Seeing Dolly Parton and Conan O'Brien doing a duet of "I Will Always Love You. Nearly piss-my-pants hilarious.
As mentioned a few days ago, I met a nice, pool-playin' guy on Saturday. We met up last night, for a rematch. He thoroughly kicked my ass in two games, then we were challenged to play partners with another pair of queers. Michael and I ran the table for the rest of the night, only giving up one game out of five or six. Throughout the night, the beer kept coming, then the Jack and Coke's started flowing. Needless to say, I did not drive home last night. Luckily, Michael lived close, so we just walked to his place, finished up with a nightcap of Boulevard Pale Ale, then off to bed. . .
So here's my dilemma:
Man #1: Pros: Absolutely adores me. Similar family background. Cute "bad-boy" image. Musically gifted; in a rock band. Enough differences to keep the relationship lively, I guess.
Cons: Pot head. Different working/educational background. Opposite working schedules. Possibly stuck in a dead-end working industry.
Man #2: Pros: Educated (Phd). Stable, professional job. Similar views and interests. Similar tastes in music, books, etc. New Zealand accent and background, which is fun.
Cons: For one, I'm probably over thinking this, as we've just met, and there was lots of alcohol involved in our first sleepover. Additionally, right now, I could easily see how he would be worried because "we're in different points in our lives," and all that crap.
I'm just curious to see how this all plays out. If both of these continue into "something," I'm afraid I'm going to have to make a decision. I'll keep you posted.
UPDATE: Michael and I have plans to go out later this weekend. I guess that means it wasn't just some drunken booty call. Score!
UPDATE #2, ONE MONTH LATER: Guy #1 has been out of the picture since I wrote that post. Although there wasn't really any "closure," as Greg, Jen, and Jaimee had suggested, but after over a month of not really speaking to each other, I think Guy #1 got the hint.
As mentioned a few days ago, I met a nice, pool-playin' guy on Saturday. We met up last night, for a rematch. He thoroughly kicked my ass in two games, then we were challenged to play partners with another pair of queers. Michael and I ran the table for the rest of the night, only giving up one game out of five or six. Throughout the night, the beer kept coming, then the Jack and Coke's started flowing. Needless to say, I did not drive home last night. Luckily, Michael lived close, so we just walked to his place, finished up with a nightcap of Boulevard Pale Ale, then off to bed. . .
So here's my dilemma:
Man #1: Pros: Absolutely adores me. Similar family background. Cute "bad-boy" image. Musically gifted; in a rock band. Enough differences to keep the relationship lively, I guess.
Cons: Pot head. Different working/educational background. Opposite working schedules. Possibly stuck in a dead-end working industry.
Man #2: Pros: Educated (Phd). Stable, professional job. Similar views and interests. Similar tastes in music, books, etc. New Zealand accent and background, which is fun.
Cons: For one, I'm probably over thinking this, as we've just met, and there was lots of alcohol involved in our first sleepover. Additionally, right now, I could easily see how he would be worried because "we're in different points in our lives," and all that crap.
I'm just curious to see how this all plays out. If both of these continue into "something," I'm afraid I'm going to have to make a decision. I'll keep you posted.
UPDATE: Michael and I have plans to go out later this weekend. I guess that means it wasn't just some drunken booty call. Score!
UPDATE #2, ONE MONTH LATER: Guy #1 has been out of the picture since I wrote that post. Although there wasn't really any "closure," as Greg, Jen, and Jaimee had suggested, but after over a month of not really speaking to each other, I think Guy #1 got the hint.

Your ideal sexual situation has a lot of variety to keep you guessing.
Girls. Guys. Strangers. Friends. Hot people. Ugly people. Okay, maybe not the last one.
You're in to group sex to spice things up, and you don't need to be the center of attention.
What makes you good at group sex is your stamina. You are the energizer bunny of the group.
You'll be the last one standing - or fucking - or licking - or sucking...
What's Your Group Sex Fantasy?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Your Group Sex Fantasy Is ... A Huge Sex Party!
Your ideal sexual situation has a lot of variety to keep you guessing.
Girls. Guys. Strangers. Friends. Hot people. Ugly people. Okay, maybe not the last one.
