Jen's hometown is on the national front this week. Judge Nicholas G. Byron issued a $10.1 billion ruling in a class action lawsuit against Phillip Morris. Apparently, some of us smokers are bellyachin' about PM's advertising about tar and nicotine in "Light" cigarettes.
I'm still not sure if this was actually "fraudulent." Studies have shown for years that smokers tend to inhale more, and longer when smoking light cigarettes vs. full flavor, because of a perceived feeling that lighter cigarettes are healthier. But should tobacco companies be blamed for the "sin of omission?" What about the government? Every advertisement for cigarettes plainly shows that the ratings that a company uses are based on "the FTC test method." If the government knows that "light" cigarettes routinely "fool" the smoke machines, and that actual use varies by each smoker, why hasn't the test been modified for light cigarettes?
The point is this: smokers have known for years, either after they had been smoking for a long time, as in the case of older generations, or before they began smoking, as in the case of baby boomers/Generation X/Y smokers. IMHO, the recent class-action suits against smokers are just blaming the companies, or socialization, or whatever scapegoat can be found, instead of taking personal responsibility.
I'm a smoker, and I was (and am) fully aware of the health risks involved when I started smoking. I take personal responsibility for the health dangers that I incur currently and in the future. Just like consumers should fully read pamphlets included with prescription drugs, etc., consumers should be fully aware of the consequences of their actions with smoking. The only solution to fully protect the lemmings that are too lazy/stupid/ignorant/blindly living their lives from the dangers of smoking is to include literature with every pack. Of course, those will probably be tossed aside like the cellophane and foil liners currently in cigarettes, at least then, the tobacco companies will be finally able to cover their asses (and their assets).
Mizzou lost, OU won. I'm Happy. It's been a fun weekend so far, but I've got to curb the spending. This will probably be the last hurrah in a while.
Oh, and an interesting article on us southpaws. An interesting read, all the same. And for the time being, I think the book club's on hold. Not any responses, although thanks to Dallas for some suggestions. Maybe a summertime thing. Besides, I need to build up my readership again before I think it'll work.
Mizzou lost, OU won. I'm Happy. It's been a fun weekend so far, but I've got to curb the spending. This will probably be the last hurrah in a while.
Oh, and an interesting article on us southpaws. An interesting read, all the same. And for the time being, I think the book club's on hold. Not any responses, although thanks to Dallas for some suggestions. Maybe a summertime thing. Besides, I need to build up my readership again before I think it'll work.
Things My Girlfriend And I Have Argued About: Love the website. Although I wonder if 352 pages of that would get boring real quick.
Get Your War On: Even more appropriate after what happened tonight. Of course, I was in class when it happened (or more appropriately, I was probably on a smoke break), so I'm glad there wasn't fire returned till I was safe in my room in the basement*, with my duct tape and plastic.
*I obviously didn't just fabricate this room for war purposes; I've been in this room since the sixth grade, when the roof caved in on my bedroom upstairs (a tree fell on the house). I don't want you kids to think I'm all "Panic Room" about this war.
Things My Girlfriend And I Have Argued About: Love the website. Although I wonder if 352 pages of that would get boring real quick.
Get Your War On: Even more appropriate after what happened tonight. Of course, I was in class when it happened (or more appropriately, I was probably on a smoke break), so I'm glad there wasn't fire returned till I was safe in my room in the basement*, with my duct tape and plastic.
*I obviously didn't just fabricate this room for war purposes; I've been in this room since the sixth grade, when the roof caved in on my bedroom upstairs (a tree fell on the house). I don't want you kids to think I'm all "Panic Room" about this war.
I got a solicitation to buy this in my email. Almost as ridiculous as the MSNBC deadline counter. (Mocked of course, on The Daily Show.)
I got a solicitation to buy this in my email. Almost as ridiculous as the MSNBC deadline counter. (Mocked of course, on The Daily Show.)
In other news, I'm thinking about starting a book club, even if it's only with the four or five regular readers I have. If you're interested, let me know. Send me your name, email addy, and the kinkiest thing you've ever done. Also, lemme know what kind of time you'd have to read each week. That way, I'll have an idea of what books to choose. (Put "Book Club" in the Subject Line.)
I'm not going to start till April 1st; I'll make my decision by the end of the week, so you'll have plenty of time to get the book.
Here's a few thoughts I've had so far. Any other suggestions? Comment below.
Paradise Lost: I've always been intrigued in this book, and have never had the chance to read it.
Naked Lunch: One of my favorites.
Drink: A Social History of America: I've read this book from cover to cover, many times. It's a bit of a dry read, but I'm a sociology nerd, so it's right up my alley.
Domesticating Drink: Women, Men, and Alcohol in America, 1870-1940 (Gender Relations in the American Experience): Found this while looking for the other one. Not bad. I'd definitely get the paperback edition, though.
What Liberal Media? The Truth About Bias and the News: Saw the author on the Daily Show Monday night. Funny guy. Should be an interesting read.
Savage Love: Straight Answers from America's Most Popular Sex Columnist: Dan Savage. 'Nuff said.
