

Seriously, go on. I know it's a big hassle, but it only takes about a minute. I promise.

Try it.

You'll like it.
[Listening to: I Dare You To Move - Switchfoot - Learning to Breath (4:07)]



In case you were checking out the new site, you may have noticed the template was a bit wonky. It's fixed now, so stop on by, leave a comment or something.

Oh, and I've got my third interview with SBC tomorrow. Think good thoughts around 3 pm.



For those brave souls that have been trying to view my new blog in Internet Explorer, it's at least readable now, thanks to a new template. Now, if I can just get that pesky sidebar to end up on *the side* and not at the bottom, I'd be all set.



Good news and, well, Good news, kids.

I got a second interview at SBC tomorrow (at 8:15, ugh.)!!!!

Oh, and even though (or maybe because) I didn't get to sleep until after 6 am today, the new blog is *finally* up and running.

*does the Cabbage Patch*

So, please update your bookmarks to:


I'm having a bit of a technical snafu, however: I can't get the page to view correctly in Internet Explorer. I've shot off an email to the template designer, and hopefully, we'll have it all cleared up by the end of the day today. At this point, I'd suggest viewing it in Mozilla Firebird, which, has become my browser of choice these days, anyway.

Also, if you're looking for your site in my blogroll, it's now listed under http://www.chud2themax.com/feeds, then "blogroll, simplified."

[Listening to: Timothy - Jet - Get Born (4:32)]




That's right; I'm now a production assistant at The Real Estate Book. Now, it's not nearly as much as was possible with my interview at SBC (in fact, it's nearly $10K less, annually), but I figured I'd take this job, and then if I make it through the next two interviews at SBC, then I'll still have a few hundred dollars in my bank account while I go through that arduous process.

Plus, with all this excited energy, I think I'll spend tonight watching a few more movies from NetFlix and putting the final touches on the new digs.



Ok, so after yet another insomniac weekend, I'm putting most of the finishing touches my horrendously long road to my MT installation. I'm still a bit unsatisfied with my template, but longtime readers are used to my frequent wild hairs toward the look of my blog.


Seriously, this has been entirely too long coming.

[Listening to: She Talks To Angels - Black Crowes - (5:31)]


Once again, it's Three AM, and I'm still not awake.

This is of course, despite going to Freddie's with Greg (and trouncing his ass in two games of darts; I *so* rock), and having a few beers. So, what am I going to do in the meantime? Try to get AWSTATS configured on the new server, and then maybe I can finally get the thing good enough for the time being to make the switch.

[Listening to: Strange Fruit (Tricky remix) - Billie Holiday - Verve Remixed (3:19)]



I took this quiz in honor of Mary, who undoubtedly would be some sort of stilletto; sassy and an attention getter!
[And Mary, notice the exclamation point(!)]

You Are Big Black Boots!

You can be best described as: attitude

You've got lots of it - and you love to give it

A guy has to be pretty gutsy to hit on you

But if he's your type, you'll warm up... a little

What Shoe Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

[Listening to: Moondance - Michael Buble - Michael Buble (4:14)]



My kiwi tends to make up nicknames for the more interesting members of his colleagues, so, I nearly pissed myself laughing when I read this cartoon. (Via salon.com. Premium membership or quickly click through the ad)


orgasm to death

You Will Die Orgasming To Death!

When it comes to sex, you're like an energizer bunny on crack.

While this is normally a good thing, you don't cool down when you should.

If you're going to bite the big one while your naked, it will be simple.

Too much fun, and your heart will give out. What a way to go!

How Will You Die Having Sex?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva


Straight after my interview for a Production Assistant with The Real Estate Book, I come home to two new solicitations for interviews. Add in a possible opportunity with Keystone, and an interview on Friday with yet another temp agency, and I'd *better* be working soon.

[Listening to: Down with Love - Michael Buble (2:31)]



While trying to find a website for Harry's in my previous post, I stumbled upon this fantastic website. Now I can find out *exactly* where to go a-drinkin' for cheap any night of the week.

Oh, and the job hunt? I've got two interviews tomorrow, and probably one on Thursday. The running total of jobs applied for is now 120. If I try hard enough, I might reach 200 by next week.

Or, alternatively, I might just get me a job soon. That'd be nice, too, I guess. :)

[Listening to: Warning Sign - Coldplay - A Rush Of Blood To The Head (5:28)]


I went to the Cardinals home opener yesterday. We lost.

Now, although I've yet to be to a winning Cards game, I'd like to blame the outcome on Bush's first pitch, or the dozens of snipers strategically placed around Busch Stadium.


[Listening to: Warning Sign - Coldplay - A Rush Of Blood To The Head (5:28)]


I hate Sprint PCS.

I'm sure I've probably mentioned it before, but I'd like to mention it again. My cell phone went kaput, for the third time in six months. And once again, I had to hunt down phone numbers.

Unfortunately, I'll just have to put up with it until the cash flow starts up again.


And the blogging slackass strikes again!

It was a whirlwind weekend O' Steph and other various Old School friends. Friday night, Greg, Tina, and I had dinner at a little noodle shop/chinese restaurant in the Loop, after a miscommunication with the reservation staff at Mirasol. Then, we hopped out to Ameristar, and wasted some cash.

Saturday, Mom and I stopped by Brian's to visit him and play some Liar's Dice (our version was homemade, but you get the idea), then Michael and I headed out to see The Reckoning, which was not nearly as fantastic as the RFT review claimed.

Afterwards, I headed over to Amie's house, where it seemed most of the ol' gang was there. A relatively good time was had by all.

Sunday, I made a fruitless trek for wedding dresses with Steph, her mom, Amie, and George. Michael met us for some good burgers at Harry's (on Southwest). I think he was slightly nervous meeting a mother, albeit, not mine, but a parental figure all the same.

Finished it off with a trip to Sprint to get a new phone (more on that shortly), but all in all, the weekend was good times, good times.

[Listening to: The Scientist - Coldplay - (5:09)]



I've got a job interview on Wednesday. It's for a graphic design/layout position with a publishing company, which will be a nice addition to my skills and background that I'm horribly lacking in real-world-experience.

However, I had to pass up on a possible long-term assignment with Accountemps. I *still* don't feel like it was fair to recuse me from that assignment, even if there was the possibility of leaving the assignment shortly after I started. Our employee handbook recognizes and encourages interviews for permanent employment, as long as we inform our employer (Accountemps), who will then inform the client. Once again, doing the "right" and "official" thing fucks me over. But, here's hoping I get the job, eh?

[Listening to: Then She Farted - Stephen Lynch - (1:46)]


Of course, it's known by all. But I'm horribly addicted to Great Hotels on the Travel Channel, and I'm salivating over my newest mailbox offering, my latest Chef's Catalog. . . so many things I want, so little moolah.

And, to offset my saliva-inducing catalog. . . a Jury Summons. Woot.

[Listening to: Stephen Lynch - dungeons and dragons - (2:09)]



"The Unborn Victims of Violence Act": I understand the point of it, but I'm not sure if I agree with it. Obviously, it has possible ramifications toward women's rights, or the lack thereof; I'm curious to see if it will result in additional federal charges in the impending Peterson trial. I see it as a definite possibility, considering the Act was called "Laci and Connor's Bill" in the past.


Don't fuck with the menu. You'll just piss of your customers, and make your life miserable.

[Listening to: John Mayer - Great Indoors - (3:49)]


I didn't specifically give a *time* for the new release, but I think it'll be ready by today, sometime. However, last night, I didn't get to sleep till sometime after 6 am, so I'm a bit slow-going today.


It's not like anyone's actually keeping tabs on me anyway, thank god.

[Listening to: John Mayer - Comfortable - (5:02)]


With the mailing of this resume today, I have officially applied for 100 positions since February 20th.

I'm not sure if I should celebrate, or hold my unemployed head in shame.

[Listening to: Broken Vow - Josh Groban - In Concert (4:30)]



I think it must be official. There's a fatwa on my resume. I'm unclean, unemployable. When you've applied for damned near 100 jobs in 6 weeks, and (most) are totally and completely within my educational/employment background. . . well, it's hard not to whine a little.

