Finally, I talked to someone slightly personable, and at the very least, efficient at Farmers Insurance (the ins co that of the asshole that hit me on Thursday). I'm going to take my car in about an hour to get repaired, and get a rental, if they don't total it.
Also, my delivery trip was rescheduled for tomorrow, because of the snow that we got last night. So all in all, it's been a pretty good day so far.
Also, just finished the first episode of The Animatrix. Joygasm! It looks great, and again, I can't wait for the Matrix sequels to come out this year. Whoo Hoo!
More later, I'm gonna hop in the shower.
As you know, my sleep schedule's been out of whack for at least the past month. So, between getting up at 8 am, going to work, going to class till 9:30, and then eating and sleeping sometime in between there, I've not been on the computer for very much this week. Work's going well, btw, and next week is the ultimate test. Monday, I go to Collinsville, and Carbondale (both in IL), and then Thursday and Friday, I hit the boonies of MO (Cuba and the like) and IL (Red Bud, and the like). Monday will be in the company van (hurrah!) and Thursday and Friday will be in some sort of personal vehicle.
Why do I say "some sort of vehicle?" Because I was rear-ended on Thursday (my car, of course, not me. . . keep your snickering to yourself). Friday was spent arguing and playing phone tag with stupid insurance companies, and as of today:
My bumper is still nearly vertical. I don't know how/when/if my car will be fixed before Thursday. It's a long story how I don't have news on that, and I've bitched about it enough, that I'm tired of talking about it.
Friday was fun. I went with Brian (aka, Snaggletooth) to McGurk's to celebrate the "Great Guinness Toast." Three pints in about an hour, and I was feeling pretty good. (Jared, I hope you participated as well. I actually said to Brian, "I wonder if Jared's doing this tonight?" and he of course, was confused. I'm such a dork.) Since B-Man's not a Guinness Drinker, we headed to a local dive bar after the toast, so he could have his Bud Light and Cabo Wabo. Good times, Good Times.
As you know, my sleep schedule's been out of whack for at least the past month. So, between getting up at 8 am, going to work, going to class till 9:30, and then eating and sleeping sometime in between there, I've not been on the computer for very much this week. Work's going well, btw, and next week is the ultimate test. Monday, I go to Collinsville, and Carbondale (both in IL), and then Thursday and Friday, I hit the boonies of MO (Cuba and the like) and IL (Red Bud, and the like). Monday will be in the company van (hurrah!) and Thursday and Friday will be in some sort of personal vehicle.
Why do I say "some sort of vehicle?" Because I was rear-ended on Thursday (my car, of course, not me. . . keep your snickering to yourself). Friday was spent arguing and playing phone tag with stupid insurance companies, and as of today:
My bumper is still nearly vertical. I don't know how/when/if my car will be fixed before Thursday. It's a long story how I don't have news on that, and I've bitched about it enough, that I'm tired of talking about it.
Friday was fun. I went with Brian (aka, Snaggletooth) to McGurk's to celebrate the "Great Guinness Toast." Three pints in about an hour, and I was feeling pretty good. (Jared, I hope you participated as well. I actually said to Brian, "I wonder if Jared's doing this tonight?" and he of course, was confused. I'm such a dork.) Since B-Man's not a Guinness Drinker, we headed to a local dive bar after the toast, so he could have his Bud Light and Cabo Wabo. Good times, Good Times.
I'm a little less pissed when I read this from Haloscan about my oft-disappearing comments:
"Server work in progress
We found that the cause of the recent problems was a hardware failure in the database server. We are currently working to replace the server and will have everything working by Tuesday at the latest. Sorry about the problems and thanks for your patience."
In other news. . .
Started the new job today. Should be easy. Hope my car can handle it. No free smokes, though. Probably a good thing, anyway.
I'm a little less pissed when I read this from Haloscan about my oft-disappearing comments:
"Server work in progress
We found that the cause of the recent problems was a hardware failure in the database server. We are currently working to replace the server and will have everything working by Tuesday at the latest. Sorry about the problems and thanks for your patience."
In other news. . .
Started the new job today. Should be easy. Hope my car can handle it. No free smokes, though. Probably a good thing, anyway.
