At Work.
We had a special wine tasting tonight, featuring Jeff Bundschu, a vintner from Gundlach Bundschu winery. The tasting took up half the restaurant, so although I only had two servers, I was hella busy all night, because I was working in the only open tables in the house.
Despite working on nearly two hours of sleep, I was totally in the groove, and my (rumored) lesbian manager asked me, "Who's the Man?" I replied, "Hell, I know I'm the Man." (I've often wondered where she gets additions to her vernacular. I'm called "dude" on a regular basis, and it drives me insane)
But, despite working my lil' tush off, and making nearly $85 in tips alone (!), I'm afraid I still might have trouble sleeping tonight. I'm remedying that by drinking as much of a six-pack Schafly Pale Ale as possible, before bed. (Hey, it was on sale.)
(I wish every night was this profitable. Besides a wine key from the winery, my hourly rate, with wage plus tips, was nearly $18/hour.)
The interview went off without a hitch. I had nice rapport with both my HR interviewer, and my would-be supervisor. Score.
The firm is housed in the Lacede Gas Building, which houses at least one law firm on every floor. I guess that's what happens when the top floor of your building is occupied by The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (aka "The Lawyers Club"). The office was real purty, but the receptionist was just a little too perky for my tastes. She even had an annoying way of saying goodbye, which I couldn't possibly imitate here for full effect.
But I should find out by the end of this week, beginning of next, if I've got it. Keep your fingers crossed, kids!
After my interview, I got a bite to eat, and attempted to sleep for a few hours, despite being interrupted by my phone every half hour, it seems. Now I'm off to do dishes, and get ready for work.
The interview went off without a hitch. I had nice rapport with both my HR interviewer, and my would-be supervisor. Score.
The firm is housed in the Lacede Gas Building, which houses at least one law firm on every floor. I guess that's what happens when the top floor of your building is occupied by The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (aka "The Lawyers Club"). The office was real purty, but the receptionist was just a little too perky for my tastes. She even had an annoying way of saying goodbye, which I couldn't possibly imitate here for full effect.
But I should find out by the end of this week, beginning of next, if I've got it. Keep your fingers crossed, kids!
After my interview, I got a bite to eat, and attempted to sleep for a few hours, despite being interrupted by my phone every half hour, it seems. Now I'm off to do dishes, and get ready for work.
UGH. . .
It's three am, and for the second night in a row, I'm still awake. Part of the reason: I didn't fall asleep till 8 am this morning, in a half-assed attempt to stay awake all night and day (to hopefully, get a decent night's sleep tonight). Also: I'm a bit nervous about my job interview tomorrow morning.
OK. I'm more than a little nervous. Even though it's a position that might be interesting, but is more likely to be boring, it's a step in the direction I'd like to go eventually. Plus, the benefits are amazing, and I'd get to work downtown again, which I miss greatly.
Also, I've noticed I'm looking at every interview as an "end-all, be-all" situation, sadly. I'm so tired of being unemployed, or barely employed, as I am now. I'm at the point where I'm ready to get on with my life: get out of my house, save up for a new(er) car, enjoy being an adult. Right now, none of those goals are close to happening.
Luckily, as I started writing this post, I've been yawning lots, so maybe I'll be able to fit in a few hours of sleep before I get ready for yet another interview.
It's three am, and for the second night in a row, I'm still awake. Part of the reason: I didn't fall asleep till 8 am this morning, in a half-assed attempt to stay awake all night and day (to hopefully, get a decent night's sleep tonight). Also: I'm a bit nervous about my job interview tomorrow morning.
OK. I'm more than a little nervous. Even though it's a position that might be interesting, but is more likely to be boring, it's a step in the direction I'd like to go eventually. Plus, the benefits are amazing, and I'd get to work downtown again, which I miss greatly.
Also, I've noticed I'm looking at every interview as an "end-all, be-all" situation, sadly. I'm so tired of being unemployed, or barely employed, as I am now. I'm at the point where I'm ready to get on with my life: get out of my house, save up for a new(er) car, enjoy being an adult. Right now, none of those goals are close to happening.
Luckily, as I started writing this post, I've been yawning lots, so maybe I'll be able to fit in a few hours of sleep before I get ready for yet another interview.
[Listening to: Stephen Lynch - Half A Man (02:40)]
He's made it safely. The arrangements aren't quite to his liking, but it's what to be expected for Eastern Europe. I'm sure after a little adjusting, he'll be fine. Or at least, his bitching will come to a minimum. *smirk*
He's made it safely. The arrangements aren't quite to his liking, but it's what to be expected for Eastern Europe. I'm sure after a little adjusting, he'll be fine. Or at least, his bitching will come to a minimum. *smirk*
Your Name: Jay Patrick
Your Date of Birth: 05/30/1980
Your Question or Information: home, love, money, career
Your Name: Jay Patrick
Your Date of Birth: 05/30/1980
Your Question or Information: home, love, money, career
Past | Present | Future |
Cast the runes here:
Rune Caster
Kudos to The Karen for the linkage.
. . . but I kind of miss going to school. Jen, Jaimee, and lots of other friends are starting school this week (or started last week), and I'm just. . . here. I miss the late-night study sessions at coffeehouses and Steak N' Shakes. The tests and projects were a pain in the ass, but I felt like I was doing something worthwhile, something to attain a goal. These days, I just loaf around, and work part-time. Blech.
. . . but I kind of miss going to school. Jen, Jaimee, and lots of other friends are starting school this week (or started last week), and I'm just. . . here. I miss the late-night study sessions at coffeehouses and Steak N' Shakes. The tests and projects were a pain in the ass, but I felt like I was doing something worthwhile, something to attain a goal. These days, I just loaf around, and work part-time. Blech.