You're in to group sex to spice things up, and you don't need to be the center of attention.
What makes you good at group sex is your stamina. You are the energizer bunny of the group.
You'll be the last one standing - or fucking - or licking - or sucking...
What's Your Group Sex Fantasy?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Well, there's been lots of things and nothing going on with me in the past week:
Lots of job possibilities:
1) Got some interesting news last week at SLUH; there's a possibility of my being hired on full-time, contingent on a manager (who I'm not fond of) taking a position in Granite City. I'm not holding my breath though . . .
2) Because I interviewed with a new staffing agency who originally had three job leads for me in so many days. Two of them haven't panned out, and I went for an interview for the third on Friday. It's for a customer service job, starting in the upper 20s, for six months, then hired on permanently for what I'd assume would be low 30s. I'll take what I can get these days, even if it is motherfucking east jesus.
3) Also, I start a new part-time job for Accountemps, also pretty close to home. I'm not sure how long this assignment will last, but it's about an extra $100 a week. Not bad, I guess.
Lots of frustration:
1) Starter and battery went out on my car last week, so I was at the whim of borrowing cars, and public transportation. All is fixed, but I'm tired of putting cash into a car I wish would just die a quick, painless death, so I can desert it on the side of a highway. :)
2) Feeling kind of iffy about my latest foray into the dating world. The worst part about it, is that, for the most part, there's not really been anything he's done that would make me want to end it. But I think the "twitterpated" feeling that was obvious to Jen seems to be fading. We'll see, I guess.
3) Movable Type has failed me again. We're now on my fourth installation, and I'm trying to import my entries from my other, lesser-known, even less frequently updated blog first, before I screw up this any further than I already have. (I'm definitely in need of a new site design, but I'm holding my breath for this to work out. (BTW, Chris, any help you can give with installing this on these damned 1and1 servers would be greatly appreciated. Email me if you can; I've lost your email address with all the nonsense of upgrading Windows)
4) I met a nice guy on Saturday, whomped his ass in pool. He's a smidge past my "age guidelines" (I'm a no-go for anyone under my age, or over 35, basically; he's an exception to the rule), but I've a feeling we're probably just going to be friends, anyway. But he's got a New Zealand accent, so that's always a plus.
Luckily, my weekend ended with a wonderful trip to the Fox to see RENT, courtesy of a new friend who had an extra ticket.
Also, SLUH seems to be the place to run into people from my past: a friend of a friend I met at a New Year's Party a few years ago; a mother of someone I went to Grade and High School with, and the current crush of the aforementioned new friend with Rent Tickets, all work there. Odd, eh?
Well, there's been lots of things and nothing going on with me in the past week:
Lots of job possibilities:
1) Got some interesting news last week at SLUH; there's a possibility of my being hired on full-time, contingent on a manager (who I'm not fond of) taking a position in Granite City. I'm not holding my breath though . . .
2) Because I interviewed with a new staffing agency who originally had three job leads for me in so many days. Two of them haven't panned out, and I went for an interview for the third on Friday. It's for a customer service job, starting in the upper 20s, for six months, then hired on permanently for what I'd assume would be low 30s. I'll take what I can get these days, even if it is motherfucking east jesus.
3) Also, I start a new part-time job for Accountemps, also pretty close to home. I'm not sure how long this assignment will last, but it's about an extra $100 a week. Not bad, I guess.
Lots of frustration:
1) Starter and battery went out on my car last week, so I was at the whim of borrowing cars, and public transportation. All is fixed, but I'm tired of putting cash into a car I wish would just die a quick, painless death, so I can desert it on the side of a highway. :)
2) Feeling kind of iffy about my latest foray into the dating world. The worst part about it, is that, for the most part, there's not really been anything he's done that would make me want to end it. But I think the "twitterpated" feeling that was obvious to Jen seems to be fading. We'll see, I guess.
