

I think that this is a bit off. I'm a bit of a playa when I'm single, but when I'm in a relationship, I'm all about that person. I think that the questions are a bit misleading. Apparently, to be a 0% cheater, you have to be totally submissive. Fuck that, sez I.


There's a 26 - 50% Chance You'll Cheat!

Sound about right?

You're not totally in the clear, but you probably haven't done anything wrong... yet.

See, you're pretty typical when it comes to relationships.

Which is what puts you at a little bit of risk.

Ever feel tempted to cheat? If so, stay away from those tricky situations.

Never feel tempted? Then you've probably reached a happy balance.

Sound completely wrong?

Ah, so you have cheated!

Tone down the flirting and fantasizing, and you'll survive.

Are You Likely to Cheat?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva



Since I've been such a slack-ass lately, I'd forgotten to mention ad nauseam about Jen's Blogathon efforts. She's been going nearly non-stop since 6 am Pacific time, and the poor girl needs a break. So I'm filling in for a few hours, so she can get some sustenance and rest. Check out my first post, will ya?

Just going over my time for the past two weeks. It's no wonder I've been exausted. I worked a total of 47.44 hours since last Wednesday, 7/16. All but 14 of those hours have been in this past week. Nearly 34 hours of my week spent on my feet, running around. It's no wonder I felt like I hadn't actually left the restaurant when I clocked in this evening. Luckily, I'm getting used to it pretty quickly.



As I mentioned earlier today, I woke up a bit late. My poor body needed the sleep, apparently. Well, after lunching with Joe and sending him off to Springfield, I had four things I had planned to do before work:

1) Go to the Sprint Store, and figure out what the fuck happened to my phone. It was working fine this morning, but now, won't even attempt to turn on, unless hooked to a charger. Then, and only then, it will go through the start up screen, and then turn off. After running a diagnostic test (which took nearly an hour of standing in line, followed by a five-minute test), it's been decided I have a bad battery. My contract with Sprint ends in a little over a month. There's no way in hell that I'm spending $60 for a new battery, when I can get a new one for $20 or $30 bucks. (And I don't even want to spend that, but I go crazy without my cell phone)

Sadly, the problem is that I have NO IDEA what anyone's number is. At all. So, if you're reading this, and I haven't sent out a massive email in a few days, drop me a line, so I can get your info.

2) Get test strips for the hot tub. Because since I'm the only one who knows how to put chemicals in the damned thing (or read the manual), it's my job to run all over town getting new supplies.

3) Go to Value Village or other various and sundry thrift stores to pick up some more black shirts and pants for work.

4) Go to the Humane Society/Animal Center to see if maybe someone either picked up Doofus, or brought him in.

Guess which ones didn't get done? #2-4.

2 & 3? I'm not too worried about. But I'm having a bit of an ethical dilemma with #4.

For those of you who don't know me in the flesh, let me give you a bit of background. Doofus is my cat. He's been around, since birth, for over 13 years. (By our best recollection. We'd been saying he was "at least" 10 years old since I don't remember.) When he was probably 2 or 3 years old, he was diagnosed with FIV (Feline Immunodeficency Virus). It has similar symptoms to HIV or AIDS, and although massive infection is possible, our vet told us that most cats with FIV end up dying of organ failure, usually the liver.

In my lifetime, of all the cats and dogs that I've had, I've only found one that had died. The others ran off, or were put to sleep. (Unbeknownst to me as a child, but I digress.) Part of me doesn't necessarily want to find Doofus at the Humane Society or otherwise, because that would increase the chance of finding him dead one morning, in my bed or elsewhere. I also don't want to see him progress into a sick state, and have to see him suffer. I don't know if I could handle that, even at 23. On the other hand, I feel guilty for not even trying to go see if he's there. Although I know it's silly, I would hate for him to think that we abandoned him, or just gave him a death sentence. The vets told us he wouldn't make it to 10 years of age, and he's still alive and kicking, although he's a bit slower nowadays. It takes him a few tries to get up on the bed, and he doesn't ever seem to use his "kitty door" at the top of the basement steps anymore. (Dad installed it, and like the idiot that he is sometimes, he installed it about 6 inches off the floor of the landing. Even in his younger days, it took effort for him to literally jump and climb into it)

Does that make sense? I realize it's 3 am, and no one really makes sense at this hour. But if you have any words of wisdom, encouragement, whatever. Feel free to send me an email or comment below. I'm just not sure what is the right thing to do in this situation.