I've had a very interesting weekend. After a relatively short week at work, I spent the weekend both work- and parent-free. Friday night was full of wine, queers, and food. Greg had a "celebrate friends" night, followed by cheap beer at Freddie's, where we met Dallas and his fun lesbian friends. I tagged along with them to the Complex, despite my better judgement, and quickly became tired, but still waited till 3 am to get home.
After sleeping my Saturday away, I had a wonderful dinner with "Dinner" Mike, followed by a farewell get-together for Dallas.
But despite all the going out, I mostly slept this weekend, perhaps to make up for the few hours of sleep I'd been getting earlier in the week. Fun times, eh?
Oh, and I almost forgot the most important part. I had a job interview on Friday, and I have another one on Wednesday. Hopefully, one of the two will work out, and I can finally get on with my plans of living a relatively "adult" life.
I've had a very interesting weekend. After a relatively short week at work, I spent the weekend both work- and parent-free. Friday night was full of wine, queers, and food. Greg had a "celebrate friends" night, followed by cheap beer at Freddie's, where we met Dallas and his fun lesbian friends. I tagged along with them to the Complex, despite my better judgement, and quickly became tired, but still waited till 3 am to get home.
After sleeping my Saturday away, I had a wonderful dinner with "Dinner" Mike, followed by a farewell get-together for Dallas.
But despite all the going out, I mostly slept this weekend, perhaps to make up for the few hours of sleep I'd been getting earlier in the week. Fun times, eh?
Oh, and I almost forgot the most important part. I had a job interview on Friday, and I have another one on Wednesday. Hopefully, one of the two will work out, and I can finally get on with my plans of living a relatively "adult" life.
This is so funny I have to blog it here, too.
OH Lord, the truth has finally come out. You know how people always argue about whether or not we actually landed on the moon in 1969? Well, it turns out that we did, but the audio broadcast we heard was faked. Go check it out. (NOT work safe.) Hat tip: Bojack.
OH Lord, the truth has finally come out. You know how people always argue about whether or not we actually landed on the moon in 1969? Well, it turns out that we did, but the audio broadcast we heard was faked. Go check it out. (NOT work safe.) Hat tip: Bojack.
Very little posting these past few days. I've been fighting a sinus infection, and have spent most of my time blowing my nose, hacking up my lungs, and. . . that's about it.
Well, almost.
I went out with Tina and Mooch last night, where we caught up with each other, and reminisced about old times in the frat. Actually, it was a bit of a cliche:
We talked about the good ol' days in college, and wondered how we got so seemingly boring, compared to a few years ago.
Very little posting these past few days. I've been fighting a sinus infection, and have spent most of my time blowing my nose, hacking up my lungs, and. . . that's about it.
Well, almost.
I went out with Tina and Mooch last night, where we caught up with each other, and reminisced about old times in the frat. Actually, it was a bit of a cliche:
We talked about the good ol' days in college, and wondered how we got so seemingly boring, compared to a few years ago.
Last night, because I was cut after a fucking hour of being at work (damned lack of customers!), I watched Drunks, a little indy flick about a group of people at an Alcoholics Anonymous. I'm pretty sure I picked it because I'm a fan of Parker Posey, but the rest of the cast is also pretty spectacular.
I rented it from NetFlix, but if you can find it at Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, more power to you.
Anyway, the reason I'm posting about it: Some of the characters had some real guilt about admitting their problems in front of the group. I wonder if that's one of the key reasons why AA might work for some people. Not because of the faith-based initiatives, not because of the anonymity factor, but maybe because of the guilt factor, or even a competition factor.
"I can't drink, because otherwise, the group will judge me negatively."
"I can't drink, because Bob has been sober for two years, and I hope to have that goal."
I'm not saying those responses aren't good secondary reasons for getting treatment, but I'd hope they're not the primary ones that anyone would join. IMHO, you can't try to quit drinking, (or any type of self-improvement, for that matter) because of someone else. You've got to do it for yourself.
BTW, if you're keeping track, Dad's latest claim, is that he's going to quit drinking after a family float trip this weekend. (Damn the luck, I've got to work.)
Last night, because I was cut after a fucking hour of being at work (damned lack of customers!), I watched Drunks, a little indy flick about a group of people at an Alcoholics Anonymous. I'm pretty sure I picked it because I'm a fan of Parker Posey, but the rest of the cast is also pretty spectacular.
I rented it from NetFlix, but if you can find it at Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, more power to you.
Anyway, the reason I'm posting about it: Some of the characters had some real guilt about admitting their problems in front of the group. I wonder if that's one of the key reasons why AA might work for some people. Not because of the faith-based initiatives, not because of the anonymity factor, but maybe because of the guilt factor, or even a competition factor.
"I can't drink, because otherwise, the group will judge me negatively."
"I can't drink, because Bob has been sober for two years, and I hope to have that goal."
I'm not saying those responses aren't good secondary reasons for getting treatment, but I'd hope they're not the primary ones that anyone would join. IMHO, you can't try to quit drinking, (or any type of self-improvement, for that matter) because of someone else. You've got to do it for yourself.
BTW, if you're keeping track, Dad's latest claim, is that he's going to quit drinking after a family float trip this weekend. (Damn the luck, I've got to work.)
[Listening to: maroon 5 - sweetest goodbye (03:47)]
. . . reminds me why Brian was such a fitting match when he worked at Hollywood Video. He's a movie buff, partially because he's not much of a reader, and partially because I think he likes to escape. I remember there were so many times when we were growing up (and continued up until the past year or so) when he would tell how he was feeling about a situation by quoting a movie.