I'm just tired of feeling like I'm stuck. Stuck here, with my crappy car, no money, and no actual place to call my own.

Granted, there are a few things that make it a little easier. Good friends, a surprisingly easy-flowing romantic relationship, and the support of many.

*sigh* Ok, enough bitching and moaning. Tomorrow, I'm off to a few more temp agencies. Why the hell not, eh?

Tonight, however, it's The Family Guy, some Photoshop, and some website tweaking. Two more days, kids!


I'm watching the first season of The Office, and the episode about the Quiz Game reminds me of going to Trivia Nights with Greg and his gang. Good times, Good Times.

I'm not sure which is more fun, the competition, or the competitive nature of those guys. I think it's a toss up.



The Volokh Conspiracy has an post about a fairly innnocuous (and not very funny) cartoon posted in the Standard around Thanksgiving last year. Now, I'm not saying that the student group who filed a complaint are (necessarily) fuckwits, but as usual, I think that the actions of the administration are. First of all, you'd think that Keiser would be smart enough not to make a public statement that the complaint was "dumb," which surely is a personal opinion, not an official opinion. Every time this man speaks, I'm amazed that he's amassed any type of education. Of course, I'm a bit biased. I've never liked the man.

And the recent "discussion" about the non-discrimination policy just makes me furious. Not because it hasn't changed, as I actually admire Keiser for sticking to his guns, but the fact that if people *are* being discriminated against, they're not making reports. This has been a highly debated issue since I was in school, and I'm just amazed that after all this public demand from students and faculty, that those discriminated students are being big pussies and not filing reports. You'd think that if this is happening, people would file numerous complaints, as a way to show the administration that it *is* a relevant issue. And if the complaints were filed, and somehow "swept under the table," or ignored, it would give Lambda and BiGala at least a little more fuel. The comment made by a student in the article is correct: It *is* the same discussion, with nothing new, nothing different. I do have to say that it's an excellent article, written by my good friend Matt. He rocks the casbah.

[Listening to: Jim Henson's Dead - Stephen Lynch - A Little Bit Special (3:03)]


The act ofcivil disobedience that I mentioned a few weeks ago has finally happened, and has a small write up in the Post. Now, they're in the process of fighting the legal system, ala New Paltz, but it will be curious to see how it turns out.

[Listening to: On Fire - Switchfoot - The Beautiful Letdown (4:39)]



Salon has an article about the effect that Catholics might have on the election. I find it interesting, because I had an intriguing discussion last night about religion and self-identity over dinner at The Blackthorn Pub, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite hangouts. Mind you, the conversation consisted of myself, Michael, his crazy co-worker, Mary (who is a Seattle native), and Kate, a visitor from Australia. So, there was quite a varied group of point-of-views.

The conversation came about because of a WU co-worker who apparently is very religious, but doesn't speak her opinions. Mary was horrified to find this out, as she's said comments such as, "Those damned fundamentalists!" and the like. We pondered why said co-worker was silent when Mary said such comments, as we assumed that people are shaped by their world views, and by their experiences. I think that despite what your adult views are on religion, there's still a small part of everyone who was raised in some religion, no matter how strongly your family practiced, and how your current views are similar or different.

I mentioned that in Saint Louis, at least among Catholics, there's a leaning towards having strong association with your parish. Not only in a spiritual sense, but in a geographical sense.

Think about it. There's a sterotypical joke that St. Louisians continually ask upon meeting a native, "So, where'd you go to high school?" For the most part, it's to get an idea of geography (what school district you were in), socioeconomic status (natch, what school district you were in), and then finally a possible common ground (people you knew who attended that school, etc.). But students of Catholic high schools don't have that same geographical recognition. Among Catholic kids, high schools are conglomerated of many different parishes and backgrounds. (For the most part. I'd say that most Catholic schools are still predominately white.) So, the questioning turns to "What parish are you from?" From their response, all of the geographical and socioeconomic cues are in place, and there's a likelihood that if you went to a Catholic school you either knew someone who went to a school, played them in sports, etc.

Anyway, back to my current commentary. Because of the idea that exposure to religion (or lack thereof) shapes a person, I think that there's a likelihood that on some level, people may vote based on religion. I think that certainly, the gay-marriage debate is counting on that idea. If that weren't the case, the Moral Majority wouldn't keep spouting how homosexuality is an abmination of God's law, God's Plan, etc. I think that morality is (and should be) a strong basis of our legal and political system, otherwise it would be legal to do harm to others, physically, mentally, fiscally. However, the idea of religion should not be a part of any system, especially not ours. I think it's ironic that Michael and Kate mentioned how religion doesn't play a large part at all in politics in New Zealand and Australia, respectively, yet plays such a large part in ours. It may be a subterraneous part, but it's there, and is there in many areas of our culture. It's part of our history, and part of our future. I think that the ideal of separation of church and state is an ideal goal of our political and legal system, but I think that, like other parts of our society, theory and practice of those theory will, more often than not, lead to different results.

The article mentions that despite the conservative, pro-life, anti-homosexual mandates of Catholic leaders, Catholics tend to be more left-of-center than the same Protestant voter. I think that Kerry's pro-choice (and possible pro-homosexual) views will likely appeal to those non-practicing Catholics, similar to myself, who have strayed from the Church because of these conflicting views. It's possible that despite his differing views from traditional Catholic politics, there will be Catholics who will vote for him because of a shared belief system, a shared moral ground.

Of course, the article makes what would seem an obvious comparision to JFK. But nearly 50 years ago, I'm not sure there was the visible division between the two major political parties on such social issues. I think that it was underlying, but not necessarily as much of a definitive part of party identification. I think that there was a much stronger leaning towards labeling people as "progressive," or "liberal," without using party identification as a four-letter word. I know people who are amazed that there are democratic-voting people who are pro-war, pro-guns, pro-life, etc., or that there is an actual need/demand for a group like the Log Cabin Republicans.

This wouldn't even be an issue, if there wasn't party divisiveness, as a general rule. I'd like to think that without party politics, the general public would make an informed decision on candidates based on issues, and that representation would be much more of an equal representation, without the fear of offending that party powers-that-be.

Rereading this post, I'm not sure if I made a point at all. Of course, my ramblings tend to do that, eh? *shrug* As always, feel free to comment or email me if you think I'm right, or a blubbering idiot.


The new GAP ad. With the khakis.

'Nuff said.

[Listening to: 24 - Switchfoot - The Beautiful Letdown (4:55)]


You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe

But don't think plain - instead think, uncomplicated

You're a low maintenance kind of guy... who can hang with the guys

Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you: the friend everyone invites.

And your dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear.

What Kind Of Coffee Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Of course, I like to think of myself as Colombian Coffee. . .strong and dark, slightly bitter if not handled correctly. :)

[Listening to: Meant To Live - Switchfoot - The Beautiful Letdown (3:25)]



So, I'm part of an interesting program for free magazine subscriptions, primarily aimed at professionals, needing magazines for their lobbies. Now, I've got lots of free magazines that I've found interesting, but probably wouldn't buy for myself.

But this new crop of magazines takes the cake, and I don't remember signing up for them. In one day, I recieved the latest copies of Seventeen, Lifetime Magazine, Better Homes and Gardens, and Redbook. I assume they're replacements for other subscriptions that I ordered. Or at least, I hope so. I don't think I went on a drunken bender and signed up for these. And I've noticed that my subscriptions to Time and Sports Illustrated have ended, so I guess the switch-up is likely.

[Listening to: Love For Sale - Nina Simone (3:29)]


Sorry for the lack o' blogging, kids, but it's time for my semi-annual "I'm tired of being unemployed, and don't feel like blogging" phase. Plus, I'm in the process of teaching myself Photoshop so I can create a super-duper template for the new blog, currently scheduled for release on April 1st (mark your calendars).