3) Movable Type has failed me again. We're now on my fourth installation, and I'm trying to import my entries from my other, lesser-known, even less frequently updated blog first, before I screw up this any further than I already have. (I'm definitely in need of a new site design, but I'm holding my breath for this to work out. (BTW, Chris, any help you can give with installing this on these damned 1and1 servers would be greatly appreciated. Email me if you can; I've lost your email address with all the nonsense of upgrading Windows)
4) I met a nice guy on Saturday, whomped his ass in pool. He's a smidge past my "age guidelines" (I'm a no-go for anyone under my age, or over 35, basically; he's an exception to the rule), but I've a feeling we're probably just going to be friends, anyway. But he's got a New Zealand accent, so that's always a plus.
Luckily, my weekend ended with a wonderful trip to the Fox to see RENT, courtesy of a new friend who had an extra ticket.
Also, SLUH seems to be the place to run into people from my past: a friend of a friend I met at a New Year's Party a few years ago; a mother of someone I went to Grade and High School with, and the current crush of the aforementioned new friend with Rent Tickets, all work there. Odd, eh?
A Cheezy quiz, via Jen:

You are Cream Cheese. You are a softy, and you are
well-blended. You are very popular, and make a
good combo with tons of sweet things, as well
as being easy to work with, and loved by many.
What Kind of CHEESE are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
And another, probably more fitting, quiz:

You are Mistletoe. Even though you are technically
a parasitic plant living off of others, you are
full of hope and optimism, and you spread love
throughout the holidays by hanging above doors.
Have a Kissin' good time!
What kind of *Dangerously Exotic* Plant are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
A Cheezy quiz, via Jen:

You are Cream Cheese. You are a softy, and you are
well-blended. You are very popular, and make a
good combo with tons of sweet things, as well
as being easy to work with, and loved by many.
What Kind of CHEESE are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
And another, probably more fitting, quiz:

You are Mistletoe. Even though you are technically
a parasitic plant living off of others, you are
full of hope and optimism, and you spread love
throughout the holidays by hanging above doors.
Have a Kissin' good time!
What kind of *Dangerously Exotic* Plant are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
But wait, I have! It's interesting to see how my answers changed with a few months time, eh?
Kudos to Michael, the man with a golden heart, for the linkage.
Your Brain Usage Profile
Auditory : 42%
Visual : 57%
Left : 31%
Right : 68%
Jay, you possess an interesting balance of hemispheric and sensory characteristics, with a slight right-brain dominance and a slight preference for visual processing.
Since neither of these is completely centered, you lack the indecision and second-guessing associated with other patterns. You have a distinct preference for creativity and intuition with seemingly sufficient verbal skills to be able to translate in any meaningful way to yourself and others.
You tend to see things in "wholes" without surrendering the ability to attend to details. You can give them sufficient notice to be able to utitlize and incorporate them as part of an overall pattern.
In the same way, while you are active and process information simultaneously, you demonstrate a capacity for sequencing as well as reflection which allows for some "inner dialogue."
All in all, you are likely to be quite content with yourself and your style although at times it will not necessarily be appreciated by others. You have sufficient confidence to not second-guess yourself, but rather to use your critical faculties in a way that enhances, rather than limits, your creativity.
You can learn in either mode although far more efficiently within the visual mode. It is likely that in listening to conversations or lecture materials you simultaneously translate into pictures which enhance and elaborate on the meaning.
It is most likely that you will gravitate towards those endeavors which are predominantly visual but include some logic or structuring. You may either work particularly hard at cultivating your auditory skills or risk "missing out" on being able to efficiently process what you learn. Your own intuitive skills will at times interfere with your capacity to listen to others, which is something else you may need to take into account.
I think on a whole, I agree. Although the "lack indecisiveness" factor remains to be seen.
But wait, I have! It's interesting to see how my answers changed with a few months time, eh?
Kudos to Michael, the man with a golden heart, for the linkage.
Your Brain Usage Profile
Auditory : 42%
Visual : 57%
Left : 31%
Right : 68%
Jay, you possess an interesting balance of hemispheric and sensory characteristics, with a slight right-brain dominance and a slight preference for visual processing.
Since neither of these is completely centered, you lack the indecision and second-guessing associated with other patterns. You have a distinct preference for creativity and intuition with seemingly sufficient verbal skills to be able to translate in any meaningful way to yourself and others.