I think the ultimate showing of how insane the boy is about movies lies in his movie collection. I remember before we moved down to Springfield (mind you, this was about three years ago), Kristin, his then-girlfriend, he and I spent all day trying to catalogue all of his movies. Three years ago, it totalled over 300 movies.
A bit insane, I think.
. . . reminds me why Brian was such a fitting match when he worked at Hollywood Video. He's a movie buff, partially because he's not much of a reader, and partially because I think he likes to escape. I remember there were so many times when we were growing up (and continued up until the past year or so) when he would tell how he was feeling about a situation by quoting a movie.
I think the ultimate showing of how insane the boy is about movies lies in his movie collection. I remember before we moved down to Springfield (mind you, this was about three years ago), Kristin, his then-girlfriend, he and I spent all day trying to catalogue all of his movies. Three years ago, it totalled over 300 movies.
A bit insane, I think.
[Listening to: john mayer - Everything Is Not Broken (03:37)]
Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz
It's been a surreal weekend. Friday was busy at work; Saturday, I helped Stephanie move out of her storage locker, and off to Atlanta (she made it safely); Doofus amazingly, came home yesterday from who knows where. He's really skinny, but awfully lovey-dovey, so he's obviously happy to be home.
Also, Saturday night, was a ridiculously busy night. But I was on fire, and I think I handled it pretty damned well, if I do say so myself. I dropped some money off at the bank, picked up some decent take-out Sushi from Schnucks, and popped in About A Boy, a pretty funny movie, courtesy of my reactivated NetFlix account.
All in all, a good weekend. I'm off to Greg's for dinner, wine, and DVDs, so I'll talk some more later. And the template will finally be fixed tomorrow, come hell or high water. It'll be finished sometime between a desperately needed haircut, and work at 6. Later, yo.
It's been a surreal weekend. Friday was busy at work; Saturday, I helped Stephanie move out of her storage locker, and off to Atlanta (she made it safely); Doofus amazingly, came home yesterday from who knows where. He's really skinny, but awfully lovey-dovey, so he's obviously happy to be home.
Also, Saturday night, was a ridiculously busy night. But I was on fire, and I think I handled it pretty damned well, if I do say so myself. I dropped some money off at the bank, picked up some decent take-out Sushi from Schnucks, and popped in About A Boy, a pretty funny movie, courtesy of my reactivated NetFlix account.
All in all, a good weekend. I'm off to Greg's for dinner, wine, and DVDs, so I'll talk some more later. And the template will finally be fixed tomorrow, come hell or high water. It'll be finished sometime between a desperately needed haircut, and work at 6. Later, yo.
The Smoking Gun has a special on CourtTV next Wednesday. I'm tres excited, especially because it's being hosted my Mo Rocca, of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Good times, good times. . .
*mental note* Must buy more blank videotapes this weekend.
Kudos to GreenGrl for the link.
The Smoking Gun has a special on CourtTV next Wednesday. I'm tres excited, especially because it's being hosted my Mo Rocca, of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Good times, good times. . .
*mental note* Must buy more blank videotapes this weekend.
Kudos to GreenGrl for the link.
[Listening to: Let Me See Your Pussy - lords of acid (04:04)]
Larry Flint has an interview in this week, and I think he'd be someone that I would consider voting for, despite/because of his political history and occupation. I've always seen him as a strong First Amendment advocate, even if his tactics are a bit. . . unorthodox, at best.
Although, I'm sad that Fr. Guido Sarducci has dropped out of the running, thanks to not enough verified signatures on his petition. How much fun would've that been?
(BTW, I've been a Stephen Lynch fan since I saw his Comedy Central Presents special. Funny shit, I promise.)
Larry Flint has an interview in this week, and I think he'd be someone that I would consider voting for, despite/because of his political history and occupation. I've always seen him as a strong First Amendment advocate, even if his tactics are a bit. . . unorthodox, at best.
Although, I'm sad that Fr. Guido Sarducci has dropped out of the running, thanks to not enough verified signatures on his petition. How much fun would've that been?
[Listening to: Stephen Lynch - If I Were Gay - - (02:35)]
(BTW, I've been a Stephen Lynch fan since I saw his Comedy Central Presents special. Funny shit, I promise.)
I had a great night at work last night. I made about $70 bucks last night in tips, and actually got some positive, constructive criticism about what I can do to improve how I work. Of course, after stopping by the bank and Walgreens for a few necessities, I didn't get home till nearly 3 am, and didn't get to bed until much, much later. I got maybe four hours of sleep or so, and I'm debating taking a nap before I go back to work at 5.
Scratch that: After I eat, I think I'm definitely taking a nap. I'm pretty sure that the template won't be fixed till tomorrow or Sunday, so bear with me just a few more days.
I had a great night at work last night. I made about $70 bucks last night in tips, and actually got some positive, constructive criticism about what I can do to improve how I work. Of course, after stopping by the bank and Walgreens for a few necessities, I didn't get home till nearly 3 am, and didn't get to bed until much, much later. I got maybe four hours of sleep or so, and I'm debating taking a nap before I go back to work at 5.
Scratch that: After I eat, I think I'm definitely taking a nap. I'm pretty sure that the template won't be fixed till tomorrow or Sunday, so bear with me just a few more days.
[Listening to: Laid - James - Laid (02:36)]
1. How much time do you spend online each day?
Hrm. Depending on the day, anywhere from three hours (combined) to all day.