I had an interview yesterday with BJC for a very entry-level job. Then, last night, thanks to a frantic cleaning/laundry/closet organizing marathon, I didn't head to bed till nearly 6 am. (Surprise, surprise)

Today, I made some kickass banana-pecan waffles, drank about half a pot of coffee, and it's back to more cleaning. Of course, in my case, "cleaning" really means throwing away lots of junk mail and magazines, and figuring out what to do with the rest of my crap that I can't seem to part with, for some reason.

Oh, and just in case you're keeping track, the new grand total of jobs applied for is now over the 70-mark. *sigh*

[Listening to: Sinnerman (Felix Da Housecat Housecat Remix) - Nina Simone - Verve Remixed (6:14)]



I was going through how many resumes I've submitted since I left SLUH. Over 60. I've had *one* call back, and it was for a mediocre data entry position that I'm horribly overqualified. That's a 1.67% rate of return. And that's not saying that I'll even get the job. *sigh*

Of course, I've got a probable interview with the devil, although a lesser version of my former soul-selling foray into the tobacco world.



For one, I realized that I completely napped through the game, but then I found out that the Lady Bears, like their male counterparts, apparently can't hack an overtime game.


Update on the possible "civil disobedience" that was supposed to happen yesterday:

Subject: Re: Join us for a marriage?

After much consideration for the legal implications of doing this ceremony in Missouri, we are going to put this on hold.

We want to do everything possible to be sure that gay marriage is a reality in this country and in order for this to be so, we need to proceed with a national awareness, with caution and in coordination with the strategies of other organizations who are working toward the day when gay marriage is a reality.

This coordination will take time and it is unlikely that this will be done by March 27. The ministerial staff of [location of church] will continue working toward this and will be in touch.

I realized after I posted on Friday, that it probably wasn't going to happen. Michael and I were discussing it that night, and I figured that 1) the organizers didn't realize the actual legal reason that the ministers in NY were arrested, and 2) probably didn't know how to go about it to get arrested in the same way.

*shrug* I think it's for the best. Piss poor planning yields piss poor results.



I won't go into specifics, for the off chance of ruining it, but word on the street is that there's going to be some same-sex marriages performed in the Metro area on Saturday. Of course, it could just be a rumor, but if you're queer, and are in the marryin' mood, Contact me if you'd like more info.

[Listening to: October - Evanescence - (6:26)]



I mentioned last night during my had-to-cut-it-short date with Michael that I thought I was going to feel better today. Alas, no. Sinus infections suck. I want to do nothing more than stay in bed, turn off the lights, and sleep. Happy St. Patrick's Day, indeed.



I was up till 4 am this morning (fueled by entirely too much caffeine), but I've categorized all 640+ entries in my MT blog. I've got a few more decisions to make on the template, but expect this address to be last updated by the end of the week.


I just found out through the magic of email that, according to that fantastic quiz, I'm dating Brian of Family Guy fame. How appropriate.

[Listening to: 24 - Switchfoot - The Beautiful Letdown (4:55)]



I didn't really get a chance to watch the Lady Bears kick ass and take names this past weekend, but I'll be watching this weekend, or at least taping it. GO BEARS!

[Listening to: See Me Through - Rascal Flatts - (6:25)]


Which Family Guy character are you?

Thanks to Chris at thay_space for the linkage ( Chris, there's one mention. Googlize to your heart's content).


. . . regarding the federal government's involvement in gay marriage.

(Sorry, I couldn't resist the bad pun)


CNN has this AP article about more arrests for people officiating over gay marriages. However, this is possibly the first time that clergy members have been arrested on the same grounds as elected officials.

Um, hello? What about separation of church and state? Despite the fact that one minister signed an affidavit for the couples, I'm not quite sure that the minster has the authority to consider the union a civil one, or legally binding. From what I read in the article, there's really no merit the charge; possibly a fraud charge, as they were acting as a legal authority? I obviously don't know the law in this area, so it's all conjecture from my end, as usual. :)


Courtesy of FindLaw.com. Now, I find it interesting that the ruling in Zablocki v. Redhail has not, in effect, struck down current and future laws against same-sex marriage.

Additionally, I find the following statement to be essentially true, especially after the Lawrence v. Texas ruling from last year (the article was written in 2002):

Furthermore, the American judicial system has a significant homophobic edge to it. No doubt, a state bureaucrat in at least one of the other 49 states would refuse to recognize another state's same-sex marriage and the dispute would go the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Supreme Court would have to decide which takes precedent: the full faith and credit clause of the U.S. Constitution, the Defense of Marriage Act or a state's assertion that same-sex marriages violate the public policy of that state. Virtually all constitutional scholars agree that in any other kind of case the U.S. Supreme Court -- especially the conservative justices who like to be consistent in constitutional interpretations -- would rule that full faith and credit takes precedent. But can you imagine Justices Rehnquist, Scalia and Thomas voting in favor of same-sex marriages? It's unlikely, but only time will tell.

Of course, all this talk still brings more unanswered questions: How does The Federal Defense of Marriage Act effect couples who have gotten married in Canada? Does the full faith and credit clause apply to these contracts? And how will those who *have* been married in San Francisco, New Mexico, Portland, and New York file their income taxes next year? Married, Single, etc?


Jen mentions a new Australian law that is banning swords in public. Now, from what I understand, many of the law officers of the region do not carry guns, and the weapons that are used for criminal submission would obviously not have the same reach as a sword, as a weapon. (Addendum: Thanks to my lil' Kiwi, I was informed that the Aussie cops *do* have guns, but not in New Zealand. My mistake)

I think the question is why is there such a sudden increase in these weapons? Now, I'm sure it's a bit of culture bias, but I think it's also a bit of practicality: really, what can you get done in daily life with a scabbard attached to your belt?

"Pardon me, but I may need to unsheath myself before I get into that ferris wheel."

"Would you like to dance? Watch out for my swinging sword!" (Hrm. Depending on the person, that might not be such an unusual request)

And of course, "Now that's a knife!" (I think Paul Hogan has ruined the idea of Aussies and Kiwis for most of Americans living in the '80s)

[Listening to: Clockwork Orange - DJ Tiesto - (5:48)]


Well, sort of. Although I've been very short of posts here, I have been spending hours categorizing and editing my new home, and basically just been spending time sending out more resumes, and doing laundry. Such an exciting time, don'tcha think?

[Listening to: Da Doo Ron Ron - The Donnas - (1:26)]



It's almost complete. I've been editing quite a few of my posts, and tweaking the template here and there, so expect the new launch of Naked Jay, 2.0 to begin in about a week or so. Woot!

[Listening to: Mood Indigo - Nina Simone - (4:02)]


I just finished watching Playing It Straight, which aired last night, and I'm just not sure what I think about it. I don't know if I like it or not. It's relatively entertaining, but I'm not a big fan of a few things:

Just like the much more entertaining Boy Meets Boy, the show is based on the participants and the audience using their "gaydar" to figure out who's gay or straight by widely known stereotypes. Blech. (The flip side to that in this show, is that it might be able to show audiences that all gay men are not effeminate flamers.)

Also, especially in the pilot, the gay men, who have always known the premise and that they have to "play it straight," are almost villainized money-hungry homos. Sorry, but anyone who participates in a dating show like this is money-hungry; finding "love" is just an added bonus, IMHO.

Speaking of TV, Charter finally moved our area over to the new channel lineup, so I've been immersing myself in the Bravo network. (Now, if they could only bring Cable Modems to our neighborhood, I'd be happy as a lark.)

Check out Significant Others, which is one of the funniest shows I've seen in quite a while.

[Listening to: Maroon 5 - This Love - Maroon 5 - (4:26)]



You know, after reading this article, volunteering at the tourney doesn't sound like a bad idea for next year.


The topic of Gay Marriage now has an official Urban Legend. Of course, I'm sure it's a nice sentiment to lots of gay men in particular that Bathhouse Betty would support the issue, but does anyone think that a leader would change his mind on a topic, just because a celebrity wrote them anyway?

"Oh, I've been ignoring the common people, but now that you've wrote such an eloquent letter, Ms. Midler, I'll just change my position. Have I ever told you that Beaches is one of Laura's favorite movies?"