In other news, I'm thinking about starting a book club, even if it's only with the four or five regular readers I have. If you're interested, let me know. Send me your name, email addy, and the kinkiest thing you've ever done. Also, lemme know what kind of time you'd have to read each week. That way, I'll have an idea of what books to choose. (Put "Book Club" in the Subject Line.)
I'm not going to start till April 1st; I'll make my decision by the end of the week, so you'll have plenty of time to get the book.
Here's a few thoughts I've had so far. Any other suggestions? Comment below.
Paradise Lost: I've always been intrigued in this book, and have never had the chance to read it.
Naked Lunch: One of my favorites.
Drink: A Social History of America: I've read this book from cover to cover, many times. It's a bit of a dry read, but I'm a sociology nerd, so it's right up my alley.
Domesticating Drink: Women, Men, and Alcohol in America, 1870-1940 (Gender Relations in the American Experience): Found this while looking for the other one. Not bad. I'd definitely get the paperback edition, though.
What Liberal Media? The Truth About Bias and the News: Saw the author on the Daily Show Monday night. Funny guy. Should be an interesting read.
Savage Love: Straight Answers from America's Most Popular Sex Columnist: Dan Savage. 'Nuff said.
hehe. Sorry for the lack of posting, dear friends. I've been surprisingly busy. Classes started back up this week. So, I've basically been going to class, fighting insomnia, sleeping till 11 or so, then being productive in the afternoon and late night. I've been cleaning and arranging like a mad man for the past few days. I think this is the cleanest my room's been since I moved back in. Which is good, since I'm hopefully moving in the very near future. I'm shooting for the end of April, but since I've still got some fun graduation things to pay for (cap and gown, announcements, party, etc.), it's more likely that I'll be here till my birthday. Which is fine, cause a kick-ass housewarming/birthday party would be a great way to start off living on my own again.
hehe. Sorry for the lack of posting, dear friends. I've been surprisingly busy. Classes started back up this week. So, I've basically been going to class, fighting insomnia, sleeping till 11 or so, then being productive in the afternoon and late night. I've been cleaning and arranging like a mad man for the past few days. I think this is the cleanest my room's been since I moved back in. Which is good, since I'm hopefully moving in the very near future. I'm shooting for the end of April, but since I've still got some fun graduation things to pay for (cap and gown, announcements, party, etc.), it's more likely that I'll be here till my birthday. Which is fine, cause a kick-ass housewarming/birthday party would be a great way to start off living on my own again.
You Are The Suave Gay Man
I'm curious to see if any of my friends will take the bait, and find out they're
this. Hehe.
You Are The Suave Gay Man
I'm curious to see if any of my friends will take the bait, and find out they're
this. Hehe.
OK, so last night I went out with Justin last night. We started out for drinks at The Loading Zone, a local "g.bar" (phrase coined by Justin when deciding where to go) here in town. Luckily, we met at 7, before it was crowded (seriously, we could have almost outnumber the staff with a few more friends), for drinks and chat. He was just as attractive as I assumed, and definitely as sarcastic and witty. *bonus points*
Left there about ten, to go to the usual bar of choice for my queer friends, Freddie's. And, lo, and behold, nearly all the gang was there. Both of the Dallai (plural, forDallas, you see), Greg, Mike, even John, Phil, and Mark were there. A great time was had by all.
However. . .
1) four G&T's at LZ + two at Freddie's + one Subway sandwich eaten all day = oops. I was a bit more inebriated than I would've liked to have been. However, I was ridiculously nervous meeting him, and smoked and drank like you wouldn't believe.
2) Greg kept hogging my guest from me almost immediately after we got there. It was funny, as I'd never seen the flirty, chatty side of him, but pissed me off just a smidge. I'm over it by now, but still. . .
3) Karaoke. I hate it. I hate it even more when it's sung by off-key queers.
4) There's a possibility, nay, a definite chance, that I told Greg that he was retarded. Not because of the flirting and what not, but about a guy (John) who he basically just dropped like a rock because John would call occasionally, just to say hi, or to try to hang out with him. Hrm. Now, if you've been on a few dates with someone, and they *keep* calling, wouldn't you take it as a good sign? Um, maybe that they were interested? Granted, I know I've got some issues about "too clingy," but if I'm not interested, I don't just ignore their calls till they get the hint. but, I just don't think Greg even gave him a fair chance. Whateva. John and I are still good acquaintances, despite the fact.
5) Although I know this didn't happen, I had a freaky dream in between 6 and 8 am this morning, where I basically accosted poor Justin when he dropped me off. I know for a fact this didn't happen (we shook hands before I left the car), but it's still a bit of a scary dream to have. I definitely need to call him today, to assure that I didn't do/say/think anything repulsive or vulgar.
But, hopefully, we'll be able to hang out again in the future. He got to meet a majority of my queer brigade of friends, which is good, I think. As far as I know, none of them spread any filthy rumors about me. I'm supposed to give him a ring tonight anyway, because we're heading out tonight for Mark's 23rd birthday. Me thinks I'll be drinking water for most of the evening. Ugh.
