevin. I felt great about it when I was 12 or so, but now I'm just sad that I never have the time to see 'em. That and that I held a grudge against Jeff for years, and it wasn't fair to the kids. We've kind of settled things since Dad's bypass surgery a few weeks ago.

7. I am putting together a CD of great holiday music. Do you have any suggestions of what songs (title/artist) I should include?

Hrm. Some Harry Connick, Jr. or Frank Sinatra. Maybe some Barry White? And how bout Guns' N' Roses? Did they have a christmas album?
BONUS: How would you feel knowin' prejudice was obsolete and all mankind danced to the same beat?

Ahh, Heavy D. . .a musical Genius. I miss In Living Color. Those Damned Wayans haven't done anything good since.


On second reflection, what I wrote wasn't that bad, just a little drama queenish. I don't even know if it was read, as I changed the password again. So if you didn't get a chance to read it, you must wait until I append into a second draft. Then, maybe. Of course, I realize that most of you don't know what I'm talking about in these past few posts. Ehh, it's my blog, I'll be vague if I wanna.
Hey Dallas, do you agree with this astrological link? Just curious. More to ponder, and what not.

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the saga is over. I went insane last night, to say the least. Fueled by a fit of rage, compounded by a few beers, I forced the issue. Very un-Ruleslike of me, to say the least. It was if I said, "Clingy? I'll show you clingy!" Totally cut off my face to spite my nose. Now, whatever fleeting chances I had, are surely gone, and I've probably lost a very good friend in the process, as "the awkward" will surely take over. I'm being measured for my Robe as we speak. At the very least, this is going to make my "go out less" wishes much easier to follow. Yeesh.

Why, oh why, must I be so impulsive, so quick to fire off my anger? Oh, that's right. I'm 22, and a Gemini. There is absolutely no hope for me, whatsoever.



I don't feel like updating about this weekend yet, I'm not sure what I want to write. So I'll probably update later today or tonight, after I watch the True Hollywood Story of Saved By The Bell. Whoo hoo!