[Listening to: John Mayer - Comfortable - (5:02)]



I *so* rock today.

I finally got Movable Type to install on my server. Much thanks to Chris and this site for all the help. Now, seeing as how I'm a bit OCD about these things, and I've got entirely too much time on my hands these days, don't expect a full move to the new system till the end of the month or so. I've got almost 700 entries to edit (who knew erratic posting over two years made so many entries?) , and I want to get a new template. But, it's finally imported, which was the main thing.

[Listening to: Will I? - Original Broadway Cast - RENT (2:31)]



A three-hour game.

Very, very close.

The MVC's first Double Overtime game.

But the Bears got too foul-happy, and the Panthers won 79-74, basically, by free-throw shots in the second overtime.


[Listening to: She Lives In My Lap (Ft Rosari - Outkast - Ghettomusick VLS (4:25)]



It's been an exhausting day today, and the funeral tomorrow is sure to be the same. But. . .

I just wanted to continue boasting about the Bears, as they beat the Salukis 80 - 74. I wish I could've seen it, or more appropriately, had the foresight to tape it. But you can bet your sweet ass that I'm taping the final showdown on Monday.

I can't *remember* the last time I was excited about the men's basketball program. (The Lady Bears aren't doing so bad, either; they won the regular season MVC title, and are top seeded in the tournament next weekend.

Wouldn't it be cool if both teams won their conference tournaments? I wonder when *that* happened last?



While I've been frantically cleaning the house in preparation for my brother, sister, et. al arriving for the funeral tomorrow, I slowed down a bit to watch a fucking awesome game in the MVC Tournament. The Bears look like they've got a decent team again, and most of the Freshmen are already standing out as players that might lead the team to bigger and brighter victories. Blake Ahearn, for example, was just phenomenal today.

Of course, all this talk may be a bit too enthusiastic. After all, they've got to beat the #1 seeded Salukis tomorrow. So, I'll wait, and boast more after they win.


Your Inner Eye Color Is Green

You're off-scale unique and creative - just like green eyes

You're peaceful, relaxed, and easy to be around

You've got an exotic flair that draws men in... with unique beauty.

What's Your Inner Eye Color? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

I actually had green contacts once; it was a sample pair, luckily, because they made me look a bit demonic. So, I wore one green one and one clear one when I was in a haunted house later that year.



Wednesday night, I had a wonderful dinner with Michael, then we just laid about and watched a few more episodes of Coupling Season 2.

While we were watching it, I wasn't feeling well, not exactly getting a good "vibe," so to speak, so I went to bed. That night, I had a dream that grandma was going to die yesterday.

I was a bit shaken by the dream, so I called in to Accountemps. I spent the day firing off resumes all about town, and as I was ready to leave that night, to meet Michael and his friend, Katie (I know, two nights in a row? But I wanted to finally meet Katie, and I was tired of being in the house, playing the waiting game), Dad called from the hospital.

Grandma passed away around 9:30 or so last night. Luckily, all of her surviving children were there with her. Surprisingly, Mom had just gotten off the phone with Dad not even 20 minutes earlier for an update, and he said she seemed alright, about the same as Wednesday.

I feel like shit today:

I feel bad that I still went out, with little concern as to what I could do, if any.

I feel bad because I'm not really that emotional about it. I'd never been close to my paternal grandmother, and I was preparing myself for her imminent death all week.

I feel bad, because I don't feel bad. Does that make sense?

I know that I'll probably be a little more emotional when the actual wake/funeral happens, but not for the loss of my grandma, but because of the hurting that my surviving family members are going through. I know they drive me absolutely batty, but they're still my family.

Anyhoo, if I don't post for the next few days, you'll understand why. I've got an interview in the plans next week, and I'll of course let you all know how it goes, when it happens.



So, today, on the way out to the car, going to the horrendously boring job, I found out that I had a flat tire. Grr.

So, seeing as how I know how to change my tire, I call Accountemps, and tell them that I'm going to be at said boring job about a half an hour late.


As I jack up the car, and get the rim off, the weather goes from a light sprinkle (annoying) to a torrential downpour. Just like that. After screwing around in the pouring rain for about 10 minutes, I decided to just swallow my pride, and take the bus.

So, I'm an hour late, I worked through lunch, and left about an hour early, hoping for just enough daylight and non-raining to change my tire.

Fate was on my side, as I finished it all right before a light sprinkle began.

Sometimes, it's the little things that make you the happiest, I guess.



Today, I started, quite possibly, my most boring temp assignment yet. It's only for a week (thank god), but the bright side, is that it's downtown.

Huzzah! I spent my lunch hour sunning myself in Kiener Plaza, reminiscing of the good ol' days, when Jen and I would meet for lunch, both working just a block or two away.

So, I'm watching (ok, listening to, as I attempt to fall asleep) primary coverage on Hardball (not because I particularly like Chris Matthews, or Pat Robertson specifically, but because Keith Olbermann isn't on), and they mentioned possible VP candidates of John Kerry. One name mentioned, not surprisingly, if you think about it, was Dick Gephardt.

Now, I think I'd be willing to vote for a Kerry-Gephardt ticket, but the first thought that popped in my head, probably in part because of the many articles I recently perused in the Village Voice about gay marriage, was:

"Hrm. Wouldn't it be ironic to have another Vice President with a lesbian daughter, skirting around gay marriage? Interesting."



I wish that:

a) I knew about this earlier
b) Had an actual job, so that I could afford it if I *had* known about it
c) Didn't have a crappy car, and hate driving to Chesterfield

Otherwise, I'd be having a *very* fulfilling dinner tomorrow night.

C'est la vie, I guess.


Wow. It's painful to see. (This week, click on "Monday" to see the show I'm watching)

Jaimee, I think you *should* have signed me up for this show. Cause these guys are all schmucks. Well, at least the jock, Dave, is, so far.

The girl's relatively cute, though.

And the date started out at McGurks, yet not *one* of the guys are drinking Guinness. I think that's the first problem.

Wait. The problem *is* the jock. He just defiled a cake by showing his "oral skills," after mentioning his "south pole." And that he's dated *21* girls at the same time. You *never* mention that you're dating someone else on a date. Especially not on national television. What an asshat.

But then the girl ditched the quiet one, Brad, who may or may not have been me. Y'all know how shy I am around women.

They went to the Ale house, where Dave made a complete ass of himself, yet again, then she ditched the funny guy, Ben.

The two guys danced with her, and Peter, the one who's obviously going to be the one she picks, was the better dancer, baked her a cake as a welcoming gift, and is a bartender. (Which *definitely* doesn't excuse the non-Guinness drinking)

She dropped the jock after he screamed a marriage proposal on a hayride, and chose Peter.

Yeesh. I should be trying to sleep, not wasting my time with these damned dating shows.


But. . .

there was a new Teen Girl Squad! Clickety click on the link to see what all the fuss is about. And, if you've met me IRL, you'll understand why I wear that t-shirt occasionally.


You're Lolita!

by Vladimir Nabokov

Considered by most to be depraved and immoral, you are obsessed with sex. What really tantalizes you is that which deviates from societal standards in every way, though you admit that this probably isn't the best and you're not sure what causes this desire. Nonetheless, you've done some pretty nefarious things in your life, and probably gotten caught for them. The names have been changed, but the problems are real.
Please stay away from children.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Couldn't I have been something a bit less pervy? Horton Hears a Who!, maybe?


You're Cambodia!

Life's been really rough, but it's slowly improving. You know way too much about the skeletal structure of humans, mostly from being forced to study it. This has given you a fear of many things, most especially the color red. The future has to be more promising though, and your greatest adversary can now never come back to hurt you any more.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid


Busy, busy busy, my friends. Well, kind of.

As of Friday, my grandmother is in hospice, waiting to die. So a lot of my time has been spent in the hospital.

Saturday, I took a break, seeing the surprisingly wonderful talents of Parkway West High School students in "Guys and Dolls."

Greg's boyfriend choreographed the show (disclaimer: despite his proprensity for the youngins', said boyfriend is actually a teacher at the school), and his orchestrations were very good, despite the musical theater mainstays of jazz hands, box steps, and the charleston.