Watch the 300th episode of The Simpsons. Then stay on Foxfor the Married . . . With Children reunion show. Check local listings for time and station information.
Watch the 300th episode of The Simpsons. Then stay on Foxfor the Married . . . With Children reunion show. Check local listings for time and station information.
After my few good days of a normal sleeping schedule, I'm afraid that those days are already over. I went out for a little while, amid the muck and ice, to hang out with my friends Steph, Mike, Dallas, and the Gregs (both Hickman, and the usual Greg). Came home around 11ish, went to bed watching Iron Chef. And now I'm awake. Again. However, I'm currently watching Coming Attractions on E!, and there are a couple movie previews that look pretty good, or at least funny:
Look! The Rat King from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles got his own movie!
Colin Farrell is so cute.
NO MORE! Not another damned Spy Kids Movie!
After my few good days of a normal sleeping schedule, I'm afraid that those days are already over. I went out for a little while, amid the muck and ice, to hang out with my friends Steph, Mike, Dallas, and the Gregs (both Hickman, and the usual Greg). Came home around 11ish, went to bed watching Iron Chef. And now I'm awake. Again. However, I'm currently watching Coming Attractions on E!, and there are a couple movie previews that look pretty good, or at least funny:
Look! The Rat King from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles got his own movie!
Colin Farrell is so cute.
NO MORE! Not another damned Spy Kids Movie!

I'm a blow-up doll! I'm nasty, strange, and a
little bit scary, frankly.
This quiz brought to you by Uffish Thoughts
( and Blogwhore 2
What kind of sex toy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thanks to Uffish Thoughts and my friend, Fukuoku 9000
I'm a blow-up doll! I'm nasty, strange, and a
little bit scary, frankly.
This quiz brought to you by Uffish Thoughts
( and Blogwhore 2
What kind of sex toy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thanks to Uffish Thoughts and my friend, Fukuoku 9000
Here's my horoscope for the week, and it fits me to a "T" I think:
Winter light does not become Gemini. This is why you're majorly bummed. Could Valentine's Day come at a worse time for you? Nope. Still, other signs will be attracted to you. Of course, you'll probably reject them for this very reason. You'll think only a loony would go for such a pasty lame-o as yourself. Come the first sweet breezes of March, you'll be feeling up to snuff. Until then, hang in there. Still, Saturn says there's still a good chance of a nice snuggle coming your way. If Gemini liked snuggles, that'd be grand. The handholding snuggle stuff might fly with Taurus, but to you it all seems a bit wet.
Here's my horoscope for the week, and it fits me to a "T" I think:
Winter light does not become Gemini. This is why you're majorly bummed. Could Valentine's Day come at a worse time for you? Nope. Still, other signs will be attracted to you. Of course, you'll probably reject them for this very reason. You'll think only a loony would go for such a pasty lame-o as yourself. Come the first sweet breezes of March, you'll be feeling up to snuff. Until then, hang in there. Still, Saturn says there's still a good chance of a nice snuggle coming your way. If Gemini liked snuggles, that'd be grand. The handholding snuggle stuff might fly with Taurus, but to you it all seems a bit wet.
Yeah, I think I was more tired than drunk last night, but my paranoia got the best of me. I wasn't exactly stone cold sober, but I wasn't knocking down lampposts, hope-I-can-walk intoxicated either. I don't even have a headache this morning, just cotton mouth from smoking too many cigarettes last night. Hehe.
Yeah, I think I was more tired than drunk last night, but my paranoia got the best of me. I wasn't exactly stone cold sober, but I wasn't knocking down lampposts, hope-I-can-walk intoxicated either. I don't even have a headache this morning, just cotton mouth from smoking too many cigarettes last night. Hehe.