Anyhoo. I got off work around 2, and worked my lil' tush off all night. We were slammed left and right this evening, but it paid off. I ended up with $70 bucks in tips, which includes the obligatory $20 for mopping behind the bar if you're the closer. But much, much better than last Friday.



I've been such a slacker as to writing this week. For those of you who've actually read this on a semi-regular basis, you know that for the past six months or so, my sleep schedule's been a bit out of whack. This week of working nearly non-stop at the new job hasn't helped that at all.

Here's an update of what I've been doing this week:

Monday: *Make a phone call concerning
               *Work from 6 pm to 11:30. Home by midnight or so, sleep around 3 am.

Tuesday: *Get a phone call at 5 am (which I hear in my sleep, but am not roused to answer.)
                *Wake up at nine, call dear friend, who has horrible news about a death in the family.
                *Spend the rest of the day fielding calls from said friend, and making a few calls of my own.
               *Plan to meet another friend at a bar, but miscommunication ensues. We completely miss each other. (Want to die, alone, in the rain. *smirk*)
               *Sleep around 4 am. (Caused by incessant itching while trying to sleep. I've assumed it's dry skin, or some kind of allergic reaction)

Wednesday: * Wake up after 11am, missing my daily dose of The Practice.
Somehow, find the will to go on with the rest of my day.
                      *Fuck around the rest of the day, finding interesting things to blog about, but am too lazy to do it.
                      *Work at 5:30, followed by a small going away party for one of the servers; home around 2.
                      *Eat Jack in the Box tacos.
                      *Fall asleep around 4 am, again because of the itching.

Thursday: *Wake up around 10, watch the Practice.
                  *Realize that I might have an allergic reaction to my featherbed. Let it air out all day, and spray down with lots of Lysol, after finding a small patch of mildew, from the last time I washed it.
                  *Also, realize after talking to mom that Doofus has been missing since Tuesday.
                  *Pay my cell phone bill, restoring service after three weeks of going crazy without it.
                  *On the way home, hear that The Point is giving away free White Castles at the location near my house. Get free lunch, a pass to see American Wedding, and a Bad Boys II wifebeater, which I vow never to wear in public.
                  *Work from 5:30.
                  *At work, am thoroughly entertained by belly dancer and jazz band. Make fun of crazy drunken man dancing and swallowing his date's tonsils with other customers (Ann and Carol). Talk about law school with Carol, whose aunt and uncle are both lawyers. Hope that pans out into job opportunity.
                  *Mention to Joe and Christine, who I find out later is the "other belly dancer," that I could do what belly dancer is doing. Am made to show my moves. Fear overcomes me, that I will be paraded in front of coworkers and customers the next time Christine dances. Remove foot from mouth..
                  *Leave work around 12:30, home by 1 or so.

Friday: *Sleep nearly itch-free from 3 to 11 am. Become inconsolable that I'm probably allergic to my comfy, comfy, featherbed.
            *Recieve postcard from Jen. Giggle lots. Wish I was there. Make trip to Oregon yet another thing on my list to take care of before I move out.
            *Help Joe shop for Italian Sausage for Jaimee. Call Jaimee for directions and what not. Hide jealousy that Joe gets to see Jaimee this weekend, and I don't.
            *Call Humane Society and Animal Control, looking for Doofus. Find that I have to schlep my ass down there, since he doesn't have his tags on him.
            *Curse the fact that his tags are sitting in an envelope, on the top of our refrigerator.
            *Work at 6. Closing tonight, so lord knows when I'll be getting home tomorrow. And, working tomorrow for Joe. Insane, I tell ya, insane.