I've been emailing and faxing resumes with reckless abandon, and have a few nice leads. I start a small temp assignment tomorrow with Accountemps, which will help out a little, while I wait for my big whompin (under $100 a week) unemployment benefits to start kicking in.

So, to say the least, I've had a lot on my mind. Regular posting will resume shortly.



I figure I should explain why this is funny, particularly the last profession listed (dentist). A few weeks ago, Michael and I ran into a delightfully obnoxious man named Vincent. (Apparently, I have a knack for attracting the crazy people in any crowd)

He mentioned that he was a barber, and after a few moments of physically showing me what my hair "should" look like, he mentioned that I looked "like that guy in the movie with the plant that eats people." We're still not sure if he meant Seymour, or The Dentist.

Ok, I'm pretty sure it's just funny to me. I guess you had to be there, eh?

Extroverted (E) 71.05% Introverted (I) 28.95%
Realistic (S) 51.16% Imaginative (N) 48.84%
Intellectual (T) 71.88% Emotional (F) 28.13%
Organized (J) 53.66% Easygoing (P) 46.34%
Your type is: ESTJ
You are an Administrator, possible professions include - government employee, pharmaceutical sales, auditor, computer analyst, technical trainer, project manager, officer manager, factory supervisor, credit analyst, electrical engineer, stockbroker, regulatory compliance officer, chief information officer, construction worker, general contractor, paralegal, industrial engineer, budget analyst, data base manager, funeral director, cook, security guard, dentist.
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test


Although I wish I could see what the other choices are, I can honestly say I'm not surprised.


However, the jury's still out on Chris, although I honestly can't understand why. *smirk*

You're Bisexual!
You lika da penis and you lika da vagina. Good for
you! You don't care who goes down on you...
People think you are gay and won't admit it or
just plain greedy... (you slut.) But don't mind
them! Vive la difference!!

What is my sexual orientation?
brought to you by Quizilla

[Listening to: black is the color of my true love's hair - Nina simone - Verve Remixed 2 (4:58)]


Ok, kids, does anyone know anything about the Region Consultant position? I'm thinking of putting my hat into the ring, why not? Any pros/cons that you can think of?


So, I'm driving up to 7-11, to get a Dr. Pepper (and. . . a paper? Would you believe a paper?).


So, I'm driving to 7-11, and the car directly in front of me has a PSP Decal in the window. (OK, it wasn't that one, it was the one that some chapter sells every year at convention. Bros, you know which one I'm talking about, right?)

The car was a Maroon Toyota Celica. The car didn't look familiar to me, but whoever it was lives or works somewhere nearby, because Morganford isn't exactly a main artery of St. Louis, really.

I really wanted to honk, and wave, and make a scene, but I figured it would've involved me basically sticking my head out the window, and yelling our Fraternal word, in order to get this person's attention. (I couldn't even get a good enough look to see if it was a man or woman)

So, now I'm intrigued. Anyone have any ideas who it might've been?

[Listening to: The Look Of Love - Nina Simone - (2:23)]


So, just on a whim, I tried searching for my profile, to see how compatible I'd be with myself. And, surprisingly, I'm only 90% compatible with myself. But this is the most interesting part. I'm not sure if I should be offended or congratulated:

Compared to males his age:

He is less moral than most.
He is more arrogant than most.
He is less old-fashioned than most.
He is more adventurous than most.
He is greedier than most.
He is less pure than most.
He is more independent than most.

Greedier than most? I think it's all relative if I have a job or not. *sigh*

[Listening to: Ne Me Quitte Pas - Nina Simone - Ne me quitte pas (5:18)]


I'm kidding, Internet. Ike loves you, baby. I just get so angry sometimes. . .

No, I'm just dabbling today with random job websites, reading blog posts that I'm horribly behind on, and toolin' around on OK Cupid.

Oh, and I want a cigarette like noone's business.

And a Dr. Pepper.

The problem is that if I run up to the local 7-11 to get a Dr. P, I'll be likely to buy some smokes too.


It doesn't help that my grandmother is in the hospital. I've never been very close to her, but I'm sure Dad's going to be on edge until she gets better.

All well, I'll just amuse myself with other's writings, and the lovely Nina Simone. (This is my favorite song of hers, btw)

[Listening to: Here Comes the Sun - Nina Simone - (4:58)]


Well, it took me a little while to sort through the 80+ links on my multiple blogrolls, I've simplified it down to. . . nearly half. I've got quite a few that I can access through my news reader, so I think I'll definitely be keeping better tabs than I have in the past. We'll see, I guess.



So, I'm currently editing my ridiculously large Blogroll, and I've decided to just limit the ones I want to keep (and there's still quite a few), to those that aren't using RSS/Atom to syndicate. Plus, this reader makes it easier to check all my favorites at once. Woot!


Pierced Tongue

The Oral Sex Tip You Should Try Is: A Pierced Tongue

When it comes to oral, you've mastered almost every skill around

Besides digging through untranlated exotic sex manuals, you've got one option left

A pierced tongue is almost sure to drive anyone wild, but when combined with your skills...

Watch out! You'll be so good that if you're not careful, you might not have regular sex again

What Oral Tip Should You Try?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva


As I wrote the title, I was reminded of Willy Wonka, and the scene where "Mike TV" is shrunken via the magic video camera.

Anyway, Blogger is now offering an Atom Feed, which can be read by Certain RSS readers. I suggest Sauce Reader, which has easy controls, and also reads regular RSS feeds from your favorite blogs.

Anyhoo. . .you can add my feed by going here, or by visiting the link on the left column of my template.

[Listening to: Love Story (Tim Deluxe Mixshow - Layo & Bushwacka featuring Nina Simone) - (8:02)]


Minor changes, but changes all the same.

I've noticed that using the "Title" option of blogger changes the font, which I quite fancy. So, I'll be changing my typical "Bold" titles to the Title option. Can we say a bit OCD, ladies and gentlemen?

Oh, and I'll be updating my blogroll. It'll be much shorter, by the time I'm done, hopefully.

[Listening to: I Thought That's What You Liked About Me - Lisa Stansfield - (3:55)]



So, if you noticed my last entry, my template was a bit screwy. I realized that the culprit lay in my Google toolbar.

All I did was change the size of the search box, and voila! Template's fixed, and I don't need to get a new one. Huzzah!

Now, if I could just figure out a way to fully get rid of that pesky ad at the top of the screen. . .

[Listening to: Swing - Baby I Need Your Lovin' - Lisa Stansfield - (3:39)]



Dammit! In case you haven't noticed, I changed my template today. But dammit, it's not working well in Internet Explorer, but it's working in Mozilla, which used to be my problem with my other CSS templates. Grrrrrrr.....

[Listening to: See Line Woman (MAW Remix) - MAW feat Nina Simone - Bonusbeats 2K2 Vol 1 (10:06)]


Jen and I came up with the same result. I'm not surprised, really.


You are Rule 20, an important part of the Federal
Rules' policy of permissive joinder. You are
designed specifically to allow as many parties
in an action as can be tried efficiently, and
you'll include someone as long as there is some
factual overlap between a claim involving them
and the rest of the case at hand. You are
popular, out-going, and are never far from
friends. However, your overly gregarious
nature and magnanimous approach to all things
cause your closest friends to wonder that, even
when you're surrounded by your compatriots,
there is a part of you that feels cold and very

Which Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
[Listening to: Nina's Blues - nina simone - (3:07)]


For your enjoyment, I give you not one, but two songs o' Strong Bad. (For the second one, click on "technochocolate" at the end of the email)

Mmmm. . . .Grumblecakes.

[Listening to: Wish I Knew How It Would Feel - Nina Simone (3:07)]


The senate bill to ban gay and lesbian marriage (SJR 29) will be debated this week (2/23 - 2/27). This is an outrageous plan to amend the state constitution to discriminate against gay and lesbian Missourians.

Your Senator needs to know that you oppose this bill. If you haven't yet done so, please email or call your Senator and urge them to vote NO on Senate Joint Resolution 29.