In reference to my title, when I was in high school, I was afraid that just one drink would lead me to alcoholism, like my dear daddy. Well, to my dismay, I had a "Larry" moment. I was entirely too drunk to drive, let alone type this entry this evening, as Greg and I finally played the "state of the union drinking game" so referenced in Jennifer's blog nearly a month ago. As she said during our phone conversation shortly after, yes, I'm aware that I'm a big ol' nerd. I freely admit that. However, I'm really pissed at myself for the Larry-esque moment, and most definitely should *not* have driven neither to nor from the Complex. A smart, responsible person, that which I pretend to be, would have just zonked out on Greg's futon after so many mentions of both Iraq and Sadaam Hussein after finishing off half a schooner of Tap Room (Schafly) Pale Ale, and nearly an entire bottle of not-so-bad-considering-it-was-berenger white wine trying to keep up. Well, at least I got free smokes out of it (thanks, Camel reps), and got to see both "hot" Dallas and "Dinner" Mike. If I haven't explained the stories behind those, drop me a line, and I'll explain when I'm more sober.
The point of this whole story was that, PSP taught me better, on our
friggin' 87th anniversary, no less.
*Holds drunken head in shame. . . *
In reference to my title, when I was in high school, I was afraid that just one drink would lead me to alcoholism, like my dear daddy. Well, to my dismay, I had a "Larry" moment. I was entirely too drunk to drive, let alone type this entry this evening, as Greg and I finally played the "state of the union drinking game" so referenced in Jennifer's blog nearly a month ago. As she said during our phone conversation shortly after, yes, I'm aware that I'm a big ol' nerd. I freely admit that. However, I'm really pissed at myself for the Larry-esque moment, and most definitely should *not* have driven neither to nor from the Complex. A smart, responsible person, that which I pretend to be, would have just zonked out on Greg's futon after so many mentions of both Iraq and Sadaam Hussein after finishing off half a schooner of Tap Room (Schafly) Pale Ale, and nearly an entire bottle of not-so-bad-considering-it-was-berenger white wine trying to keep up. Well, at least I got free smokes out of it (thanks, Camel reps), and got to see both "hot" Dallas and "Dinner" Mike. If I haven't explained the stories behind those, drop me a line, and I'll explain when I'm more sober.
The point of this whole story was that, PSP taught me better, on our
friggin' 87th anniversary, no less.
*Holds drunken head in shame. . . *
Why, do you ask? Well, for one, I had a fantastic time with Greg, his friends Mike and John, and the free drinks they provided last night. Also, and the most important part. . .do you notice what time it is? That's right, it's 9:30 AM! Yes, that's right, I'm up before 2 in the afternoon. This hasn't happened in nearly a month. Seriously. This is the first time in what seems like forever that I've been awake at a decent time of day. Now I can go to financial aid, clean my room up a bit, and do my taxes. It's absoutely wonderful.
Why, do you ask? Well, for one, I had a fantastic time with Greg, his friends Mike and John, and the free drinks they provided last night. Also, and the most important part. . .do you notice what time it is? That's right, it's 9:30 AM! Yes, that's right, I'm up before 2 in the afternoon. This hasn't happened in nearly a month. Seriously. This is the first time in what seems like forever that I've been awake at a decent time of day. Now I can go to financial aid, clean my room up a bit, and do my taxes. It's absoutely wonderful.
I was just reading over the last few entries of my blog, and that's a bit ridiculous, even for a lazy-ass like me. Nearly a fucking month since I've posted anything of importance. And I realized that I left a few stories unfinished.
First of all, I found out that Manuel doesn't have a boyfriend, just a friend who wishes they were. We hung out a few weeks later, but I think I've moved on anyway. I mean seriously, I went over to his house two times, and I always had to instigate to even kiss him. Blech. Sorry, if you're not interested, I can take the hint, no matter what some of my friends might say *grin*.
The other kids I mentioned in that post have pretty much gone nowhere. Scheduling conflicts abound with us. Again, I can take the hint.
What else has been going on? Not much, sadly. I've just been going to class a lot, working out when I can. Granted, I'm pissed that I haven't been working out more, but at least I realize it. The self-loathing of my laziness is catching up to me, and I'll definitely be working out today sometime.
I got a new CD-Burner, bigger hard drive, and a slight increase in RAM, thanks to Brian. I'm like a silly kid with a new toy. Been downloading lots of movies, porn, and music. Happy boy.