OK, so last night I went out with Justin last night. We started out for drinks at The Loading Zone, a local "g.bar" (phrase coined by Justin when deciding where to go) here in town. Luckily, we met at 7, before it was crowded (seriously, we could have almost outnumber the staff with a few more friends), for drinks and chat. He was just as attractive as I assumed, and definitely as sarcastic and witty. *bonus points*
Left there about ten, to go to the usual bar of choice for my queer friends, Freddie's. And, lo, and behold, nearly all the gang was there. Both of the Dallai (plural, forDallas, you see), Greg, Mike, even John, Phil, and Mark were there. A great time was had by all.
However. . .
1) four G&T's at LZ + two at Freddie's + one Subway sandwich eaten all day = oops. I was a bit more inebriated than I would've liked to have been. However, I was ridiculously nervous meeting him, and smoked and drank like you wouldn't believe.
2) Greg kept hogging my guest from me almost immediately after we got there. It was funny, as I'd never seen the flirty, chatty side of him, but pissed me off just a smidge. I'm over it by now, but still. . .
3) Karaoke. I hate it. I hate it even more when it's sung by off-key queers.
4) There's a possibility, nay, a definite chance, that I told Greg that he was retarded. Not because of the flirting and what not, but about a guy (John) who he basically just dropped like a rock because John would call occasionally, just to say hi, or to try to hang out with him. Hrm. Now, if you've been on a few dates with someone, and they *keep* calling, wouldn't you take it as a good sign? Um, maybe that they were interested? Granted, I know I've got some issues about "too clingy,"
5) Although I know this didn't happen, I had a freaky dream in between 6 and 8 am this morning, where I basically accosted poor Justin when he dropped me off. I know for a fact this didn't happen (we shook hands before I left the car), but it's still a bit of a scary dream to have. I definitely need to call him today, to assure that I didn't do/say/think anything repulsive or vulgar.
But, hopefully, we'll be able to hang out again in the future. He got to meet a majority of my queer brigade of friends, which is good, I think. As far as I know, none of them spread any filthy rumors about me. I'm supposed to give him a ring tonight anyway, because we're heading out tonight for Mark's 23rd birthday. Me thinks I'll be drinking water for most of the evening. Ugh.
Ok, kids. I've reached my breaking point. Daddio and I got into a fight again (apparently, I'm an ungrateful asshole of a son.) So, I've got some checks to cash, and some job/apartment hunting to do. I think I might be out of here, one way or another, by the end of the weekend. I've got a few bills to pay, and then, with the money left over, I should have enough to put down for a deposit for an apartment. Seriously. My clothes, my stereo, and a few other odds and ends can fit in my car. I can get Brian to help me get my bed, and then, I'm gone. Screw this. I'm done here. So, when I finally get the job done, I won't be posting very often. (The computer's mom's, technically, and I'd hate to seem "ungrateful" by taking that with me.)
Ok, obviously, I'm fuming. I'll calm down by tomorrow, probably, but the plan is set in motion. I *need* to get out of here, ASAP.
Ok, kids. I've reached my breaking point. Daddio and I got into a fight again (apparently, I'm an ungrateful asshole of a son.) So, I've got some checks to cash, and some job/apartment hunting to do. I think I might be out of here, one way or another, by the end of the weekend. I've got a few bills to pay, and then, with the money left over, I should have enough to put down for a deposit for an apartment. Seriously. My clothes, my stereo, and a few other odds and ends can fit in my car. I can get Brian to help me get my bed, and then, I'm gone. Screw this. I'm done here. So, when I finally get the job done, I won't be posting very often. (The computer's mom's, technically, and I'd hate to seem "ungrateful" by taking that with me.)
Ok, obviously, I'm fuming. I'll calm down by tomorrow, probably, but the plan is set in motion. I *need* to get out of here, ASAP.
I'd like to announce the newest addition to Bob Rybarczyk's family. Although I'm sad that he didn't come up with a pseudonym for the new addition, I'm envious of him all the same.
One wonders, though, what color would the bubble gum cigars be?
I'd like to announce the newest addition to Bob Rybarczyk's family. Although I'm sad that he didn't come up with a pseudonym for the new addition, I'm envious of him all the same.
One wonders, though, what color would the bubble gum cigars be?
It's been a while since I've done this, or the Friday Five, so here goes:
PromoGuy's Monday Mission 3.10
1. What is the most boring project you have ever had to do?
Hrm. Probably bylaw revisions for PSP. Either that, or the job I had at Vatterott College.
2. If you could be anyone or anything you wish, who or what would you want to be? Why?
I think I would be a mind reader. I know that we all say one thing, and mean another, from time to time.
3. What is one thing you refuse to ever put in your mouth?
Ummm. . . . this is hard question for someone who's put a lot of things in his mouth. (No comments from the peanut gallery, thanks.) I'm not a big fan of having sardines in my mouth. Or pubic hair.
4.If you could film a documentary about yourself and have yourself followed for 1 day, what would that day look like? And why?
Um, well I don't know. If I knew that a documentary of me were to be filmed, I'd definitely be doing more exciting things than what I really do in my daily life. I'd probably skydive. That'd be fun.
5. What is the longest distance you have ever traveled to meet someone for the first time (blind date, blogger meet-up, etc). Was it worth the trip?