You tend to see things in "wholes" without surrendering the ability to attend to details. You can give them sufficient notice to be able to utitlize and incorporate them as part of an overall pattern.
In the same way, while you are active and process information simultaneously, you demonstrate a capacity for sequencing as well as reflection which allows for some "inner dialogue."
All in all, you are likely to be quite content with yourself and your style although at times it will not necessarily be appreciated by others. You have sufficient confidence to not second-guess yourself, but rather to use your critical faculties in a way that enhances, rather than limits, your creativity.
You can learn in either mode although far more efficiently within the visual mode. It is likely that in listening to conversations or lecture materials you simultaneously translate into pictures which enhance and elaborate on the meaning.
It is most likely that you will gravitate towards those endeavors which are predominantly visual but include some logic or structuring. You may either work particularly hard at cultivating your auditory skills or risk "missing out" on being able to efficiently process what you learn. Your own intuitive skills will at times interfere with your capacity to listen to others, which is something else you may need to take into account.
I think on a whole, I agree. Although the "lack indecisiveness" factor remains to be seen.
So, I'm checking my email, and I see that someone has replied to my Salon.com personals profile. My first thought is, "I've got a salon.com personals profile? So, I check it out, and some girl from Springfield has replied. I realize that I must have made while I was still in school at SMSU.
Then, confusion: the zip code listed is 65807. When, I ponder, did I live in that zip code? And then it hits me. . . freshman year.
So, this kid (age 18) was replying to a profile that was probably last updated five years ago. Wow. Looking at the old profile, I'm amazed that I could form complete sentences. I was, surprisingly, a bigger dork then than I am now. (The profile's since been updated; check out the hella spunky shiny shirt, courtesy of a road trip to NC.)
So, I'm checking my email, and I see that someone has replied to my Salon.com personals profile. My first thought is, "I've got a salon.com personals profile? So, I check it out, and some girl from Springfield has replied. I realize that I must have made while I was still in school at SMSU.
Then, confusion: the zip code listed is 65807. When, I ponder, did I live in that zip code? And then it hits me. . . freshman year.
So, this kid (age 18) was replying to a profile that was probably last updated five years ago. Wow. Looking at the old profile, I'm amazed that I could form complete sentences. I was, surprisingly, a bigger dork then than I am now. (The profile's since been updated; check out the hella spunky shiny shirt, courtesy of a road trip to NC.)
True Story: I found this on my fortune cookie yesterday: You're the greatest in the world.
. . . And of course, as is tradition, it gets better when you add on a suffix. . . "You're the greatest in the world (in bed).
I really don't think there's nothing more to be said, do you? *wink*
True Story: I found this on my fortune cookie yesterday: You're the greatest in the world.
. . . And of course, as is tradition, it gets better when you add on a suffix. . . "You're the greatest in the world (in bed).
I really don't think there's nothing more to be said, do you? *wink*
Despite how much I enjoy the wacky antics of FOX 2 in the Morning, the absolutely gay-ass antics of Tim Ezell would make me lose my cereal repeatedly every morning. Wife? Please. What a gay-bo.
Despite how much I enjoy the wacky antics of FOX 2 in the Morning, the absolutely gay-ass antics of Tim Ezell would make me lose my cereal repeatedly every morning. Wife? Please. What a gay-bo.
Well, keep your fingers crossed. I *think* I've finally figured out everything. I'm *hoping* that because I've repointed my server homepages, that's the reason why I can't access anything on my server. We'll find out tomorrow, I guess. If that's not the case, I'm afraid it's doing the entire MT saga over again.
I don't know if I can take that. More info to come.
Well, keep your fingers crossed. I *think* I've finally figured out everything. I'm *hoping* that because I've repointed my server homepages, that's the reason why I can't access anything on my server. We'll find out tomorrow, I guess. If that's not the case, I'm afraid it's doing the entire MT saga over again.
I don't know if I can take that. More info to come.
I've calmed down quite a bit since full news of the saga unfolded, but long story short:
I approved of this fuckwad, and, being a typical 20-year-old (which is NOT an excuse), he screwed around on G., and attempted to continue the long-distance relationships for another two months, before the Catholic guilt got to him, and they broke up.
So now, Fuckwad has moved on to "exploring a relationship" with the guy he was screwing around with.