Don't know who your state senator is?
Missouri Legislator Look-up

For more information, visit:

[Listening to: Mood Indigo - Nina Simone - (4:02)]


I found a new student organization at SMS. I hear it's the shit.

Oh yeah, and Truman won the competition. Chris should be proud.

[Listening to: Ne Me Quitte Pas - Nina Simone (5:18)]


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Mental note: Springfield, MO isn't nearly as much fun when 1) you're not in school there, and 2) most of your close friends graduated when you did.

There were a few things that were different: Ziggie's is now totally non-smoking, and have a new "North" location. I was a bit worried, because at first, I thought they bought out George's steakhouse. (Luckily, they didn't.)

The funniest thing about Ziggie's is that a competing restaurant opened across from the original Campbell location. They offer similar food, and allow smoking. It's appropriately named "Ciggie's". Crack me up.

I didn't need to help at College Bowl, so I spent the weekend in total "relax" mode. I definitely needed it after last week.

Martha's was the same as usual: bad DJ mixes, complete with times of silence; same people, except a surprisingly large amount of older (post-college age) straight couples in the mix. Chanon told me that apparently, Martha's is the "trendy" place to go. *shrug* I can't imagine why.

We finished off the trip with an out-of-the-way stop to Flat Branch in Columbia. Good food, good beer, good times.

[Listening to: Sinnerman - Nina Simone - (10:19)]



So, I found out (as I was leaving) that my assignment at SLUH is officially over. So, I'm a bit sad that I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to all the friends I made, and that I realized on the way home that I left some computer speakers and headphones there (which I will pick up on Monday), but it was for the best, I think. It wasn't really a good match, job-wise, and the last week has left me with a bitter taste in my mouth towards the management there, anyway.

Next week, it's back to the drawing board (job-wise), back to some hard-core blogging, a new template change (I'm jealous of Jen's new digs), and hopefully, some eventual switch to MT.

This weekend, however, I'm off with Greg to Springfield for Nerd-Fest 2004 (aka College Bowl). I plan on being good and drunk for most of the weekend, hopefully take advantage of Sober Driver, for old times sake, and maybe, depending on what time we're done on Sunday, and what time Greg wants to leave, help out with Street Cleaning at 2 pm.

[Listening to: Nina Simone - I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good- Big Lebowski Soundtrack - (4:07)]


Perhaps a lung cancer vaccine! (But that doesn't give you an excuse, Jay!)



Jen has this to say about gay marriage and Democrats. As usual, she's pinpointed my thoughts into a much more eloquent rant, which I'm happy to post here:


Dear Democratic Party,

I want you to know that I, and many other Americans, are disgusted with your cowardice. In your efforts to garner votes so you can win upcoming elections, you are turning your back on a fundamental denial of rights to an entire class of citizens.

Soon -- maybe in this decade, maybe in the next, but certainly in my lifetime -- the gay rights equivalent of Brown will be handed down by the Court, or the equivalent of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 will be passed by Congress. In my children's lifetime, people will marvel that there was a time when We the People -- the citizens of the most free nation on earth, embracers of liberty -- thought it was okay to deny certain citizens the right to marry whom they chose when other citizens were allowed to marry -- and divorce -- with impunity. It will be akin to the Civil Rights movement, and we'll tell our kids that yes, some people really felt that way and they said and did everything possible to hold back the tide, but fortunately it was to no avail. Yes, the politicians of the day preached "seperate, but equal" -- in favor of civil unions, against gay marriage -- in an effort to appease the voters from both ends of the spectrum, instead of doing the right thing and taking the moral high road dictated by our nation's governing documents and the principles of equality and fairness that this country was founded upon.

Some day, maybe in my children's lifetime, maybe in the lifetime of their kids, people will scratch their heads and wonder what all the fuss was about -- of course people can marry whomever they choose! It will be akin to how we now see the women's suffrage movement, and it will be so normal that arguing against it will only make the advocate look like an idiot, a caveman, some strange oddity left over from an intolerant and unenlightened past.

Americans will remember that you were bigots. Unlike during the women's suffrage movement, and the Civil Rights movement, your words are being archived every day on the Internet. They will still be there fifty years from now, a hundred. In digital form, your image and voice will remain, speaking words of compromise and half-victories. Your cowardly stance and the damage done by this denial of fundamental rights and human dignity will be around far longer than the current waves of win-at-all-costs Bush-hatred. When Bush is long gone and equal treatment for citizens remains a distant dream, Americans will remember that you stood by and offered platitudes, rather than taking a stand and risking a little for your constituents. My dear hope is that your words will come back to haunt you, and you will be forced to explain and justify why, in your hunt for power, you were willing to set aside your principles and judgment, and your party was willing to allow that, and the people stood by and did nothing to hold you accountable.

Shame on you, Democrats!

Seriously, is there any question why we're friends?


I went to dinner with Michael and his friends Donna and Darren at Zoe, a pretty good restaurant in the CWE, then headed off for drinks at Dressel's Pub. Good times, but the drinks were a smidge pricey.

The topic of the evening was a planned trip to Spain the three of them are taking in October. This actually made me feel a little bit gloomy. For one, I'm horribly jealous; it seems like they'll have a good time, plus, the idea of having disposable income again to go on a trip seems so far off these days.

But anyway, this weekend is a trip to Springfield, to help out with the nerd-fest . . . *ahem* . . . College Bowl with Greg. Maybe a change of scenery will make me feel a bit better.

[Listening to: Tomb Of The Boom (Feat. Konkre - Big Boi - Speakerboxxx/The Love Below (4:48)]


I took the day off today from work; I called in apathetic. . . err. . . "sick." The next few days are going to be tough, as I really hate training the dimwit woman they replaced me with, and yesterday, my suspicions were confirmed when I found out this woman had not 1) completed an application, nor 2) interviewed with anyone. My guess is that she was a friend of Lea, who is the manager who I don't really like, anyway.

The only thing that makes it a little bit better, is that it seems that most of the staff will miss me. It's nice to feel missed, especially with such a sudden departure.

So, today, I went crazy applying for all sorts of jobs. I followed up on some leads that I found at the job fair I attended yesterday. Plus, through a little networking through friends, I applied for some jobs at Wash U, and am looking for opportunities at Enterprise and Walgreens, of all places. No stone unturned, at this point. I need desperately to get out of this house, get a new car, and get on with attempting to being an adult.

[Listening to: Happy Valentine’s Day - Andre 3000 - Speakerboxxx/The Love Below (5:23)]



The Aphrodisiac You Should Try Is: Alcohol

Your sex life is not lacking in performance, just in theatrics.

And while you might be a bit shy about bringing out the double headed dildo...

After a few drinks, nothing seems like that big of a deal

Alcohol has been proven to lower inhibitions, making it the perfect aphrodisiac for the shy.

It also, raises the testosterone level in women (temporarily), causing higher libido

Ever heard the term, "liquid panty remover?" ;-)

Just make sure to remember moderation is the key

A little Red Bull and vodka can keep you primed - and focused

Or else, be prepared for some thick beer goggles!

What Aphrodisiac Should You Try?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva



Well, my day yesterday sucked. At least, while I was at work.

I found out "officially" that I was not going to be hired at SLUH around 10 am. I was then informed that my replacement was coming later that afternoon, to begin her training. Interesting. This woman obviously could not have finished the application and interview process in the time between 2 pm on Friday and 12 pm on Monday. I've a feeling that I wasn't *really* a contender for the position, and they were just yankin' my chain. Which of course, pisses me off even more, and makes me not even want to go in today. Besides, my position will officially end as soon as next Tuesday or Wednesday.

But, I've burned enough employment bridges in my time, and the little cash I'll make this week is less cash that I'll owe my parents, etc.

Last night, Michael and I celebrated his birthday at Modesto with his cute friends, who are a lesbian couple. I had a good time, but I obviously had a lot on my mind. (On top of finding out about my imminent unemployment, my direct deposit didn't go through on Monday, because of the fucking bank holiday. So, I couldn't even pay for dinner, as was my original birthday plan)

Michael noticed, and continually asked if everything was ok. I appreciated the concern, but after the third or fourth time, I became less appreciative. All well, it's the thought that counts, eh?