Um, I defer to Jen: which is farther, Columbus, OH; Cullowhee, NC; or Florida? And of course, it was worth the trip! Chillin with bros is nothing but a good time!
6. What do people usually assume about you that isn't true?
Uh. I don't know. My guess is most people assume I'm horrifically slutty. Granted, I had some times in my life when that was true, but those days are pretty much over, I think. Oh, and I think that I can come off as a bit flaky sometimes. No, I'm just bored easily.
7. What are you craving for lunch today?
The steak that's in the fridge, as we speak. I'll be grillin that up 'round noon.
BONUS: Take a look at me, tell me do you like what you see?
Yup. I'm a sucker for guys with nice teeth.
It's been a while since I've done this, or the Friday Five, so here goes:
PromoGuy's Monday Mission 3.10
1. What is the most boring project you have ever had to do?
Hrm. Probably bylaw revisions for PSP. Either that, or the job I had at Vatterott College.
2. If you could be anyone or anything you wish, who or what would you want to be? Why?
I think I would be a mind reader. I know that we all say one thing, and mean another, from time to time.
3. What is one thing you refuse to ever put in your mouth?
Ummm. . . . this is hard question for someone who's put a lot of things in his mouth. (No comments from the peanut gallery, thanks.) I'm not a big fan of having sardines in my mouth. Or pubic hair.
4.If you could film a documentary about yourself and have yourself followed for 1 day, what would that day look like? And why?
Um, well I don't know. If I knew that a documentary of me were to be filmed, I'd definitely be doing more exciting things than what I really do in my daily life. I'd probably skydive. That'd be fun.
5. What is the longest distance you have ever traveled to meet someone for the first time (blind date, blogger meet-up, etc). Was it worth the trip?
Um, I defer to Jen: which is farther, Columbus, OH; Cullowhee, NC; or Florida? And of course, it was worth the trip! Chillin with bros is nothing but a good time!
6. What do people usually assume about you that isn't true?
Uh. I don't know. My guess is most people assume I'm horrifically slutty. Granted, I had some times in my life when that was true, but those days are pretty much over, I think. Oh, and I think that I can come off as a bit flaky sometimes. No, I'm just bored easily.
7. What are you craving for lunch today?
The steak that's in the fridge, as we speak. I'll be grillin that up 'round noon.
BONUS: Take a look at me, tell me do you like what you see?
Yup. I'm a sucker for guys with nice teeth.
Yeah, my apologies, I've been a slacker in my bloggin lately. Loyal readers should be used to my on-again, off-again, postings.
Had a crazy weekend, but I'll give you the abridged version: Friday: Went out for a few beers, ended up at Mike's house. (It's not what you think; we were engrossed in conversation, and didn't realize we'd missed my exit till he was nearly home. Spent the wonderful weather on Saturday not doing much, but did enjoy the weather quite a bit. Saturday night, went out to eat with Greg, then drank a few adult beverages. (Oh yeah, and we also staged a bar fight. I was told it was realistic, but I'm not sure. I'm still pretty sure I could kick Greg's ass if the opportunity came up. hehe)
Sunday, I did a whole lotta nuttin. Yelled at the TV as Mizzou lost, (yay!) as did my alma mater. I swear, can the Bears ever keep up a fight? I've been to so many games, both basketball and football, where we'll have the lead, and still choke. Grrrr.
Other than that, not much is going on. Still continuing the job search. My printer went kaput, finally, after five years. So I bought a new printer. So, in between writing cover letters, laundry, and general housekeeping round here, I'm scanning some old pics I've got. Don't worry, I'll show 'em off when they're ready.
I've got a rant coming up about an article I read in EXP Magazine, a local GLBT publication, but I'm still working out all the kinks in my head. More to come.
Yeah, my apologies, I've been a slacker in my bloggin lately. Loyal readers should be used to my on-again, off-again, postings.
Had a crazy weekend, but I'll give you the abridged version: Friday: Went out for a few beers, ended up at Mike's house. (It's not what you think; we were engrossed in conversation, and didn't realize we'd missed my exit till he was nearly home. Spent the wonderful weather on Saturday not doing much, but did enjoy the weather quite a bit. Saturday night, went out to eat with Greg, then drank a few adult beverages. (Oh yeah, and we also staged a bar fight. I was told it was realistic, but I'm not sure. I'm still pretty sure I could kick Greg's ass if the opportunity came up. hehe)
Sunday, I did a whole lotta nuttin. Yelled at the TV as Mizzou lost, (yay!) as did my alma mater. I swear, can the Bears ever keep up a fight? I've been to so many games, both basketball and football, where we'll have the lead, and still choke. Grrrr.
Other than that, not much is going on. Still continuing the job search. My printer went kaput, finally, after five years. So I bought a new printer. So, in between writing cover letters, laundry, and general housekeeping round here, I'm scanning some old pics I've got. Don't worry, I'll show 'em off when they're ready.
I've got a rant coming up about an article I read in EXP Magazine, a local GLBT publication, but I'm still working out all the kinks in my head. More to come.

Heath Ledger: You like them with a drop dead
gorgeous smile, cute accent and from the Land
Down Under.
Which guy are you destined to have sex with?
brought to you by Quizilla
(BTW, I would've preferred Jude Law.)