2. What is your browser homepage set to?
about:blank. I don't have time for that homepage bullshit.
3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
I use AIM the most, and I'll occasionally sign on to MSN or Yahoo. On days I'm bored, I'll sign on to the chat room.
4. Where was your first webpage located?
I guess my first "webpage" would've been my old diaryland site.
5. How long have you had your current website?
I celebrated my one-year anniversary on June 17.
1. How much time do you spend online each day?
Hrm. Depending on the day, anywhere from three hours (combined) to all day.
2. What is your browser homepage set to?
about:blank. I don't have time for that homepage bullshit.
3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
I use AIM the most, and I'll occasionally sign on to MSN or Yahoo. On days I'm bored, I'll sign on to the chat room.
4. Where was your first webpage located?
I guess my first "webpage" would've been my old diaryland site.
5. How long have you had your current website?
I celebrated my one-year anniversary on June 17.
[Listening to: I Like It - Lords of Acid - Farstucker (02:56)]
. . . and I've got the Voicemonkey message to prove it.
Voicemonkey Message 0308150115
. . . and I've got the Voicemonkey message to prove it.
Voicemonkey Message 0308150115
Tom Tommorrow rocks the casbah. Read all about it at That is all. (I'm thinking it's going to be a slow bloggin' day for me today, in case you haven't noticed.)
Also, I'd like to give another shout out to W.Bloggar. With an addon for Winamp (there's one available for Media Player if you use Windows XP), I can post whatever I'm listening to directly into my blog, in case you haven't noticed.
Tom Tommorrow rocks the casbah. Read all about it at That is all. (I'm thinking it's going to be a slow bloggin' day for me today, in case you haven't noticed.)
Also, I'd like to give another shout out to W.Bloggar. With an addon for Winamp (there's one available for Media Player if you use Windows XP), I can post whatever I'm listening to directly into my blog, in case you haven't noticed.
[Listening to: Hey Ladies vs Shake Your Rump (Ultimix Remix) - Beastie Boys - (10:16)]
Apparently, our local Fox affilate is running a "St. Louis Idol" contest, similar to American Idol. How much longer are we going to milk this one?
Apparently, our local Fox affilate is running a "St. Louis Idol" contest, similar to American Idol. How much longer are we going to milk this one?
[Listening to: 3x5 John Mayer - (04:50)]
I've officially gotten tired of this invisible latest post, so I'm off to search for greener pastures. Maybe it'll come back, when I figure out if it's something in my template, or something screwy with Blogger.
I've officially gotten tired of this invisible latest post, so I'm off to search for greener pastures. Maybe it'll come back, when I figure out if it's something in my template, or something screwy with Blogger.
[Listening to: LSD Lords of Acid]
I spoke too soon. Jen pinpointed the different types of insomnia, and today, apparently, I'm a early waker. I slept for about two hours, and haven't made it back since. I'm sure I'll have a nap sometime today, otherwise, I'll be hella slow this evening at work.
I spoke too soon. Jen pinpointed the different types of insomnia, and today, apparently, I'm a early waker. I slept for about two hours, and haven't made it back since. I'm sure I'll have a nap sometime today, otherwise, I'll be hella slow this evening at work.
[Listening to: Ignition (Remix) - R Kelly - Ignition CDS (03:09)]
Howdy! I'm Jay's partner blogger, and I'm going to come over here sometimes when I want to get nasty, or when I want to be casual or irresponsible, gripe or whine, or say things I don't normally address on my own blog. So there.
Jay constantly complains about his insomnia and now claims to have reverse-insomnia. My dear, all practicing insomniacs know that there are several different kinds. One, the most common, is delayed sleeping syndrome. It's pretty self-explanatory. Another is early waking syndrome. Again, pretty self-explanatory. There's one more version I'm aware of that involves a normal amount of sleep time, but not the right kind of sleep, where you sleep the eight hours but it isn't restful sleep and you wake up feeling unrefreshed. The lucky insomniacs suffer from all three, just normally at different times of their lives. For instance, day-to-day I tend to be an early waker. When I'm really stressed, I throw in some delayed sleeper for fun. If there's something unusual going on the next day, I am also a frequent waker.
You can imagine how fun that makes law school exams.
Jay constantly complains about his insomnia and now claims to have reverse-insomnia. My dear, all practicing insomniacs know that there are several different kinds. One, the most common, is delayed sleeping syndrome. It's pretty self-explanatory. Another is early waking syndrome. Again, pretty self-explanatory. There's one more version I'm aware of that involves a normal amount of sleep time, but not the right kind of sleep, where you sleep the eight hours but it isn't restful sleep and you wake up feeling unrefreshed. The lucky insomniacs suffer from all three, just normally at different times of their lives. For instance, day-to-day I tend to be an early waker. When I'm really stressed, I throw in some delayed sleeper for fun. If there's something unusual going on the next day, I am also a frequent waker.
You can imagine how fun that makes law school exams.
I was on a road trip with Jaimee one weekend, and somehow, I ended up rambling on for hours, giving a sex lecture to a group of men and women, all lounging around on a bed. I'm not sure if it helped or not, but I was just teaching what I knew. Plus, after playing drinking games all night, I just wanted to talk and talk and talk. You know how it is. . .

You love people. You love to be around people.
You love to be loved by people - all at the same time!
Variety is your main objective, and you know how to work it.
Teaching with live demonstrations and volunteers from the audience is definitely the best part of your job.
Who you teach doesn't matter to you! The more the merrier, right?!