So, that's been my week. It's quite a change from sitting on my ass, like I have been doing these past few months. And it's only going to get worse, if/when I get this other job. My blogging *may* just be regulated to the weekends, or late-night posts before bed. *sigh*



It's not really anything that directly effects me, but it's something that I don't think should be shared in the public realm. More appropriately, it's not something that's my call to post publicly.

But my been-unemployed-for-six months-lazyass isn't used to working on my feet all night. And the fatigue is only going to get worse, as I'm working almost all of the rest of the week. Plus, I'm thinking of rehabbing the format of my entire site. Any ideas?



Actually, I enjoyed myself. Some my tables were very, very fun to have around. But how much did I get tipped out for an eight hour shift?

About $25. On a Friday.

Gawd, I hope Karen calls back soon. I think I'll send her a follow-up phone call on Monday.

Oh, and this week will be the true test of how much I can take: I've essentially doubled my workload. I'm now working Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. But I still get weekends free, for the moment! Whoohoo!

He beat me to it. I saw this in the paper yesterday, and got a nice chortle from it nearly all day long. All well, better late than never, I guess.



morally deficient
Threat rating: Medium. Your total lack of decent
family values makes you dangerous, but we can
count on some right wing nutter blowing you up
if you become too high profile.

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Kudos to Jennifer for the linkage.

And speaking of morally deficient, there's nothing that cheers a guy up more than watching and critiquing porn with friends.



A very special Gemini

Jay is as bright as a button and as sharp as a blade. If there's ever anything you need to know, Jay is the person to ask. Chances are he will know the answer already. If not he will go and ask someone else and he will keep asking until he gets an answer. Jay simply cannot stand the idea of a question that has no answer, so if he cannot get a satisfactory explanation he will invent one. A good one. He is after all as bright as a button. There are though, some questions in life which are best left unanswered. The rest of us know to leave them alone. Jay cannot resist the urge to explore them. He is drawn to such questions, like, well, like a button to a button hole! Jay answers these questions cleverly because, after all as sharp as a blade, but then you know what they say about people who are too sharp...
Jay can be very cutting sometimes. He doesn't mean to be. He just can't help it. Jay can't stop himself from daring to say what other people hardly dare to think. This is why Jay often gets himself into trouble but it is also why Jay is such an interesting person to know. Life with Jay is never dull. There's always an adventure, a challenge or a deal to be done. Jay loves to do deals. The word 'no' is not in his vocabulary. When he hears it Jay is immediately tempted to reply "Is that 'no' as in 'maybe', 'no' as in 'I need to be persuaded,' or 'no as in 'not quite yet?' Luckily Jay gets clean away with this kind of attitude. Jay, at least when it comes to the unanswerable question, is living proof of the old adage "Who dares...wins".

Kudos to Todd for the linkage.


If I remember correctly, I learned about this after reading about it on Nikki's old blog. I'd be all about starting a team, but sadly, I don't meet the qualifications right now. (Damn, not having any sort of health insurance!) But I'll keep you posted if things change before the season starts.


My funk's probably my parents' fault (in more ways than one, but that's beside the point.) I love having a scapegoat. :)
For the bit steamin' pile o' crap I laid on everyone earlier today. I think the stir-craziness of unemployment is making me a bit on edge. Plus, I hadn't eaten all day when I wrote that, so I'm thinking low blood sugar maybe have made me a bit cranky.

However, I just had some greasy Papa John's Pizza, and I'm feeling much better.

And I REALLY want a cigarette.

Physically, mentally, fiscally, and otherwise. My apologies to Jennifer and Jaimee for not calling you back; I got home from work around 1:30, and was just too exhausted to even bother to call. . . . That, and I didn't check my messages until this morning. (Oops.)

I've been spending the past weeks quietly evaluating my life. Between what the future holds, and my past, I've decided I need to make some changes around here. (And by here, I mean both my physical location, and physical self.)

I've been reading a lot: one of the books that made me think about changes was an ebook, Slut Summer (Click on the link, to download).