Just by chance, I happened upon his website tonight, and found this sappy-ass picture.
I'm glad you got out when you did, yo.
*Disclaimer: I'm sure you're asking, "Jay, why do you give a shit? It's not like you broke up with him. . . Despite what my parents think, which is "you like dick, he likes dick, you *must* be romantically involved," my infuriation for the breakup stems from two things:
1) My loyalty to my friends borders on the extreme. You fuck with my friends, you fuck with me, and your life *will* become a living hell, in one way or another. Don't hurt my friends, and you won't get hurt.
2) G. has pointed out in retelling the story to friends that I'm probably more pissed because I gave my whole-hearted approval. Granted, my ego was a bit deflated, as I tend to be a good judge of character, but I still standby that reason #1 is the main cause of my original fury.
Hehe. We now return to regular programming.
I've calmed down quite a bit since full news of the saga unfolded, but long story short:
I approved of this fuckwad, and, being a typical 20-year-old (which is NOT an excuse), he screwed around on G., and attempted to continue the long-distance relationships for another two months, before the Catholic guilt got to him, and they broke up.
So now, Fuckwad has moved on to "exploring a relationship" with the guy he was screwing around with.
Just by chance, I happened upon his website tonight, and found this sappy-ass picture.
I'm glad you got out when you did, yo.
*Disclaimer: I'm sure you're asking, "Jay, why do you give a shit? It's not like you broke up with him. . . Despite what my parents think, which is "you like dick, he likes dick, you *must* be romantically involved," my infuriation for the breakup stems from two things:
1) My loyalty to my friends borders on the extreme. You fuck with my friends, you fuck with me, and your life *will* become a living hell, in one way or another. Don't hurt my friends, and you won't get hurt.
2) G. has pointed out in retelling the story to friends that I'm probably more pissed because I gave my whole-hearted approval. Granted, my ego was a bit deflated, as I tend to be a good judge of character, but I still standby that reason #1 is the main cause of my original fury.
Hehe. We now return to regular programming.
HEHE. . .
Most of the comments on the Average Joe 2 Boards, specifically, the "Somebody please give David some Ritalin!!" thread, are the typical, what a dork, blah blah blah, commentary that reality TV fans are infamous for, IMHO. But there are a few that make me see that some viewers are actually realizing that IRL David and Average Joe David are one and the same:
"at least david is not boring. i just tuned into the show out of morbid curiosity tonight, and david's the only reason i've left it on the channel. [H]e's hilarious and strange and i love it. the fact that he may be the most misunderstood of all of them makes him wonderful. he would be a lot of fun to hang out with.
PS: his hair is neat."
"I know a lot of girls in Williamsburg who would date David. This show may be the greatest pop culture event of 2004 so far." (Side note: Wasn't David in Virginia for a while? Those Williamsburg girls had no idea he was so close!)
"Fidgety guys are always better in bed, we like to play with objects repeatedly. The girls I know who would date David would use him as a great conversation starter and would partake in whatever drugs keep him up like that. He needs to move to NY. "
"There should be more guys like David. Guys that are original,and not afraid to be who they really are.
Cliche,Yes. But true.
90% of the guys that I`ve met/dated turn out to be very boring to me...I don`t think I`d ever have that problem with David.
And another thing,I love his look. I like his hair,his glasses,his skinnyness,and he actually has a really pretty face,in my opinion. :-P"
And my all time personal favorite, which shows that his fellow fraternity brothers aren't the only ones who've been touched by Dadid and his charm:
"Now guys, most of you all seem jealous of David because of his uniqueness. I actually know him personally. I feel bad for the other guys, not David. Whether or not he makes it to the end isn't the point. I actually think he'll go far (no, he hasn't told me how he did) because he is soo outgoing, energetic, inspirational and most of all, real. Yes, sometimes he can be annoying ... but isn't that true about anyone ... at least he doesn't hide it. Also, he know's exactly who he is and what he wants out of life, unlike most people. I personally wish that I was as brave as he is. He was the coolest roommate I ever had!!! And don't be deluded to think that he can't charm the ladies. He says that he has to fight them off with a stick (and I totally believe him). Oh yeah, he was in a fraternity too ... so he's no stranger to going out and having fun. Most of all, he's not average at all ... if he was he would've been like most of the other Joe's (stiff, awkward, etc.). Also, if he sensed that Larissa was shallow (despite being extremely hot), he would'nt open up to her, try to win her, etc. Remember these words, ya hear.