Well, I guess I'm off to work. My replacement has hours from 8-4:30, but *my* hours don't start until 9 am, and I'm not coming a minute too early. Fuck 'em.



Which is good, considering the shitty week I had.

Friday night, I went out drinkin' and trivia playin' with some old school friends, in which I heartily won two of four games. (I rock!)

Saturday, after a relatively painless installation of a new window (grr, grr.), I went with Greg and Stephanie to The Taste of Soulard, where we stuffed ourselves full of food and drink.

That evening, I cooked an absolutely wonderful meal and watched a few movies with Michael, before heading to bed.

Today, the two of us had breakfast, headed back to Soulard for the Barkus Parade, then vegged out with a few movies. We ended the evening with fish 'n' chips at Dressel's Pub, and now, I'm home. Tomorrow is dinner with a few of his friends for Michael's birthday, and followed by a probable less socialized week, ending with a trip to Springfield this weekend with Greg.

Of course, I realize, as Jen has reminded me, that I'm not playing "The Rules," but I'm thoroughly enjoying myself, all the same.

[Listening to: Sinnerman - Nina Simone - (0:-1)]



But maybe my sarcasm isn't conveyed well in writing.

First, my death machine got broken into.

Then, today, I found out that Accountemps wants a $6000 (!) fee for SLUH to hire me out right. No dice, obviously. Luckily, the temp agency that is *actually* looking for positions for me will lemme know about a five-month opp on Monday. *shrug*

Hopefully, tonight will be better (Steph's in town), and the tomorrow is V-Day, which I'll actually be celebrating with someone for the first time in about six years.

[Listening to: Strange Fruit (Tricky remix) - Billie Holiday - Verve Remixed (3:19)]



Courtesy of one of my favorite people, Cory.

Read on, won't you?

The parallel coincidences of celebrities and mams.

Something occurred to me last night while listening to Diana Ross on the computer and even though I only have 2 examples to present in this case and the examples aren't exactly 100% dead on to one another, it still seems a wee bit mysterious, all the same.

Now, I'm not saying that Justin Trousersnake and Diana "whoa, look at the pink elephant in the rear-view mirror with the glowing cherries.." Ross' situations with female's breasts are as identical as most pairs of mams themselves but let's break down the similarities.
Diana Ross:

Starting in her youth, Diana was involved in one of the most successful all-girl groups of the sixties, The Supremes. As the band played in the background in most television appearances, they captivated audiences with infectious harmonies and glimmering smiles.

In the seventies, she broke free from the Supremes for her own solo career, driven by her own ego, which spun off numerous number one singles while performing duets with anyone who had a pulse during that decade. Her solo peaked somewhere around the late seventies/early eighties with the combination of her duet with Lionel Richie ("Endless Love") and her number 1 smash in 1980 ("Upside Down") working with one of the most successful producers of that time, Nile Rodgers. For a minute period, she was known for merely speaking in the middle of her songs, instead of singing.

From then until now, Diana has reached success in the club charts but pop charts paved the way for more sprightly acts. Diana is a class act but let's face it, fans can be fickle.

In 1999, while presenting an award along side Lil Kim in a purple, sparkly, evening gown that was intentionally cut a bit too low on one side with a pancake sized covering matching the dress while barely (literally) covering the nipple (as if there's a nicer way of saying 'nipple'). Diana, in her motherly way of showing disapproval, index fingered Kim's left breast like an unbroken dome of jello.

Justin Timberlake:

Starting in his youth, he was a regular on the Mickey Mouse club along with Britney Spears (she's a whole other post in itself -- but really, her "talent" isn't worth a whole lot of keystrokes from my fingers). Eventually, he was involved with one of the most successful boy bands of the nineties and after 2000 by the name of NSYNC. As NSYNC performed most television spots with pre-recorded music or the band in the background, they captivated the hearts of the young girls and gay men* around the globe.

*Provided that you are a gay man who finds the Trousersnake irrestible. I know he's not everyone'e type.

In 2002, Justin broke free from NSYNC to evolve as a solo artist, driven by his own ego, and released one of the most successful albums of 2003. Justin is also prone to duet either in the studio or live with anyone with vocal chords and a pulse. He is in the middle of his peak as I type this while he's still milking singles from "Justified" which was partially produced by two of the most successful producers as of late, The Neptunes and Timbaland. Justin, like Diana, is also known for spoken word as interludes included in his songs.

Last Sunday, at the 38th Super Bowl in Houston, TX, he ripped off part of Janet Jackson's costume and deemed it as a "wardrobe malfunction" creating Total-Eclipse-of-the-Breast effect with Janet's exposed mam behind a silver sun strategically placed in front of... the... nipple. *shrug*

As interesting as it was to call this a "wardrobe malfunction," I've seen some forms of velcro put up more resistance from a yank of his caliber on stage that night. Nonetheless, her eclipsed breast was exposed and controversy followed.

So, the similarities between Diana Ross and Justin Timberlake did occur to me last night in deep thought while listening to "You Keep me Hanging on." Heh... uncanny.

[Listening to: Spanish Grease - Dorfmeister - Various Artists - Verve Remixed (7:25)]


I am an Intellectual

Which America Hating Minority Are You?

Take More Robert & Tim Quizzes
Watch Robert & Tim Cartoons

[Listening to: Summertime (UFO remix) - Sarah Vaughan - Verve Remixed (6:50)]



So, I had a nice evening with Tina, including some cheap but good Mexican food, a pitcher of Margaritas, and lots of deep belly laughs.

Then, an attempt to get some cigarettes/chocolate (I hadn't quite decided which at that point), and lo and behold:


The window's busted, my stereo was stolen, along with a jacket, a few CDs, and my keys to work. Of course, my insurance has a $500 deductible, and my crappy $100 stereo doesn't quite cover it. But Jesus H. Christ, this is just something else that I don't need to happen right now.

*Fume Fume Fume*

[Listening to: Feelin' Good (Joe Claussell remix - Nina Simone - Verve Remixed (6:04)]


Eat Me

Your Candy Heart is "Eat Me"

Your sexual confidence inspires you to be bold

So when you want some eating done, it will be told

Your taste is refreshing - and maybe a little fruity

Unless the licking is being done to your booty

What Naughty Candy Heart Are You?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva



Before I expound on today's exciting queer news, I've a question for you to ponder:

I was perusing on my new favorite-time-waster, OK Cupid, and I received an email that one of my photos was removed, because it was deemed too offensive my a multitude of users. Now, which seems more offensive to you:

This Pic, or This One? (The former was the one removed. Go Fig.)

Any commentary about what could be deemed offensive about that one? 'Cause I'm a bit puzzled.



bi gay ken

You Are Bi Now Gay Later Ken!

You come complete with a cockring, shimmery silver shirt,
and a photo of Barbie with short hair.

Cop uniform and San Francisco Tommy sold separately.

Not recommended for children under 6.

What Naughty Barbie Are *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Hrmph. Funny, but I don't like the title.


As of 2 am this morning, I am now an alumnus of a different University. No longer an SMSU alum, I'm now an alum of MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY.

After nearly ten years of defeated ballots, a five-day filibuster, and a compromise, we no longer have to see the annoying initials of "SWMU" on ESPN broadcasts. Of course, according to FOX 2 this morning, it won't be official until there are something like $190 million in bonds sold for the University of Missouri-Columbia (Mizzou) campus. (I might be overshooting the number, but it was something ridiculous; so the bastards still won in the short-term)

Obviously, the finalized version hasn't been published yet, but for an idea of the bill's text, check it out here and here.

Hrm. I wonder if that means that the nickname "Mizzou" will soon be vanquished? As it's a registered trademark of the campus, I see some legal battles a-brewing in the future. It also seems this page of UMC history will have to be updated. Hehe.




create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide

Yeah. I think so.


There's nothing like waking up, looking over at that certain someone in bed next to you, kissing him on the cheek, and his response is. . .