Another book, borrowed from my friend Greg, I've been reading off and on for a few months, called The Gay Metropolis. It seems that in the history that entails, the author feels that the assumed promiscuity of the GLBT community is partly due to the fact that for a long time (and in some senses, still prevalent today), relationships between people of the same sex/gender aren't recognized by society. In other words, if society validates these relationships as viable, real, committed relationships, promiscuity will be reduced. I see both sides of this argument.

There are many closeted men lurking in the gay.com chatrooms. You'll find them under personal ads that request, demand, or assume "discreet" meetings. You'll find just as many people who are there, strictly for sex. I tend to enter the chatrooms occasionally, and for the most part, they've lead to interesting conversations among people that 1) don't go to gay bars that often, like myself; 2) men who probably would be too shy/intimidated to talk to me if in a bar situation (the same goes for me. Despite my tendency to be a social butterfly, I alternate between that persona and an introverted shy kid. I've often felt like I've got the social skills of a four-year-old. I was a bit of a late bloomer to the dating pool, and most of my friends are in the same boat, I feel. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I went on a "real" date.

On the other hand, I know a few gay couples that seem committed, but still find ways to bring other men into their lives, sexually. What's the point of being "engaged," if you can't embrace monogamy? I know, I tend to be a bit of a liberal when it comes to sexual matters, but I'm still a traditionalist when you make the change from "dating" to another level. Gay, bi, straight, or otherwise, if you're going to be an "official couple," it should be just that . . . a couple. I'm trying my best not to be judgmental, but that's just not the life for me. Even if it means that one of my biggest fantasies will never come to fruition (that being me, a guy, and a girl), so be it.

I've been contemplating how my life has changed in the year that I've moved back to St. Louis. On the surface, I don't feel like much has changed. I'm still broke, I'm still with my parents, I've still got the same shitty car. I'm still single, bouncing around to occasional sexual flings that just leave me a bit . . . empty.

So, starting today, things are going to change. I'm going to start working out again, try to quit smoking for the umpteenth time, and just change my outlook on life. No more sex without a relationship. No more feeling like I'm not good enough to get what I want out of life. All you emotional fuckwits who put me in the "friend zone," screw you.

Ahh, that felt good to get off my chest. I'm sure it wasn't entertaining for you, and it was probably more suited for my online diary, but I thought that maybe you should realize why I haven't been posting much. I've been in a funk.

BTW, I'm on my last cigarette, as of this posting. We'll see what happens, eh?



Well, I had an interview on Monday, and I've pretty much been guaranteed the job, but now I have to play the waiting game. Which sucks ass. Also, I had orientation for my part-time job, which has some amazing benefits. (If you ever want to go out for dinner at some nice restaurants, lemme know). Other than that, it's been a lazy week so far. Of course, that'll change tonight, when I go into work, and I'll be running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Ahh, I love being busy.

I think this is a good example of how my writing moods go up and down with this blog. Of course, I don't know how insightful my commentary is, but after a few days off, I'm ready to post like crazy today.

Kudos to Jennifer for the linkage. (Go support her in this year's Blogathon!)



I was reading today's Post-Dispatch, and there's an article about the recent influx of refugees and immigrants from Bosnia that have opened businesses and moved into my South City neighborhood. I'd first noticed the growing community about 6 or 7 years ago, when I worked at Equality Savings Bank. We had four or five Bosnians on staff during the two years I worked there, and I learned a lot about their culture through my interaction with them and my customers.

I found the article promising, although I'm sure that my parents, and other stuck-in-their-ways residents wouldn't see it as such. My parents are always bitching about how "the bosnians don't speak English," or "those smokehouses are so weird." Blah, blah, blah. My parents don't like anyone who isn't exactly like them. I think it's ridiculous to expect new immigrants or refugees to completely adapt to our culture. The point of coming to America, idyllically, at least, is to be able to escape persecution, to continue your familial and cultural traditions. I'm not surprised that older generations aren't learning to speak English. Hell, if I had lived my life speak a specific language for 40+ years, I wouldn't bother learning a new one.