Oh, and don't be disullusioned that he uses drugs because he doesn't. Some of us are just high on life. "
Most of the comments on the Average Joe 2 Boards, specifically, the "Somebody please give David some Ritalin!!" thread, are the typical, what a dork, blah blah blah, commentary that reality TV fans are infamous for, IMHO. But there are a few that make me see that some viewers are actually realizing that IRL David and Average Joe David are one and the same:
"at least david is not boring. i just tuned into the show out of morbid curiosity tonight, and david's the only reason i've left it on the channel. [H]e's hilarious and strange and i love it. the fact that he may be the most misunderstood of all of them makes him wonderful. he would be a lot of fun to hang out with.
PS: his hair is neat."
"I know a lot of girls in Williamsburg who would date David. This show may be the greatest pop culture event of 2004 so far." (Side note: Wasn't David in Virginia for a while? Those Williamsburg girls had no idea he was so close!)
"Fidgety guys are always better in bed, we like to play with objects repeatedly. The girls I know who would date David would use him as a great conversation starter and would partake in whatever drugs keep him up like that. He needs to move to NY. "
"There should be more guys like David. Guys that are original,and not afraid to be who they really are.
Cliche,Yes. But true.
90% of the guys that I`ve met/dated turn out to be very boring to me...I don`t think I`d ever have that problem with David.
And another thing,I love his look. I like his hair,his glasses,his skinnyness,and he actually has a really pretty face,in my opinion. :-P"
And my all time personal favorite, which shows that his fellow fraternity brothers aren't the only ones who've been touched by Dadid and his charm:
"Now guys, most of you all seem jealous of David because of his uniqueness. I actually know him personally. I feel bad for the other guys, not David. Whether or not he makes it to the end isn't the point. I actually think he'll go far (no, he hasn't told me how he did) because he is soo outgoing, energetic, inspirational and most of all, real. Yes, sometimes he can be annoying ... but isn't that true about anyone ... at least he doesn't hide it. Also, he know's exactly who he is and what he wants out of life, unlike most people. I personally wish that I was as brave as he is. He was the coolest roommate I ever had!!! And don't be deluded to think that he can't charm the ladies. He says that he has to fight them off with a stick (and I totally believe him). Oh yeah, he was in a fraternity too ... so he's no stranger to going out and having fun. Most of all, he's not average at all ... if he was he would've been like most of the other Joe's (stiff, awkward, etc.). Also, if he sensed that Larissa was shallow (despite being extremely hot), he would'nt open up to her, try to win her, etc. Remember these words, ya hear.
Oh, and don't be disullusioned that he uses drugs because he doesn't. Some of us are just high on life. "
I'm sitting (last night, as Blogger was't posting), enjoying an oldie-but-goodie episode of Good Eats, and I see a commerical for life insurance from Colonial Penn. The ad is using a parking meter as a wishful idea of how a grandmother could live longer:
"I wish I could just keep my life going with my loved ones, like I can extend the time on this meter." In comes Alex Trebek (sans mustache, which IMHO, still seems freaky), then back to Grandma. She continues blathering on about her parking meter, then the camera cuts to the meter, showing "Time Expired," and then Grandma adding more time.
How would you like an insurance company that thinks of you in terms of "Time Expired?" Not me, especially if my time to "expire" was drawing near. Yeesh!
Update: Now, there's a commerical for the "I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up" device. I always thought that Good Eats was a show for the fun, quirky cooks, not the elderly and infirmed. I'd think that would be much better suited for Emeril fucking Lagasse and his goddamned "BAM" nonsense.