Thanks to Todd for the linkage.

Heath Ledger: You like them with a drop dead
gorgeous smile, cute accent and from the Land
Down Under.
Which guy are you destined to have sex with?
brought to you by Quizilla
(BTW, I would've preferred Jude Law.)
Thanks to Todd for the linkage.
This random thought's been bothering me for a few weeks, since we discussed it in my philosophy class. Is society pro-choice? I was thinking this in the idea of how our society dates birthdays. If, a child is alive at the moment of conception, then why aren't our birthdates reflected as that? As an example: I was born on May 30th, although my due date (by the regular nine-month standard of human gestation) was near August 1st. Now, obviously, I was born about 2 months early. Most people would think this would make me vehemently pro-life, as Mom could've aborted me days before I was born, with no legal implications. But I survived at that early birth, and lived to tell about it, obviously.
But when was my first birthday celebration? November 30th, 1980? Nope. May 30th, 1981. And in fact, we're all socialized to celebrate one year of life at the anniversary of our birth, not our conception. Catholic Church holidays go by the same rule of thumb: the Feast of the Annunciation celebrates the Incarnation, or the conception of Christ (the Incarnation is "the word made flesh"), nine months before Christmas. The same idea is celebrated between the Immaculate Conception and Birth of the Virgin Mary. (Again, nine months between December 8th and September 8th)
So the question I have is: If we're socialized like this, are pro-lifers in the wrong? If literalist interpretation of Church documents and the Bible (which is often used to denounce homosexuality and other taboos of Christian religions) is made, pro-life members should celebrate life at the moment of conception, not birth. After all, "It's a Child, Not a Choice."
Of course, my response to that bumper sticker is one of my favorites I found at Cosmic Fish in Springfield, MO: Condoms are easier to change than babies.
This random thought's been bothering me for a few weeks, since we discussed it in my philosophy class. Is society pro-choice? I was thinking this in the idea of how our society dates birthdays. If, a child is alive at the moment of conception, then why aren't our birthdates reflected as that? As an example: I was born on May 30th, although my due date (by the regular nine-month standard of human gestation) was near August 1st. Now, obviously, I was born about 2 months early. Most people would think this would make me vehemently pro-life, as Mom could've aborted me days before I was born, with no legal implications. But I survived at that early birth, and lived to tell about it, obviously.
But when was my first birthday celebration? November 30th, 1980? Nope. May 30th, 1981. And in fact, we're all socialized to celebrate one year of life at the anniversary of our birth, not our conception. Catholic Church holidays go by the same rule of thumb: the Feast of the Annunciation celebrates the Incarnation, or the conception of Christ (the Incarnation is "the word made flesh"), nine months before Christmas. The same idea is celebrated between the Immaculate Conception and Birth of the Virgin Mary. (Again, nine months between December 8th and September 8th)
So the question I have is: If we're socialized like this, are pro-lifers in the wrong? If literalist interpretation of Church documents and the Bible (which is often used to denounce homosexuality and other taboos of Christian religions) is made, pro-life members should celebrate life at the moment of conception, not birth. After all, "It's a Child, Not a Choice."
Of course, my response to that bumper sticker is one of my favorites I found at Cosmic Fish in Springfield, MO: Condoms are easier to change than babies.
I'm a generally unfuckwitted, liberal, tight as fuck, pathetically simple-minded, dribbling child!
See how compatible you are with me!
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
Apparently, I'm 83% compatible with Chris, one of my brothers from another mother. Of course, that doesn't surprise me in the least. Chris rocks the casbah!
I'm a generally unfuckwitted, liberal, tight as fuck, pathetically simple-minded, dribbling child!
See how compatible you are with me!
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
Apparently, I'm 83% compatible with Chris, one of my brothers from another mother. Of course, that doesn't surprise me in the least. Chris rocks the casbah!
For one, I finally got around to reading all the blogs in my blogroll that I've been missing. Must do that on a regular basis again.
Two: Watched my taped episodes of Ed and Good Eats from this evening, whilst I was in class. Great episodes. TV at it's best. Ed had Dave Attell of Insomniac fame. Plus, Jim Gaffigan as an Executive Conflict Manager. Seriously, I've never literally Laughed Out Loud at a TV show in quite a long time.
In other news, This is absolutely ridiculous. For one, as he was obviously a consumer (e.g. buying the shirt he had just bought AT THE MALL!), he was not unlawfully trespassing. Also, and I think that Todd Levin at Tremble.com (which reminds me, I still owe him a CD. oops. Must burn CD's this weekend.) says it perfectly:
The mall security officers ordered this peace-loving and shirt-buying dissenter remove the shirt and justified their demand by comparing the shopping mall to "a private home" where Mr. Wavy Gravy was acting poorly. A private home? Filled with cops? Where baked potato fixins are free? Sign me up!
Of course, in my fucked up mind, this reminded me of the final episode of Strangers With Candy, where developers are buying Flatpoint High to make it into a stripmall. Too funny. Hrm. I think I shall indulge in an Orange Julius tomorrow, just because I can. And maybe I'll wear my "I heard it was come as you are so I came in my pants" T-shirt, and get arrested for indecent exposure.