I've always wanted the area to grow into a defining neighborhood for the Bosnian Culture, similar to The Hill. The end of the article mentions the possibility of that, as well as the increasing political power that this group might carry in the future. (Refugees and immigrants must live in the U.S. for five years before applying for citizenship.)

I think that idea is a great step into reviving my neighborhood. Although residential property values have stayed steady or increased in the past ten years, I think the most remarkable change is the amount of businesses (mostly coffee shops, restaurants, and European groceries and delis) that have sprung out of this influx. Specifically along Gravois, for years, there were many storefronts that were empty, rundown, or a combination of the two. These new businesses have given new life to these old buildings, and brought more people to our neighborhood. Although I had no idea that this area was being referred to as "Little Bosnia." At least, I didn't know it was being used positively, and not just an ethnic slur. (I've heard the bigoted term, "Little Africa" spoken about neighborhoods that are predominantly black.)

All in all, change is good.



Busy, but apparently, not a busy as usual. I asked my manager how I was doing, and she replied, "Great! You're a hustler." Why thank you for noticing, that was the point.

I feel like I've got to really prove myself, considering I've got no real experience in the foodservice industry, and what not. But, I think I'm definitely doing that. All the waiters and waitresses in my section tonight complimented me on how quick I was on dealing with the customers. And when I didn't have my customers to deal with, I helped out Joe with his section, if he was busy, or even if he was just being the social butterfly that he is with the staff.

Monday's going to be a busy day for me. I've got to call Karen to make sure our appointment is still on, as she had to leave Friday to attend to a family emergency. She may or may not be back in town by then. Also, if she is in town, I've got to try to reschedule my orientation for another date/week, since I just found out about it last night. And I've got to call the people at Job #3 to see if I got it or not. I'm assuming not, since they didn't call, but I'd still like to call to make sure.

And I talked to Joe about it last night, and I think I'll be okay, if taking Jobs #2 & 3. He said Brian would be more than happy to pick up my shifts if I left, and I think my manager knows that I'm working my ass off enough that I'd be more than willing to come back, if they'd take me.

So, maybe it will all work out after all. Huzzah!



Work was great last night. Busy, but I like the people I work with, and the interaction with all the customers. (Hereby known as Job #1)

However. . . I've got an interview here on Monday, and I'm pretty sure I'll get the job. (Job #2)

But. . . I'll probably get a call back from the interview that I went to today, and therein lies the problem. (Job #3)

So what's the problem? Besides the fact that it's either feast (three jobs/offers within a week) or famine (unemployment for nearly 6 months or so, now)

Ok. I like Job #1. It's busy, and it's hard work, but I like it. Plus, my friend Joe had referred me, and I wouldn't want to quit so soon after starting. It would look bad on both of us.

Job #2 is 40 hrs, daytime hours, plus a *great* benefits package. It's pretty busy, but easy work, from what I understand. If I get an offer for this job, I'm taking it, no matter what.

Job #3: It's a temporary job (will last between 14-16 weeks), pays better than Job #1 (and actually, a bit better than Job #2, wage-wise.), and will give me some experience in Marketing (my degree) that I desperately need on my resume. But it's a nighttime job, Tuesday-Saturday. If I took this one, I'd have to quit Job #1. And I'll have to give a response to that job offer tomorrow, if I get it, as training starts on Monday.

Surely you see the dilemma I'm in. If I take Job #3, I risk giving both my friend and myself a bad name. Additionally, if training starts on Monday, I'll miss my interview on Monday, more than likely.

This may all be a moot point: I might not be offered Job #3, might not be hired for Job #2. The hours for Jobs 2 & 3 might conflict. So. . . it all comes down to what happens tomorrow.

Gawd, even when there's a chance of my life looking up, it still kinda sucks.
HEHE. . .

This reminds me of Dallas. Even the skirt. Although I'd bet she'd look better in some "stylish jeans."

I'm just teasing him because I'm wishing him a belated birthday from yesterday. Happy Birthday!
WHY, OH, WHY . . .

