5th Annual HOP in the City, a wonderful beer festival held on the grounds of the Schlafly Brewery downtown.
35 beers! A free tasting glass! And (by the time we got there) three hours to sample them all!
So Tina, Greg and I head down around two. The fun began when we showed our tickets, and our I.D.'s. Commentary from the door man was as follows:
When he looked at my ID: "Oh, you're much closer to 21 than I would've thought."
When he looked at Greg's: "Oh, you're much older than I would've thought."
Hrmph. I'm hoping that means that I'll age gracefully . . .
Beer, beer. Glorious beer! They went in order by the seasonal selections each month, so we just went through the year, sampling and resampling as many as we could. There were quite a few darker beers, so I was in heaven.
Additionally, there was lots of nice eye candy for all three of us to enjoy. :)
I mentioned to Greg how great it was that when someone dropped their glass, the crowd responded with boos and "awww"s to show their disdain, for wasting such wonderful free beer.
Then, while Tina went to the bathroom for the third or fourth time (for those of you who know Tina, and her tiny bladder, this shouldn't be much of a surprise), it happened.
I was holding both her and my glasses, and. . . I dropped one.
It was a sign of the embarrassment that would ensue for the rest of the day.
Greg and Tina laughed a lot, as did the crowd, and my face got pretty red, as usual.
We head out, and decided to have dinner at
Space, an out of the way restaurant on the edge of the Hill.
Of course, it didn't open until 5:30, and we had a half an hour to kill. So we head up the street to
Rigazzi's. Well, since they're the home of the "Frozen Fishbowl," I had to indulge in a fishbowl of beer. Ugh. What a mistake. I had forgotten how large they were, easily a quart of beer.
It was all downhill from there.
We headed to Space, and all the beer from earlier today + the Fishbowl + lack of food during the day all hit me. I knocked over (and broke) my water glass, once again to my embarrassment. (That would be 2 for 2, for those of you keeping score at home)
The food was alright. The pasta with mushrooms I had was palatable at best. The alfredo sauce was runny, and the pasta was cooked well past al dente.
But it sobered me up pretty well. At least, enough to make it home, and nap for about four hours, waking at 12:30, which was about the same time Greg did, as his voicemail mentioned. I call him back, we chat for a few minutes, and then I attempt bed again.
All of a sudden, my stomach felt like it was going to implode. I quickly remembered what large quantities of beer does to my GI system, and headed to the bathroom, where I stayed for at least an hour. I won't go in to details, but it was NOT the best way to end such a fun time.
I finally make it back to bed around 3 or so, and sleep fitfully until 1:30 this afternoon. All in all, it's been a great weekend so far. Definitely one for the record books.
[Listening to: Intergalactic Guerilla - Beastie Boys/Rage Against the Machine - Unreleased (03:29)]