What Should *You* Tutor?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
I was on a road trip with Jaimee one weekend, and somehow, I ended up rambling on for hours, giving a sex lecture to a group of men and women, all lounging around on a bed. I'm not sure if it helped or not, but I was just teaching what I knew. Plus, after playing drinking games all night, I just wanted to talk and talk and talk. You know how it is. . .
You Should Tutor Threesomes!
You love people. You love to be around people.
You love to be loved by people - all at the same time!
Variety is your main objective, and you know how to work it.
Teaching with live demonstrations and volunteers from the audience is definitely the best part of your job.
Who you teach doesn't matter to you! The more the merrier, right?!
What Should *You* Tutor?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
I've been going to sleep within a half an hour or so after laying down, which is a great improvement.
However. . .
Now, I keep waking up at the asscrack of dawn. Most days this past week, I've been waking up around 8 or 8:30. But today, I woke up at 6 fucking thirty this morning.
Yes, I know, for all you 40-hour-a-week, 9-5ers, you're probably saying "oh, boohoo, boohoo." Believe me, I want more than anything to be one of you, but until that day comes, I'm working nights, and shouldn't be up quite *that* early if I don't have to be.
I've been going to sleep within a half an hour or so after laying down, which is a great improvement.
However. . .
Now, I keep waking up at the asscrack of dawn. Most days this past week, I've been waking up around 8 or 8:30. But today, I woke up at 6 fucking thirty this morning.
Yes, I know, for all you 40-hour-a-week, 9-5ers, you're probably saying "oh, boohoo, boohoo." Believe me, I want more than anything to be one of you, but until that day comes, I'm working nights, and shouldn't be up quite *that* early if I don't have to be.
There has been a crimespree in South St. Louis these past few weeks, and I think they might be hitting closer to home. A friend's boyfriend had his car set on fire late last night, and the Fire Department said that the perps probably threw something in his slightly-cracked window. And of course, being a recent college graduate, trying to cut back on expenses, he only had liability. A fuckin travesty, I tell ya.
Hrm. Maybe if I park my car near his house, someone will get rid of my deathtrap of a car.
There has been a crimespree in South St. Louis these past few weeks, and I think they might be hitting closer to home. A friend's boyfriend had his car set on fire late last night, and the Fire Department said that the perps probably threw something in his slightly-cracked window. And of course, being a recent college graduate, trying to cut back on expenses, he only had liability. A fuckin travesty, I tell ya.
Hrm. Maybe if I park my car near his house, someone will get rid of my deathtrap of a car.
In case you haven't noticed, since I've gotten this new template (which I love, btw), my most recent post in Blogger won't show up. It's a modified blogskin, and I have no idea what I'm doing with these CSS style sheets. Drop me a line if you've got a few moments to look at my template, and help a brotha out.
In case you haven't noticed, since I've gotten this new template (which I love, btw), my most recent post in Blogger won't show up. It's a modified blogskin, and I have no idea what I'm doing with these CSS style sheets. Drop me a line if you've got a few moments to look at my template, and help a brotha out.
No dwarves for Jay. Instead, I had a 3/4 pound steak, cooked wonderfully, and I spent most of the evening reinstalling my printer drivers. Fun fun!
(And Kevynn, was your comment a remark about my short stature? hehe. )
No dwarves for Jay. Instead, I had a 3/4 pound steak, cooked wonderfully, and I spent most of the evening reinstalling my printer drivers. Fun fun!
(And Kevynn, was your comment a remark about my short stature? hehe. )
To Comedy Central: Props to you for your late-night schedule. Sports Night, The Ben Stiller Show, Undergrads, all shows that make my insomnia worthwhile.
(For any generous readers, the Sports Night or Undergrads Boxed Sets would make great Christmas gifts.)
To CSPAN, thanks for actually airing debates of the Democratic Candidates, even if the major media outlets barely mention they're happening.
To MSNBC, thanks for Countdown with Keith Olbermann. And especially thanks for interviewing Gary Coleman tonight. I'm definitely watching it tonight at 2 am, before I head off to bed, after work.
To all of you: For the love of god, please stop airing the new GAP Commercial starring Madonna and Missy Elliott ad nauseaum. I'm tired of grinding my teeth, because I can't get away from it.
To Comedy Central: Props to you for your late-night schedule. Sports Night, The Ben Stiller Show, Undergrads, all shows that make my insomnia worthwhile.
(For any generous readers, the Sports Night or Undergrads Boxed Sets would make great Christmas gifts.)
To CSPAN, thanks for actually airing debates of the Democratic Candidates, even if the major media outlets barely mention they're happening.
To MSNBC, thanks for Countdown with Keith Olbermann. And especially thanks for interviewing Gary Coleman tonight. I'm definitely watching it tonight at 2 am, before I head off to bed, after work.
To all of you: For the love of god, please stop airing the new GAP Commercial starring Madonna and Missy Elliott ad nauseaum. I'm tired of grinding my teeth, because I can't get away from it.
So, last night, I can't sleep, and Steph calls me and directs me to an infomercial, featuring dwarves hocking real estate. After laughing hysterically, I signed up to go to the workshop on Tuesday. I hope the dwarves will be there. That's really the only reason I'm going.
So, last night, I can't sleep, and Steph calls me and directs me to an infomercial, featuring dwarves hocking real estate. After laughing hysterically, I signed up to go to the workshop on Tuesday. I hope the dwarves will be there. That's really the only reason I'm going.
Birthday wishes go out to Jaimee, whose 23rd is today. (You know my dear, today would be a phenomenal day to start that blog of yours.)