. . . must Shel be so damned cute? (Scroll down to linkage of how cute "interview Shel" is.) More importantly, why does he have to live in Canada?



Today's Post-Dispatch had an article in their Everyday Section, featuring the book, 30 Things Everyone Should Know How To Do Before Turning 30.

Apparently, I'm doing pretty well. I can do most of these things; whether I actually do them is a completely different matter:

You’ll learn how to...
1. wrap a present (check!)
2. start a successful fire in a fireplace, at a campsite, and in a barbecue (erm, 2 out of 3 isn't bad. I've not been around many fireplaces in my life)
3. finish a piece of furniture (um, I think I learned this before I could talk. Dad was always doing woodwork)
4. get a raise (debatable)
5. order wine at a restaurant without getting stiffed (yup. for one, it's always cheaper to order by the bottle, not the glass)
6. parallel park in three breathtakingly beautiful movements (not on my best day)
7. dance a “slow dance” without looking like an idiot (define looking like an idiot)
8. use a full place setting properly, including chopsticks and Asian soup spoons (yep.)
9. clean your place in under 45 minutes, when friends, relatives, or prospective lovers are coming by unexpectedly, and soon (story of my life.)
10. hold your liquor (can do it, but have been known not to care to do it)
11. cure a hangover (um .. . see #10?)
12. do the Heimlich Maneuver (never had the chance to)
13. use a compass (yep)
14. change a flat (yup)
15. jump start a car (yup)
16. open a champagne bottle (not too hard.)
17. send a drink to someone’s table (an old-school trick that is hardly done these days)
18. cook one “signature meal” (I have to declare only one?)
19. whistle with your fingers (never could. don't really care)
20. take good pictures (not on my best day. but I hate taking pictures.)
21. fold a fitted sheet (easy. fold the corners inside each other.)
22. remove common stains (hehe. yes.)
23. sew a button (learned when I had to start doing my own laundry at age 10)
24. carve turkey, lasagna, and birthday cake (Yes. Thank you, Alton Brown.)
25. hold a baby (how hard is that?)
26. change a diaper (yes. although I tend to defer to the women in the room, cause I'm still a sexist pig, occasionally.)
27. keep a plant alive for more than a year (you know it.)
28. make dogs and cats love you (um, I just have to be myself. lots of dogs and cats love me)
29. help someone (an older or ill person, a womanyou’re trying to impress, your mother) out of a car (yep.)
30. write superior thank you notes (hehe. I'm such a lazy ass when it comes to Thank you notes.)

Hehe. This week's Suburban Fringe reminds me of Dallas' recent trip to San Diego.



Two quick notes, because I keep forgetting to mention them:

1) Jennifer is participating in this year's Blogathon. (I thought about doing it, but I'm lazy enough when it comes to my blog, plus, right now, I'd prefer my charity of choice to be me.)

Anyhoo, go check her out, donate some money, and let's get the ball rolling.

2) Speaking of balls, Chris has a contest going over at The House of Thayleia. You (yes, you) could win a guest part in his ridiculously humorous Gay Mafia Series. Check out Episodes One and Two, then get those wheels a-turning.

Waiting an hour for a shot that takes all of 20 seconds.

According to the
Dennis Kucinich
best matches my political views.

Who gets your vote?


Also in my top 10 of possible candidates:
Dick Gephardt; any Libertarian, Green Party or Socialist Candidates; John Kerry, Patrick Leahy, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Al Sharpton (? Huh? Not bloody likely).

I've also been reading a series in St. Louis Post Dispatch about the record of Dick Gephardt. Check back for profiles of other candidates throughout the year.

Kudos to GreenGrl for the linkage.



What rating is your journal?

brought to you by Quizilla

Kudos to Shel for the linkage.

So now we know the magic of Strong Bad Emails.

And as ridiculously intoxicated as I was last night, it would've probably been a lot of gibberish.

I've been explaining last night in the following equation:

very little food + lots of drink + not much sleep + lots of manual labor this week = drunken jay.