For one, I finally got around to reading all the blogs in my blogroll that I've been missing. Must do that on a regular basis again.
Two: Watched my taped episodes of Ed and Good Eats from this evening, whilst I was in class. Great episodes. TV at it's best. Ed had Dave Attell of Insomniac fame. Plus, Jim Gaffigan as an Executive Conflict Manager. Seriously, I've never literally Laughed Out Loud at a TV show in quite a long time.
In other news, This is absolutely ridiculous. For one, as he was obviously a consumer (e.g. buying the shirt he had just bought AT THE MALL!), he was not unlawfully trespassing. Also, and I think that Todd Levin at Tremble.com (which reminds me, I still owe him a CD. oops. Must burn CD's this weekend.) says it perfectly:
The mall security officers ordered this peace-loving and shirt-buying dissenter remove the shirt and justified their demand by comparing the shopping mall to "a private home" where Mr. Wavy Gravy was acting poorly. A private home? Filled with cops? Where baked potato fixins are free? Sign me up!
Of course, in my fucked up mind, this reminded me of the final episode of Strangers With Candy, where developers are buying Flatpoint High to make it into a stripmall. Too funny. Hrm. I think I shall indulge in an Orange Julius tomorrow, just because I can. And maybe I'll wear my "I heard it was come as you are so I came in my pants" T-shirt, and get arrested for indecent exposure.
I love reading the "Match Made In Heaven/Hell" series in Salon.com. For someone who alternates between bliss and horror at my dating situation, it's a pleasant read. There are obviously some crazies that I *haven't* had the misfortune of dating, and considering I've met some of my best friends in St. Louis on gay.com, it's nice to know there are also some normal people online.
Check out the archive for more online dating fun.
Oh, and I'm now officially on Spring Break. Hurrah! Nine hours left till I'm an unemployed *college graduate* !!!
I love reading the "Match Made In Heaven/Hell" series in Salon.com. For someone who alternates between bliss and horror at my dating situation, it's a pleasant read. There are obviously some crazies that I *haven't* had the misfortune of dating, and considering I've met some of my best friends in St. Louis on gay.com, it's nice to know there are also some normal people online.
Check out the archive for more online dating fun.
Oh, and I'm now officially on Spring Break. Hurrah! Nine hours left till I'm an unemployed *college graduate* !!!
First of all, I'm horribly excited about today. After today, I'll be a mere nine hours from getting my undergrad degree. Huzzah!
Ok, back to last night. It was a very surreal kind of night. First of all, in my philosophy class, we were discussing Mill and Marx, and the idea that, in some ways, the minority is ruling the majority. The example he used was a public policy decision that was scrapped because a handicapped lobby (pardon the non-PC term, but I don't know the term, and frankly, don't care about being PC) basically said "all or nothing" toward their needs, so New York City opted for "nothing."
Prof. then asked the question, "Is this right? To have a minority group, basically decide policy for the majority?" He called on Alicia, the only black student (and as a sidenote, the only black woman) in the class. Now, he mentioned that he knew she had an opinion, because her papers showed that fact. However, Alicia hadn't been much of a talker throughout the class, and she wasn't going to start now, especially being put on the spot like that (gotta love the Socratic method of teaching!).
Anyhoo. . . I raise my hand to tackle the question. I replied that although this is an extreme example, that a minority will never become part of the majority unless their concerns are heard, and brought to the forefront. My example to use was the GLBT movement. Like the Women's Rights movements of the 1920s (and later, 1960s and 1970s, with the sexual revolution and Equal Rights Amendment), and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and beyond, the Gay Rights Movement was not a part of the mainstream media until Stonewall (in 1967, although I inadvertantly placed it in the early 1970s. "Dinner Mike" corrected me afterwards. Oops. Guess I'd never get a perfect score on my gay history exam. Time to turn in my gay card, I guess.)
I mentioned that in talking with one of my friends a while back (I believe it was Dallas), he mentioned how it was funny that those other movements, specifically the Civil Rights movement, had a bit of a violent tinge to them (e.g. The Black Panthers). Why don't gay people have an equivalent, The Pink Panthers, or something similar?
My reply to that phenomenon was that, for one, the gay movement isn't exactly a unified front, by any means. For a group that spouts claims of acceptance at every Pride parade and every HRC press conference, there's not a unanimous feeling of belonging by all queers. You're either "too" gay, or not "gay" enough (as has been my experience as a bisexual man, and I'm sure is even more obvious with the transgendered/transsexual phenomenon). Also, I feel that the fight being fought is the wrong war, the wrong battle. It's such a stratified cause, "us" vs. "them," "gay" vs. "straight". In fact, the fight should be about human rights, not gay or straight rights. It should be that these rights of partnership, of health and estate benefits, of general acceptance, should be the rights of all people, gay or straight, vanilla or kinky. Sex should not be a factor, and should not be a definition of who we are, or who we're percieved to be.
Of course, during the course of my soapbox, I was interrupted by the Prof., asking questions to me, who was apparently the new "gay" expert in the class. When I was finally finished, he replied, "well, I had a few different theories about that, and would've been afraid in the general public, to challenge any theories I've heard before. But I think you've changed my mind on a few issues. Well done, Jay."