I'm sitting (last night, as Blogger was't posting), enjoying an oldie-but-goodie episode of Good Eats, and I see a commerical for life insurance from Colonial Penn. The ad is using a parking meter as a wishful idea of how a grandmother could live longer:
"I wish I could just keep my life going with my loved ones, like I can extend the time on this meter." In comes Alex Trebek (sans mustache, which IMHO, still seems freaky), then back to Grandma. She continues blathering on about her parking meter, then the camera cuts to the meter, showing "Time Expired," and then Grandma adding more time.
How would you like an insurance company that thinks of you in terms of "Time Expired?" Not me, especially if my time to "expire" was drawing near. Yeesh!
Update: Now, there's a commerical for the "I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up" device. I always thought that Good Eats was a show for the fun, quirky cooks, not the elderly and infirmed. I'd think that would be much better suited for Emeril fucking Lagasse and his goddamned "BAM" nonsense.
Average Joe: Hawaii? No, the show that my brothers have been excitedly blogging about. . . It should be renamed the "David Daskal Show."
Seriously, the man was all over the place! (And, I think that should be expected, knowing David's personality). My Zeta brother, I've always been proud of you, but you're on your way to the top. A rightful place, for you, me thinks.
Oh, and Larissa, if I ever see you out and about at a bar in Saint Louis, be forewarned. If you kick David off, be ready for a tongue-lashing.
Other thoughts, our lil' David aside: I've never seen the original Average Joe, but wow. What a way to tell the majority of American men that looks *do* matter. The "I just want a nice guy, who makes me laugh," that every woman says they want? Well, there's a part that *might* be missing from that, maybe implied: "Oh, and hot. You've gotta be hot."
That thinking, or at least projecting that thinking on to others, is one of *my* biggest pratfalls in the dating scene. Of course, if you've been a regular reader, you obviously know that.
Schweet! David's past the first round. I'm so afraid that with all the David-o-rama on the show, he's going to be some weird plot twist. The one that *almost* makes it, but not quite. The one that the country roots for, but still doesn't win. Although, if that's the case, I'll have an enjoyable time watching it. *shrug* We'll see.
OOOHH!! Looking at the previews for next week, they're playing dodgeball. David's so got it made. We were fucking terrors when we'd play with the Boys and Girls Club during college.
Ok, enough reality show excitement for one night. If it weren't for David, I'd totally be kicking my own ass for watching such crap.
Average Joe: Hawaii? No, the show that my brothers have been excitedly blogging about. . . It should be renamed the "David Daskal Show."
Seriously, the man was all over the place! (And, I think that should be expected, knowing David's personality). My Zeta brother, I've always been proud of you, but you're on your way to the top. A rightful place, for you, me thinks.
Oh, and Larissa, if I ever see you out and about at a bar in Saint Louis, be forewarned. If you kick David off, be ready for a tongue-lashing.
Other thoughts, our lil' David aside: I've never seen the original Average Joe, but wow. What a way to tell the majority of American men that looks *do* matter. The "I just want a nice guy, who makes me laugh," that every woman says they want? Well, there's a part that *might* be missing from that, maybe implied: "Oh, and hot. You've gotta be hot."
That thinking, or at least projecting that thinking on to others, is one of *my* biggest pratfalls in the dating scene. Of course, if you've been a regular reader, you obviously know that.
Schweet! David's past the first round. I'm so afraid that with all the David-o-rama on the show, he's going to be some weird plot twist. The one that *almost* makes it, but not quite. The one that the country roots for, but still doesn't win. Although, if that's the case, I'll have an enjoyable time watching it. *shrug* We'll see.
OOOHH!! Looking at the previews for next week, they're playing dodgeball. David's so got it made. We were fucking terrors when we'd play with the Boys and Girls Club during college.
Ok, enough reality show excitement for one night. If it weren't for David, I'd totally be kicking my own ass for watching such crap.
Well, after lots of help, I've finally successfully installed Movable Type on my new site. Of course, it's in the *very* rudimentary stages, and I'm sure that in the next week or so, there will be a major revamp. But, baby steps, eh? More news to follow, I'm sure.
Well, after lots of help, I've finally successfully installed Movable Type on my new site. Of course, it's in the *very* rudimentary stages, and I'm sure that in the next week or so, there will be a major revamp. But, baby steps, eh? More news to follow, I'm sure.
OK, still not MT, but I'm closer than I've ever been before, and I've found a few more support groups.