My evening ended with my drunkass spilling a drink. I was embarrassed, and realized how drunk I was, so I proceeded directly to bed. Apparently, the party continued without me for a few more hours, then everyone left. Mom and Dad, playing the role of the kind parents, cleaned up the kitchen and whatnot before I woke up at noon.

Then, I had a glorious day of shopping and food with Michael. We hadn't hung out in quite a while, so it was a nice change of pace.

And my apologies to Mike for not being able to meet up for drinks. Another time. Hope you enjoyed your visit to St. Louis!

All in all, a good weekend. How was yours?



But I've decided that doesn't make me a loser, as aforementioned, just retarded, for not putting lotion on my tan, yet dry, back.

What doesmake me a loser is obsesssing over things I shouldn't obsess over. Thanks to Jaimee and Jen for helping me put things into perspective, once again.

Today, I'm having a fun lil' barbeque, complete with lots of food, alcohol, and a hot tub. Sounds like fun, eh? I'll be sure to post something later in the evening, via VoiceMonkey just so you know that I'm enjoying myself. Be forewarned, I'll definitely be trashed when I call. Should be a hoot.

For now, though, I'm off to clean and cook, and wait for my guests.



It's been a looooong-ass day for me. Since 8:30 this morning I've done the following:

Put in yet another section of fence
Laid sod, and all the various runs to Home Depot that entails
Mowed grass for nearly 2.5 hours
Etc., Etc., Etc.

And now, I'm off to bed at nearly 9:30 pm. On a Friday.

I'm either a loser, or just incredibly tired and dehydrated. I choose option two for the moment, but if I'm still up in a couple of hours, then it's confirmed: I'm not tired, just a loser. :)


"Life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think." (in bed)

That's so true, on so many levels, with me. When I'm feeling things, my life tends to be full of lots of (self-imposed) drama, yet when I just sit back and think about my life, I can't help but laugh at it.



The Masturbation Party Planner is a long time running joke from my college days. I tried for years to organize one while at SMSU, but I could never find enough friends (or even random strangers) that would be comfortable enough with each other to masturbate in front of (or with) others. I doubt I ever will. . . *sigh*

oral addict

You Are an Oral Addict!

You're like the McDonald's of oral -

High on quantity with dubious quality.

While you have your tongue superstar moments...

You go way beyond licking your lover clean.

How Oral Are *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva


Although, I have been known to hit the headboard a time or two. . .

golden shower

Your Orgasms are Like a Golden Shower!

Wet, streaming, and totally out of control.

What Firework are Your Orgasms Like?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva


Brian and I both got the job at Remy's. They split up the shifts. I'm only working two days next week, but that's at least money for gas and a six pack for the weekends. So. . . everyone in the St. Louis area, come to Remy's on Wednesday or Friday this week, and tip well.


I've still got copious amounts of fencing to put up, sod to lay, etc. etc. etc.

But, here's a few quickies to get your day going:

Bob Rybarczyk talks about fun, fun, travel times.

James found an interesting article that's a bit offensive, but I think tries to explain the "gaydar" that we assume we have. More comments on that when there's some downtime.

Last night, I went out to Freddie's with Dallas and Hickman, then we retired to the wonderful, wonderful hot tub. Good times were had by all. I hadn't seen either of them in a couple of months, actually, since I've been largely absent from the gay bars and pridefest.

Ok, hopefully, that's enough to keep you satiated until I've got a few more minutes to spare. I know it's a pretty craptastic post, but I promise, more hilarity will ensue later this evening, when I've got a bit more time.


. . . or I'd hardly ever have a positive outlook on life. June wasn't as great as I'd hoped.

And I've a feeling July is going to be pretty up and down. Last night is the perfect example. We got our hot tub last night (and it's wonderful), but Dad spent all night drinking (again, less than three weeks from his last 24 hour binge).

I've got a job interview today, but I'm afraid I won't get it. They'll probably hire Brian over me, because he's got experience, and I don't.

It always seems to be a sad thing for me that I can't really say that my life is anything better than "ok."