Tonight, I partied like it was 1998. It was such a good time. I don't hang out with the majority of my old friends from High School very often, but it was nice to just sit back, relax, and apparently, drink nearly a 12-pack of beer. Oh, and I'm a
Scattergories Genius, not to be confused with a "Joker Poker Genius."
Scattergories Genius, not to be confused with a "Joker Poker Genius."
My guest blogger, and very good friend, Jen. You may recall my guest-blogging on her blog during the Blogathon, where I posted around 4 am, a post that most definitely didn't make sense. Hehe. Sleep Deprivation is a wonderful thing. Look for good stuff from her periodically.
My guest blogger, and very good friend, Jen. You may recall my guest-blogging on her blog during the Blogathon, where I posted around 4 am, a post that most definitely didn't make sense. Hehe. Sleep Deprivation is a wonderful thing. Look for good stuff from her periodically.
I was going though new ringers to download on my phone (I'm that bored), and I came across this oldie but goodie. What I wouldn't give to have this phone a few years ago.
I was going though new ringers to download on my phone (I'm that bored), and I came across this oldie but goodie. What I wouldn't give to have this phone a few years ago.
I go to work in few hours, and I don't feel like blogging about interesting topics, or cleaning my room, so here's a quiz to tide you over for a bit.

Classy, stylish, and ornate.
You get it on from both ends baby!
And you get heated up or cooled down in no time.
You're a pornstar quality fuck.
Like this vibe? Get more info here...
What Vibrator Are *You*?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
I go to work in few hours, and I don't feel like blogging about interesting topics, or cleaning my room, so here's a quiz to tide you over for a bit.
You Are a Crystal Wand Vibe!
Classy, stylish, and ornate.
You get it on from both ends baby!
And you get heated up or cooled down in no time.
You're a pornstar quality fuck.
Like this vibe? Get more info here...
What Vibrator Are *You*?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
GRRR . . .
I'm not quite sure what's going on, but with these CSS templates, my most recent post *still* isn't showing up. Back to the drawing board, I guess. . . .
I'm not quite sure what's going on, but with these CSS templates, my most recent post *still* isn't showing up. Back to the drawing board, I guess. . . .
Last night was a fun, yet interesting night.
I went out with Chanon and Bert, had a great time, which included four pitchers of Anchor Steamat Blueberry Hill, where both of them were wonderfully enjoying all the kitchy memorabilia, and the St. Louis Walk of Fame.
This was followed by a stop at Freddie's, to meet up with Dallas and Greg. Instead, I found an old friend, who was very clear about what his intentions were with me. However, I think it was a bit inappropriate. Our relationship was most definitely a mentoring relationship, and to top it all off, HE HAS A PARTNER, of five years.
As Dallas mentioned last night, "I'm losing all faith in gay men." I'm tending to agree. . .
This was followed by a stop at Freddie's, to meet up with Dallas and Greg. Instead, I found an old friend, who was very clear about what his intentions were with me. However, I think it was a bit inappropriate. Our relationship was most definitely a mentoring relationship, and to top it all off, HE HAS A PARTNER, of five years.
As Dallas mentioned last night, "I'm losing all faith in gay men." I'm tending to agree. . .
I think I may be changing to a non-CSS template, no matter how cool this is.
I also just shoved in my tongue ring, after weeks of not wearing it. I say "shoved," because the only one I have left (a barbell wth both ends), besides my 12 gauge acrylic spacer, is a 10 gauge barbell. Now, there wasn't much scar tissue or whatever closes up the hole in your tongue, but it sure took a surprisingly large amount of effort.
It's kind of nice having it in. Despite how used I had gotten to having it out, I feel "whole" again, after putting it back in. I'd never realized how much of my personality was linked to a stupid piece of body jewelry.
Gawd, that's pathetic.
I think I may be changing to a non-CSS template, no matter how cool this is.
I also just shoved in my tongue ring, after weeks of not wearing it. I say "shoved," because the only one I have left (a barbell wth both ends), besides my 12 gauge acrylic spacer, is a 10 gauge barbell. Now, there wasn't much scar tissue or whatever closes up the hole in your tongue, but it sure took a surprisingly large amount of effort.
It's kind of nice having it in. Despite how used I had gotten to having it out, I feel "whole" again, after putting it back in. I'd never realized how much of my personality was linked to a stupid piece of body jewelry.
Gawd, that's pathetic.
I've still got some tweaking to do, but I've changed the design of my blog, thanks to Blogskins and Maystar Designs. Let me know how you like the new digs. . .
I've still got some tweaking to do, but I've changed the design of my blog, thanks to Blogskins and Maystar Designs. Let me know how you like the new digs. . .
I forgot to mention last night a funny side bar to what I will forever be terming at "Queer Night on Bravo."
Three commercials aired repeatedly during the two hours of Queer Eye and Boy Meets Boy:
An advertisement for Interactive Male, a gay phone dating line, featuring a buff, tan guy in cowboy gear, expounding on how he found true love.
An ad for Open Range, a new western vehicle starring Kevin Costner.
An advertisement for rheumatoid arthritis medication.
What, exactly, is the target demographic?
My guess was the sector of the gay population who have cowboy fetishes, and have arthritis from too many hand jobs.
I forgot to mention last night a funny side bar to what I will forever be terming at "Queer Night on Bravo."
Three commercials aired repeatedly during the two hours of Queer Eye and Boy Meets Boy:
An advertisement for Interactive Male, a gay phone dating line, featuring a buff, tan guy in cowboy gear, expounding on how he found true love.
An ad for Open Range, a new western vehicle starring Kevin Costner.
