LOONG NIGHT, BUT FISCALLY WORTH IT, I GUESS.Ideal Scenario: Come in at five, the other two bussers join me at 5:30 and 6:00, respectively. With six servers, I'd have a small section, but that means I'd get off relatively early.
Reality: Come in at five. We're a server short, so there are five sections, slightly larger than normal. I then find out that the busser who should've been the closer called in with a migraine. The other busser working with me wants me to close, since he's running a 5k tomorrow at 6 am.
I close. I wait on one final table that takes forever, and doesn't leave until 1:30. I come home with about $80. Here's hoping Joe's feeling better tomorrow, because I'd rather not close four nights in a row (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday nights).
Also, I got a "real" job. Well, kind of. It's doing some data entry and clerical work through Accountemps for a company in NoCo. Although I *really* am not looking forward to the drive, I am looking forward to a steady paycheck for the next 6 weeks. I was starting to get a bit nervous on how I was going to pay for the London Trip. I figure I'll take-home at least $1000 by the end of the assignment (which, ends very close to Thanksgiving, I'm assuming, so that also works out smashingly), and that will be enough for the hotel, food, and spending money for the trip. Huzzah!
However, I had to inform the new GM that the assignment starts next week, so I won't be able to work Wednesday lunches for a while. She was *not* happy about it (way to make a good first impression, huh?). I think it pissed her off because of the short notice, but the lunches aren't really worth it for me, anyway. On a really *great* shift, I might take home $20 in tips, but it's usually more like $10.
Let's do the math: Turn down a 40-hour week job, paying $10.something an hour, OR keep my part-time job happy by working one four hour shift once a week, and making squat. I think it's obvious which one I chose.
And on that note, I'm going to eat my giant peanut butter cookie I picked up at 7-11, and head to bed.
(Oh, and for those of you that know what I'm talking about: Because of work, the DTR was a no-go. So I'm still in the dark. It'll keep for a while, I suppose.)
I am *so* getting in that hot tub tomorrow.