But, July, bring it on! I'm ready for a change.



One of my favorite Texans just wrote a great entry about how great I am. Who am I to complain?

To show my appreciation, I'd just like to say that she's one of my fa-vo-rite brothers for lotsa reasons:

She's a Dr. Pepper fan.
She quickly took me under her wing at my first road trip, WICKED 2000, even after I got naked in a pool.
Speaking of WICKED, she pretty much spearheaded the whole thing.
There's no one that's more fun to piss off national council in the Peanut Gallery at Grand Chapter. (3 Strikeouts [K's] does not a Klan member make)
A year or two later after our first meeting, she and I had lots of looong conversations about my frustrations with my chapter. Her words of wisdom helped me not kill people in meetings.
I don't recall, but I *think* she might be a cracker.
Her description of Snipe can't be beat.

I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of things, but three years of Karen memories add up quickly. And, my dear, I'da snatched you up in a heartbeat, if it weren't for that long distance thing.

Make sure you drop by and say howdy.


So I finally went and got my moptop cut off. It was long overdue, but as the stylist was putting gel into my hair, she commented that "I've got an awful lot of grey hairs." I don't doubt it, as I found my first grey hair when I was all of 14, but I'm afraid to check for myself.

I've always imagined that I'd grow old gracefully, but after looking over the ever-present dark circles under my eyes (heredity's a bitch; thanks dad!) and the constant crow's feet when I smile, I'm already beginning to think that's highly unlikely.


An entertaining column this week, although I'm a bit sad that Dan didn't mention the 100 Bloggers information I emailed him last week. All well.

I'm totally screwed.

The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association has criticized Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's comments supporting the proposed constitutional amendment defining marriage on the grounds that married people are healthier. That's an interesting way to look at things. Could you imagine if GLBT marriages were allowed in this country as a matter of public health?

WELL, DUH. . .

I was just checking out the Weather Channel this morning, hoping that there would be torrential rain showers here, keeping me from doing any yard work today (no such luck), and they mention that Springfield, MO had major flooding yesterday.

Of course there was flooding in that damned town. The town grew so fast (I'm sure it had to do quite a bit with the large expansion of Branson), that proper drainage was an oversight in their urban planning. I remember the first year I was down there, I did little more than complain about how the city and campus, especially, was full of puddles whenever it rained. I can't recall how many times I was absolutely drenched by passing cars on my way to my 9 am (!) classes. It was not a pleasant way to start the day.

Your Brain Usage Profile

Auditory : 52%
Visual : 47%
Left : 44%
Right : 55%

Jay, you are moderately right-hemisphere dominant and have even preferences between auditory and visual processing, traits that might make people perceive you as "slightly off balance."

You are most likely to be slightly disorganized, a "dreamer" and a person who focuses more on the end result than the immediate task at hand. You are creative and spontaneous if somewhat lacking in direction and focus. You are a learner who is generally patient and a person for whom time is an ally, not an enemy.

You are more passionate than most people with regard to life and learning and recognize your own intuitive abilities. You have sufficient goal-direction to satisfy yourself and guarantee success without being or feeling driven. You are willing to be reflective about yourself and others without getting lost in rumination.

The balance of your sensory modes allows for both learning and expressive capabilities achieved by few. You are active and "seeing" while retaining an equally strong propensity for being reflective which slows you down a little but allows for a more comprehensive perception and analysis of situations and problems. You do not spend excessive time analyzing since you mostly trust your perceptions.

In all likelihood, you have a tendency to overcommit and cannot under- stand why others get upset since you operate on a different "time table" than they do. Your organizational abilities are frequently overwhelmed by the stimulation seeking and active nature of your mind as well as by the tendency to create new categories and gloss over details, making categorization and classification almost impossible at times.

To the extent that your career path allows for creativity and abstraction as well as a bit of disorganization, you should find yourself equipped to handle any learning that is required. Your own personal adjustment to your style should come naturally although you are likely to feel frustrated by your own limited discipline and often wonder "Why?"

Kudos to Nikki for the linkage.