"I think I'm going to vomit."

The free Super Bowl shots at the Loading Zone seem to have done a certain bloke in.

In other news, I got a call last night from one of my contacts at Keystone, and I've got a phone interview this afternoon with Sigma Aldrich this afternoon! Huzzah! Wish me luck, kids!

Anyhoo. I'm off to shower and head into work. Have a good day, everyone, and I'll be back soon.



I discovered this new dating site, courtesy of Jim, and I think the results are pretty accurate.

Plus, the site has snarky commentary, reminiscent of the oldie-but-goodie The Spark.

Addendum: I was right! Looking at the FAQ, I was right on the mark. Plus, I was curious whatever happened to theSpark.com


Since, starting this week, I've finally been able to procure more hours at SLUH, I realized that the fact that I don't have network access at work, is because I don't have a login name for the network. That's a pretty easy solution to fix, IT-wise, and it will allow me to *keep* working 40 hours a week, since I'll be able to access the company intranet for billing and A/R tasks. Plus, I *might* be able to fit in a few more blog posts throughout the day.

We'll see how that goes tomorrow.


you are purple

Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.

Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
the spacefem.com html color quiz

I think I'd agree with most of these, but *procrastinator* wasn't one of the self-evaluation choices.

Kudos to Nikki for the linkage.



Seeing Dolly Parton and Conan O'Brien doing a duet of "I Will Always Love You. Nearly piss-my-pants hilarious.



As mentioned a few days ago, I met a nice, pool-playin' guy on Saturday. We met up last night, for a rematch. He thoroughly kicked my ass in two games, then we were challenged to play partners with another pair of queers. Michael and I ran the table for the rest of the night, only giving up one game out of five or six. Throughout the night, the beer kept coming, then the Jack and Coke's started flowing. Needless to say, I did not drive home last night. Luckily, Michael lived close, so we just walked to his place, finished up with a nightcap of Boulevard Pale Ale, then off to bed. . .

So here's my dilemma:

Man #1:      Pros: Absolutely adores me. Similar family background. Cute "bad-boy" image. Musically gifted; in a rock band. Enough differences to keep the relationship lively, I guess.
                  Cons: Pot head. Different working/educational background. Opposite working schedules. Possibly stuck in a dead-end working industry.

Man #2:      Pros: Educated (Phd). Stable, professional job. Similar views and interests. Similar tastes in music, books, etc. New Zealand accent and background, which is fun.
                  Cons: For one, I'm probably over thinking this, as we've just met, and there was lots of alcohol involved in our first sleepover. Additionally, right now, I could easily see how he would be worried because "we're in different points in our lives," and all that crap.

I'm just curious to see how this all plays out. If both of these continue into "something," I'm afraid I'm going to have to make a decision. I'll keep you posted.

UPDATE: Michael and I have plans to go out later this weekend. I guess that means it wasn't just some drunken booty call. Score!

UPDATE #2, ONE MONTH LATER: Guy #1 has been out of the picture since I wrote that post. Although there wasn't really any "closure," as Greg, Jen, and Jaimee had suggested, but after over a month of not really speaking to each other, I think Guy #1 got the hint.

Sex Party

Your Group Sex Fantasy Is ... A Huge Sex Party!

Your ideal sexual situation has a lot of variety to keep you guessing.

Girls. Guys. Strangers. Friends. Hot people. Ugly people. Okay, maybe not the last one.

You're in to group sex to spice things up, and you don't need to be the center of attention.

What makes you good at group sex is your stamina. You are the energizer bunny of the group.

You'll be the last one standing - or fucking - or licking - or sucking...

What's Your Group Sex Fantasy?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva



Well, there's been lots of things and nothing going on with me in the past week:

Lots of job possibilities:

1) Got some interesting news last week at SLUH; there's a possibility of my being hired on full-time, contingent on a manager (who I'm not fond of) taking a position in Granite City. I'm not holding my breath though . . .

2) Because I interviewed with a new staffing agency who originally had three job leads for me in so many days. Two of them haven't panned out, and I went for an interview for the third on Friday. It's for a customer service job, starting in the upper 20s, for six months, then hired on permanently for what I'd assume would be low 30s. I'll take what I can get these days, even if it is motherfucking east jesus.

3) Also, I start a new part-time job for Accountemps, also pretty close to home. I'm not sure how long this assignment will last, but it's about an extra $100 a week. Not bad, I guess.

Lots of frustration:

1) Starter and battery went out on my car last week, so I was at the whim of borrowing cars, and public transportation. All is fixed, but I'm tired of putting cash into a car I wish would just die a quick, painless death, so I can desert it on the side of a highway. :)

2) Feeling kind of iffy about my latest foray into the dating world. The worst part about it, is that, for the most part, there's not really been anything he's done that would make me want to end it. But I think the "twitterpated" feeling that was obvious to Jen seems to be fading. We'll see, I guess.

3) Movable Type has failed me again. We're now on my fourth installation, and I'm trying to import my entries from my other, lesser-known, even less frequently updated blog first, before I screw up this any further than I already have. (I'm definitely in need of a new site design, but I'm holding my breath for this to work out. (BTW, Chris, any help you can give with installing this on these damned 1and1 servers would be greatly appreciated. Email me if you can; I've lost your email address with all the nonsense of upgrading Windows)

4) I met a nice guy on Saturday, whomped his ass in pool. He's a smidge past my "age guidelines" (I'm a no-go for anyone under my age, or over 35, basically; he's an exception to the rule), but I've a feeling we're probably just going to be friends, anyway. But he's got a New Zealand accent, so that's always a plus.

Luckily, my weekend ended with a wonderful trip to the Fox to see RENT, courtesy of a new friend who had an extra ticket.

Also, SLUH seems to be the place to run into people from my past: a friend of a friend I met at a New Year's Party a few years ago; a mother of someone I went to Grade and High School with, and the current crush of the aforementioned new friend with Rent Tickets, all work there. Odd, eh?



A Cheezy quiz, via Jen:

You are Cream Cheese. You are a softy, and you are
well-blended. You are very popular, and make a
good combo with tons of sweet things, as well
as being easy to work with, and loved by many.

What Kind of CHEESE are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

And another, probably more fitting, quiz:

You are Mistletoe. Even though you are technically
a parasitic plant living off of others, you are
full of hope and optimism, and you spread love
throughout the holidays by hanging above doors.
Have a Kissin' good time!

What kind of *Dangerously Exotic* Plant are you?
brought to you by Quizilla



But wait, I have! It's interesting to see how my answers changed with a few months time, eh?

Kudos to Michael, the man with a golden heart, for the linkage.

Your Brain Usage Profile

Auditory : 42%
Visual : 57%
Left : 31%
Right : 68%

Jay, you possess an interesting balance of hemispheric and sensory characteristics, with a slight right-brain dominance and a slight preference for visual processing.

Since neither of these is completely centered, you lack the indecision and second-guessing associated with other patterns. You have a distinct preference for creativity and intuition with seemingly sufficient verbal skills to be able to translate in any meaningful way to yourself and others.

You tend to see things in "wholes" without surrendering the ability to attend to details. You can give them sufficient notice to be able to utitlize and incorporate them as part of an overall pattern.

In the same way, while you are active and process information simultaneously, you demonstrate a capacity for sequencing as well as reflection which allows for some "inner dialogue."

All in all, you are likely to be quite content with yourself and your style although at times it will not necessarily be appreciated by others. You have sufficient confidence to not second-guess yourself, but rather to use your critical faculties in a way that enhances, rather than limits, your creativity.

You can learn in either mode although far more efficiently within the visual mode. It is likely that in listening to conversations or lecture materials you simultaneously translate into pictures which enhance and elaborate on the meaning.

It is most likely that you will gravitate towards those endeavors which are predominantly visual but include some logic or structuring. You may either work particularly hard at cultivating your auditory skills or risk "missing out" on being able to efficiently process what you learn. Your own intuitive skills will at times interfere with your capacity to listen to others, which is something else you may need to take into account.

I think on a whole, I agree. Although the "lack indecisiveness" factor remains to be seen.