Whoo hoo. Bonus points for me. Hopefully, my constant participation in class will boost my average test grades. I figure I'll either get an "A" for effort, or a "B" for my crappy test scores. We'll see.
Finally, after class, I went out with "Dinner Mike" to Freddie's (as opposed to "Movie Mike", who went to the Complex.) for a few beers. I hadn't seen him in quite a while, and I was excited and scared. For some reason, I'm always afraid that I won't have much to talk to him about. He's ridiculously intelligent, cultured, and one of my few older friends that actually has been changed by his life experiences, both good and bad. Others, like the Gregs, or the Dallai, really still often strike me as little boys in grown men's bodies sometimes.
Of course, my fears were unfounded, as usual. We always have a good time together, and talked about everything from my philosophy class (he lives for Philosophy, and is eventually going for his PhD), to our friends, to his job, to life in general. I've always thought there was a mutual attraction between us, and I think that it varies between sexually attractive and mentally attractive, and everything in between. He's definitely someone who has enriched my life, and I am a better person for knowing him. Granted, all my new friends have enriched my life, but there are a few friends that are in a place of their own with me, on a different pedestal of their own.
Oh, and I finally got a reply from the insurance company. I'm getting $731 for my car, and should get a check by the end of the week. Hurrah, I guess, although I wish I could just wiggle my nose, or bob my head, and my car would magically be fixed with that money. But I know that' s not the case.
Ok, enough rambling for now. I'm off to take a shower, grab some food, sell some books, and meet Dean for a meeting at 4:30.
First of all, I'm horribly excited about today. After today, I'll be a mere nine hours from getting my undergrad degree. Huzzah!
Ok, back to last night. It was a very surreal kind of night. First of all, in my philosophy class, we were discussing Mill and Marx, and the idea that, in some ways, the minority is ruling the majority. The example he used was a public policy decision that was scrapped because a handicapped lobby (pardon the non-PC term, but I don't know the term, and frankly, don't care about being PC) basically said "all or nothing" toward their needs, so New York City opted for "nothing."
Prof. then asked the question, "Is this right? To have a minority group, basically decide policy for the majority?" He called on Alicia, the only black student (and as a sidenote, the only black woman) in the class. Now, he mentioned that he knew she had an opinion, because her papers showed that fact. However, Alicia hadn't been much of a talker throughout the class, and she wasn't going to start now, especially being put on the spot like that (gotta love the Socratic method of teaching!).
Anyhoo. . . I raise my hand to tackle the question. I replied that although this is an extreme example, that a minority will never become part of the majority unless their concerns are heard, and brought to the forefront. My example to use was the GLBT movement. Like the Women's Rights movements of the 1920s (and later, 1960s and 1970s, with the sexual revolution and Equal Rights Amendment), and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and beyond, the Gay Rights Movement was not a part of the mainstream media until Stonewall (in 1967, although I inadvertantly placed it in the early 1970s. "Dinner Mike" corrected me afterwards. Oops. Guess I'd never get a perfect score on my gay history exam. Time to turn in my gay card, I guess.)
I mentioned that in talking with one of my friends a while back (I believe it was Dallas), he mentioned how it was funny that those other movements, specifically the Civil Rights movement, had a bit of a violent tinge to them (e.g. The Black Panthers). Why don't gay people have an equivalent, The Pink Panthers, or something similar?
My reply to that phenomenon was that, for one, the gay movement isn't exactly a unified front, by any means. For a group that spouts claims of acceptance at every Pride parade and every HRC press conference, there's not a unanimous feeling of belonging by all queers. You're either "too" gay, or not "gay" enough (as has been my experience as a bisexual man, and I'm sure is even more obvious with the transgendered/transsexual phenomenon). Also, I feel that the fight being fought is the wrong war, the wrong battle. It's such a stratified cause, "us" vs. "them," "gay" vs. "straight". In fact, the fight should be about human rights, not gay or straight rights. It should be that these rights of partnership, of health and estate benefits, of general acceptance, should be the rights of all people, gay or straight, vanilla or kinky. Sex should not be a factor, and should not be a definition of who we are, or who we're percieved to be.
Of course, during the course of my soapbox, I was interrupted by the Prof., asking questions to me, who was apparently the new "gay" expert in the class. When I was finally finished, he replied, "well, I had a few different theories about that, and would've been afraid in the general public, to challenge any theories I've heard before. But I think you've changed my mind on a few issues. Well done, Jay."
Whoo hoo. Bonus points for me. Hopefully, my constant participation in class will boost my average test grades. I figure I'll either get an "A" for effort, or a "B" for my crappy test scores. We'll see.
Finally, after class, I went out with "Dinner Mike" to Freddie's (as opposed to "Movie Mike", who went to the Complex.) for a few beers. I hadn't seen him in quite a while, and I was excited and scared. For some reason, I'm always afraid that I won't have much to talk to him about. He's ridiculously intelligent, cultured, and one of my few older friends that actually has been changed by his life experiences, both good and bad. Others, like the Gregs, or the Dallai, really still often strike me as little boys in grown men's bodies sometimes.