An advertisement for rheumatoid arthritis medication.
What, exactly, is the target demographic?
My guess was the sector of the gay population who have cowboy fetishes, and have arthritis from too many hand jobs.
This cartoon has described my problem with the "sanctity of marriage" argument concerning homosexuals.
I was watching the O'Reilly Factor the other day (as much as I hate that show, and it's host, it was a guest host, and discussing this topic. I was just flipping through, I promise) and the guest was a member of the Log Cabin Republicans. He was defending gay marriages by mentioning that gays that "are part of their community, good, taxpaying citizens" etc. should have the right of marriage.
But I don't necessarily want that right. I want the right to randomly marry a gay fling in Vegas, as a funny story to tell the grandkids. I want the right to not have an extra hassle of paperwork that I would have if I were in a heterosexual marriage.
Not that I would actually be that fleeting with the "institution of marriage," but I want the same rights with a man that I can have with a woman. Plain and simple.
I've got maybe, one or two posts about homosexuality, which has been in the news a lot lately, then I promise, I'm off the soapbox, and back to my regular schedule of bitching and moaning.
This cartoon has described my problem with the "sanctity of marriage" argument concerning homosexuals.
I was watching the O'Reilly Factor the other day (as much as I hate that show, and it's host, it was a guest host, and discussing this topic. I was just flipping through, I promise) and the guest was a member of the Log Cabin Republicans. He was defending gay marriages by mentioning that gays that "are part of their community, good, taxpaying citizens" etc. should have the right of marriage.
But I don't necessarily want that right. I want the right to randomly marry a gay fling in Vegas, as a funny story to tell the grandkids. I want the right to not have an extra hassle of paperwork that I would have if I were in a heterosexual marriage.
Not that I would actually be that fleeting with the "institution of marriage," but I want the same rights with a man that I can have with a woman. Plain and simple.
I've got maybe, one or two posts about homosexuality, which has been in the news a lot lately, then I promise, I'm off the soapbox, and back to my regular schedule of bitching and moaning.

You leave a lasting impression on each partner.
What this means:
In each relationship, you take the role of the seducer or seductress.
You set the scene, light the candles, and make sure a good time is had.
You are a true master when it comes to foreplay and sex.
What your lovers love about you:
You are more than a good lover - you are an expert teacher.
You show your lovers what it means to bathe in sensuality.
Turning them into seductive types once your relationship is over.
What your lovers can't stand about you:
You take the act of seduction seriously...
So seriously that quick sex is pretty much out of the quesiton.
As well as, no frills comfort sex.
What's *Your* Bedroom Personality?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
I would've figured a much more subtle personality.
Your Bedroom Personality Is Seductive!
You leave a lasting impression on each partner.
What this means:
In each relationship, you take the role of the seducer or seductress.
You set the scene, light the candles, and make sure a good time is had.
You are a true master when it comes to foreplay and sex.
What your lovers love about you:
You are more than a good lover - you are an expert teacher.
You show your lovers what it means to bathe in sensuality.
Turning them into seductive types once your relationship is over.
What your lovers can't stand about you:
You take the act of seduction seriously...
So seriously that quick sex is pretty much out of the quesiton.
As well as, no frills comfort sex.
What's *Your* Bedroom Personality?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
I would've figured a much more subtle personality.
. . . Or not.
FindLaw has an interesting article on Mobile Blogging, and mobile productivity for lawyers in general.
. . . Or not.
FindLaw has an interesting article on Mobile Blogging, and mobile productivity for lawyers in general.
FDA Drops Digestive Warning from Olestra
"CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Food & Drug Administration will no longer require companies that sell snacks and other foods containing the controversial fat substitute olestra to warn that it can cause cramping and other digestive problems."
Sadly, even with the former warnings, there are still consumers who went overboard, despite the warnings. I had saved this email from nearly five years ago from a friend, strictly for the comedic value (All spelling, grammar, and punctuation are original; it was our freshman year of college, for chrissakes):
Monday, September 14, 1998 5:48 AM
Sure its tempting when you see that bag. The promises of half the calories are pretty damn inticing.
But listen to me. I know all too well the truth of that substance so demonic as it could only be the bodily secretions of Satan himself. I speak of OLESTRA.
When they say "may cause anal leakage", we're not talkin' a case of "Honey, get the faucet in the bathroom before you come to bed, its dripping again."
Its more like:
Damn, I'm bored.
As always, I remain......
P.S.- I'm not kidding about the Olestra. I had a bag of those WOW chips the other night, and I feel like a ruptured oil line.
FDA Drops Digestive Warning from Olestra
"CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Food & Drug Administration will no longer require companies that sell snacks and other foods containing the controversial fat substitute olestra to warn that it can cause cramping and other digestive problems."
Sadly, even with the former warnings, there are still consumers who went overboard, despite the warnings. I had saved this email from nearly five years ago from a friend, strictly for the comedic value (All spelling, grammar, and punctuation are original; it was our freshman year of college, for chrissakes):
Monday, September 14, 1998 5:48 AM
Sure its tempting when you see that bag. The promises of half the calories are pretty damn inticing.
But listen to me. I know all too well the truth of that substance so demonic as it could only be the bodily secretions of Satan himself. I speak of OLESTRA.
When they say "may cause anal leakage", we're not talkin' a case of "Honey, get the faucet in the bathroom before you come to bed, its dripping again."
Its more like:
Damn, I'm bored.
As always, I remain......
P.S.- I'm not kidding about the Olestra. I had a bag of those WOW chips the other night, and I feel like a ruptured oil line.