But, I'm excited, because I've been browsing lots of nice, used cars, hella cheap on EBay Motors. Most of the sellers are auto dealers, and I've set my search in MO, with most dealers in STL, or Springfield. Huzzah! Of course, I'm still quite a bit away from actually making a purchase, but it's fun to browse, anyway.
Also, I'm watching World News Now on ABC, and I am constantly reminded why sometimes it's good to be an insomniac. After watching a story about Candian Drugs by a very fast-talking man, one of the hosts responded, "Wow, now my New Year's Hangover is officially over!"
I'd like to see Katie Couric say something like that on Today.
OK, still not MT, but I'm closer than I've ever been before, and I've found a few more support groups.
But, I'm excited, because I've been browsing lots of nice, used cars, hella cheap on EBay Motors. Most of the sellers are auto dealers, and I've set my search in MO, with most dealers in STL, or Springfield. Huzzah! Of course, I'm still quite a bit away from actually making a purchase, but it's fun to browse, anyway.
Also, I'm watching World News Now on ABC, and I am constantly reminded why sometimes it's good to be an insomniac. After watching a story about Candian Drugs by a very fast-talking man, one of the hosts responded, "Wow, now my New Year's Hangover is officially over!"
I'd like to see Katie Couric say something like that on Today.
Me thinks this is going to be my year. Why, do you ask? SO many reasons.
1) I'm doing surprisingly well on the no-smoking issue. I had about half a pack last night, and *sigh* I did cheat, and have one this morning. But, I'm not buying anymore.
2) I'm going to go take the tour at Bally's after a quick shower, and try to set up an appointment with a trainer, so I can get an *actual* BMI analysis, and find out how busy it is in the wee morning hours, before work. Go me. I think this exercise thing might work out. I guess we'll see, eh?
3) Tonight, I'm going to clean out my car, Febreze the hell out of it, to get the smoke smell gone, and I'm *FINALLY* going to try to reinstate MT on my website. So, if any luck, by tomorrow, you'll be reading this from new improved blog digs.
4) Yesterday, after a lengthy discussion with Steph, one of the managers I like at SLUH, the possibility of 40 hours a week is pretty much a sure thing. We've gotta talk to the main bossman on Monday to verify for sure, but it's pretty much a done deal.
5) Finally, even if that opp doesn't quite work out, I've been back into the mode of resume-sending. I sent one to Blackwell Sanders again, this time for an admin assistant, full time. Hopefully, the firm will remember me, and be hella excited about just handing over a job to me. hehe. Well, it's my year, remember. . . it's going to be the year of everyone finally realizing how great me (and my friends) are.
6) Judging from that last one, no-smoking delirium has taken effect. Woot!
Me thinks this is going to be my year. Why, do you ask? SO many reasons.
1) I'm doing surprisingly well on the no-smoking issue. I had about half a pack last night, and *sigh* I did cheat, and have one this morning. But, I'm not buying anymore.
2) I'm going to go take the tour at Bally's after a quick shower, and try to set up an appointment with a trainer, so I can get an *actual* BMI analysis, and find out how busy it is in the wee morning hours, before work. Go me. I think this exercise thing might work out. I guess we'll see, eh?
3) Tonight, I'm going to clean out my car, Febreze the hell out of it, to get the smoke smell gone, and I'm *FINALLY* going to try to reinstate MT on my website. So, if any luck, by tomorrow, you'll be reading this from new improved blog digs.
4) Yesterday, after a lengthy discussion with Steph, one of the managers I like at SLUH, the possibility of 40 hours a week is pretty much a sure thing. We've gotta talk to the main bossman on Monday to verify for sure, but it's pretty much a done deal.
5) Finally, even if that opp doesn't quite work out, I've been back into the mode of resume-sending. I sent one to Blackwell Sanders again, this time for an admin assistant, full time. Hopefully, the firm will remember me, and be hella excited about just handing over a job to me. hehe. Well, it's my year, remember. . . it's going to be the year of everyone finally realizing how great me (and my friends) are.
6) Judging from that last one, no-smoking delirium has taken effect. Woot!
[Listening to: Jet - Timothy - (04:32)]
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