Of course, my fears were unfounded, as usual. We always have a good time together, and talked about everything from my philosophy class (he lives for Philosophy, and is eventually going for his PhD), to our friends, to his job, to life in general. I've always thought there was a mutual attraction between us, and I think that it varies between sexually attractive and mentally attractive, and everything in between. He's definitely someone who has enriched my life, and I am a better person for knowing him. Granted, all my new friends have enriched my life, but there are a few friends that are in a place of their own with me, on a different pedestal of their own.
Oh, and I finally got a reply from the insurance company. I'm getting $731 for my car, and should get a check by the end of the week. Hurrah, I guess, although I wish I could just wiggle my nose, or bob my head, and my car would magically be fixed with that money. But I know that' s not the case.
Ok, enough rambling for now. I'm off to take a shower, grab some food, sell some books, and meet Dean for a meeting at 4:30.
All the guys are single again, with this entry into the soap opera of our queer lives. I went out with the lil' guy last night, in hopes of making him feel better: beer + conversation + darts = remedy to get your mind off things for a while. I think I helped a little bit, although I did whomp his ass in darts 3 games to 1.
All the guys are single again, with this entry into the soap opera of our queer lives. I went out with the lil' guy last night, in hopes of making him feel better: beer + conversation + darts = remedy to get your mind off things for a while. I think I helped a little bit, although I did whomp his ass in darts 3 games to 1.
Since she's not tooting her own horn on her blog, I just wanted to let everyone know that Jennifer got a job this summer at the DOJ in Oregon!
*applause, applause*
Good job girl, I knew you could do it!
Since she's not tooting her own horn on her blog, I just wanted to let everyone know that Jennifer got a job this summer at the DOJ in Oregon!
*applause, applause*
Good job girl, I knew you could do it!
Ok, new month, new bloggin habits. I've been pretty much a slacker for the past 60 days, and I'm pissing myself off. I've got so much fun stuff to talk about, and I know that my readers want to hear it. *smirk*
Had a new job, lost said job: RJR was okay, but since I need my car for travel, since I'm traveling much farther than was explained to me in the interview process, and since fucking Farmers Insurance took so long to get me a rental car that I missed three days of work last week, I'm unemployed, yet again. Have no fear. . . I've got income tax refunds coming my way, a decent paycheck from when I was working, and I should have a nice settlement check today from said insurance company for totalling out the 14-year-old beauty that is my car. So, I'll be okay for a few weeks, but I've gotta pound the pavement in full stride. I've got a graduation party to help pay for, personal debts to return, and a plan to get the hell out of dodge. (aka my parents house/the Saint Louis area).
What else is new? Mardi Gras was fun this weekend. Hung out with some old school friends (read: high school), and Mike. Silly boy. Had to take him from Maggie O'Briens to get his spare set of keys at his house in West County. All well, I got White Castles out of the deal, so I don't mind.
Last night, I watched the season premiere of Queer As Folk with "hot" Dallas, as opposed to "stylish jeans" Dallas. We both agreed that the violin player that Justin is dating needs more airtime, specifically, in the nude. *snicker*
One final hurrah before I get back to my take-home exam for my jazz class tonight: Guinness Draught is only $4.97 in 6-pack bottles at Shop 'N Save! Hurrah, says I. So all you St. Louis area readers, stock up!
Ok, new month, new bloggin habits. I've been pretty much a slacker for the past 60 days, and I'm pissing myself off. I've got so much fun stuff to talk about, and I know that my readers want to hear it. *smirk*
Had a new job, lost said job: RJR was okay, but since I need my car for travel, since I'm traveling much farther than was explained to me in the interview process, and since fucking Farmers Insurance took so long to get me a rental car that I missed three days of work last week, I'm unemployed, yet again. Have no fear. . . I've got income tax refunds coming my way, a decent paycheck from when I was working, and I should have a nice settlement check today from said insurance company for totalling out the 14-year-old beauty that is my car. So, I'll be okay for a few weeks, but I've gotta pound the pavement in full stride. I've got a graduation party to help pay for, personal debts to return, and a plan to get the hell out of dodge. (aka my parents house/the Saint Louis area).
What else is new? Mardi Gras was fun this weekend. Hung out with some old school friends (read: high school), and Mike. Silly boy. Had to take him from Maggie O'Briens to get his spare set of keys at his house in West County. All well, I got White Castles out of the deal, so I don't mind.
Last night, I watched the season premiere of Queer As Folk with "hot" Dallas, as opposed to "stylish jeans" Dallas. We both agreed that the violin player that Justin is dating needs more airtime, specifically, in the nude. *snicker*
One final hurrah before I get back to my take-home exam for my jazz class tonight: Guinness Draught is only $4.97 in 6-pack bottles at Shop 'N Save! Hurrah, says I. So all you St. Louis area readers, stock up!
You are Socialist What: Socialism Where: At the distant bottom-left of the politcal spectrum How: Based on communism, socialism is a much more authoritarian approach to a worker-led society. People are guaranteed jobs and given them, while being closely regulated. It has been attempted and failed in countries including the Soviet Union. What political extremity are you?
I always thought that Marx had it right, in theory. However, human nature would never allow a socialist society. We're too greedy, by nature.
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