Today, on the Front Page of the St. Louis Post Dispatch. It must have been a slow news day, or Jen's been making calls to the newsroom.
Today, on the Front Page of the St. Louis Post Dispatch. It must have been a slow news day, or Jen's been making calls to the newsroom.
The New York Times has an interesting, albeit long (for the Internet) article about being on the "down low," a sub culture of black men who have homosexual sex, but see themselves as strictly heterosexual.
Similarly, an article in Salon by Andrew Sullivan highlights the "bear" phenomenon.
I wonder how these subcultures are thriving in St. Louis. There's a leather bar here, which is typically where the "bears" hang out. I'm not so sure about any strictly-black gay clubs, but I think that's probably the point. I'd think a "down-low" club wouldn't advertise.
The New York Times has an interesting, albeit long (for the Internet) article about being on the "down low," a sub culture of black men who have homosexual sex, but see themselves as strictly heterosexual.
Similarly, an article in Salon by Andrew Sullivan highlights the "bear" phenomenon.
I wonder how these subcultures are thriving in St. Louis. There's a leather bar here, which is typically where the "bears" hang out. I'm not so sure about any strictly-black gay clubs, but I think that's probably the point. I'd think a "down-low" club wouldn't advertise.
Yesterday, I finally bucked up, swallowed my pride, and made an appointment to meet with our Career Services Office. Luckily, it gave me some great ideas on how to revamp my entirely too old and wordy resume, and gave me the boost I needed in my job search.
Then, off to work, where I'm not sure if I had a good night or not. It all began with slicing off the tip of my thumb while cutting bread. It continued when nearly half of my section left at once, which left me running around like a headless chicken, trying to bus and reset all the tables. Those two things alone just made me feel like I spent the majority of the night one step behind my servers. And to top it all off, I started feeling a bit feverish/delirious/sleep-deprived around 8 or 9 pm.
Of course, the night ended with three hours of incessant itching, despite a shower and a fresh application of lotion. Ugh. I've taken the featherbed off, and am in the process of washing my sheets. I really hope I figure out what the hell is going on with that soon, because the three hour layover from laying down to sleeping is starting to piss me off. And I'm seriously running out of options to figure out what I'm allergic to. Luckily, my insurance at Remy's kicks in after a couple more months, so I may just have to deal until I can get in to meet with a dermatologist.
Luckily, I've got a few minutes to talk about all the things that I wanted to blog about yesterday. But first, a shower. I'm acutely aware of how grungy I'm feeling.
Yesterday, I finally bucked up, swallowed my pride, and made an appointment to meet with our Career Services Office. Luckily, it gave me some great ideas on how to revamp my entirely too old and wordy resume, and gave me the boost I needed in my job search.
Then, off to work, where I'm not sure if I had a good night or not. It all began with slicing off the tip of my thumb while cutting bread. It continued when nearly half of my section left at once, which left me running around like a headless chicken, trying to bus and reset all the tables. Those two things alone just made me feel like I spent the majority of the night one step behind my servers. And to top it all off, I started feeling a bit feverish/delirious/sleep-deprived around 8 or 9 pm.
Of course, the night ended with three hours of incessant itching, despite a shower and a fresh application of lotion. Ugh. I've taken the featherbed off, and am in the process of washing my sheets. I really hope I figure out what the hell is going on with that soon, because the three hour layover from laying down to sleeping is starting to piss me off. And I'm seriously running out of options to figure out what I'm allergic to. Luckily, my insurance at Remy's kicks in after a couple more months, so I may just have to deal until I can get in to meet with a dermatologist.
Luckily, I've got a few minutes to talk about all the things that I wanted to blog about yesterday. But first, a shower. I'm acutely aware of how grungy I'm feeling.
Work has been going well. Between Wednesday and Thursday night, I made about $75 in tips. WhooHoo!
In other job news, I didn't get the job at US Title. I've been whoring myself out to the local universities, and of course, I've still got the millions of temp agencies that I need to keep in constant contact with.
If you're looking for a new bank, I highly recommend Bank Of America, or at least my branch, on Hampton. ;)
They have great customer service, and are great at making problems get solved.
Note to VH1: Staying Alive should not be considered a "Movie That Rocks," even if it is a dance musical. However, Breakin' 2: Electric Bugaloo should.
Doofus is still gone. I went down to both the City Animal Shelter and the Humane Society, with no luck. I've filed missing pet reports at both places, but the likelihood of someone bringing in a 13-year old cat is pretty slim, I'd think. Hope you're doing ok, Doof, wherever you are.
Ok, that's going to have to be it for now. In writing about work, I just remembered I've got an interview with Career Services at 1 pm. Bye for now!
Work has been going well. Between Wednesday and Thursday night, I made about $75 in tips. WhooHoo!
In other job news, I didn't get the job at US Title. I've been whoring myself out to the local universities, and of course, I've still got the millions of temp agencies that I need to keep in constant contact with.
If you're looking for a new bank, I highly recommend Bank Of America, or at least my branch, on Hampton. ;)
They have great customer service, and are great at making problems get solved.
Note to VH1: Staying Alive should not be considered a "Movie That Rocks," even if it is a dance musical. However, Breakin' 2: Electric Bugaloo should.
Doofus is still gone. I went down to both the City Animal Shelter and the Humane Society, with no luck. I've filed missing pet reports at both places, but the likelihood of someone bringing in a 13-year old cat is pretty slim, I'd think. Hope you're doing ok, Doof, wherever you are.
Ok, that's going to have to be it for now. In writing about work, I just remembered I've got an interview with Career Services at 1 pm. Bye for now!
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