I've been hanging out lots with Greg. Apparently, enough that a friend and former boyfriend of his asked if we were dating. Heh. No. The thought of Greg naked makes me laugh. We're just friends. (Although "maybe we'll be better lovers," says a mutual friend of ours. *snicker*)
Hung out with Brian and Tina last weekend, and that was nice. Old friends from high school and college: I really don't see you as often as I could.
Also been going out with Mike a few times after work. (his work, not mine). And apparently, since he has enough spare cash to make a game out of it, he's been my generous benefactor when we go out. You kids are too good to me.
Ok, I'm now off to launder some clothes and take a shower, as I woke up only a short hour ago. But don't worry, I'll be back soon. And I mean it this time. ;)
I was just reading over the last few entries of my blog, and that's a bit ridiculous, even for a lazy-ass like me. Nearly a fucking month since I've posted anything of importance. And I realized that I left a few stories unfinished.
First of all, I found out that Manuel doesn't have a boyfriend, just a friend who wishes they were. We hung out a few weeks later, but I think I've moved on anyway. I mean seriously, I went over to his house two times, and I always had to instigate to even kiss him. Blech. Sorry, if you're not interested, I can take the hint, no matter what some of my friends might say *grin*.
The other kids I mentioned in that post have pretty much gone nowhere. Scheduling conflicts abound with us. Again, I can take the hint.
What else has been going on? Not much, sadly. I've just been going to class a lot, working out when I can. Granted, I'm pissed that I haven't been working out more, but at least I realize it. The self-loathing of my laziness is catching up to me, and I'll definitely be working out today sometime.
I got a new CD-Burner, bigger hard drive, and a slight increase in RAM, thanks to Brian. I'm like a silly kid with a new toy. Been downloading lots of movies, porn, and music. Happy boy.
I've been hanging out lots with Greg. Apparently, enough that a friend and former boyfriend of his asked if we were dating. Heh. No. The thought of Greg naked makes me laugh. We're just friends. (Although "maybe we'll be better lovers," says a mutual friend of ours. *snicker*)
Hung out with Brian and Tina last weekend, and that was nice. Old friends from high school and college: I really don't see you as often as I could.
Also been going out with Mike a few times after work. (his work, not mine). And apparently, since he has enough spare cash to make a game out of it, he's been my generous benefactor when we go out. You kids are too good to me.
Ok, I'm now off to launder some clothes and take a shower, as I woke up only a short hour ago. But don't worry, I'll be back soon. And I mean it this time. ;)
Boys and Girls, I have returned.
My horrible apologies for the lack of posting in the past few weeks. I've not really been on the internet lately. This whole no-job-thing has thrown my sleep schedule out of whack. I've been up all night, and then sleeping till all hours of the day. So I've not really been blogging, or even checking my email that much. (Today, after two days of not checking three different accounts, I had over 100 messages, mostly junk mail, in each)
First of all, I'll give y'all an update on what's new with me.
School's going alright, but senioritis is kicking in like crazy. 11 weeks left and counting.
Speaking of school, I've decided to take the next step in my law school groupiness, and have decided that I'm going to go to law school, most likely, in the fall of 2004. That's about as far as I've gotten in the process, but I'll keep you notified, as usual.
The most important good news: I got a job! Finally, after interviews and applications galore, I'm now a pseudo-sales rep for R. J. Reynolds, a tobacco company. Now, I know there are 'issues' that surround that company, and I'll post more about that later in the day. But it's money, till something better comes along.
I've missed y'all, and thanks to Jen for her threats, and Jared for your concern about lil ol me. *Feels loved*
Ok, as usual, I've got lots to talk about, so let's get started, shall we?
Boys and Girls, I have returned.
My horrible apologies for the lack of posting in the past few weeks. I've not really been on the internet lately. This whole no-job-thing has thrown my sleep schedule out of whack. I've been up all night, and then sleeping till all hours of the day. So I've not really been blogging, or even checking my email that much. (Today, after two days of not checking three different accounts, I had over 100 messages, mostly junk mail, in each)
First of all, I'll give y'all an update on what's new with me.
School's going alright, but senioritis is kicking in like crazy. 11 weeks left and counting.
Speaking of school, I've decided to take the next step in my law school groupiness, and have decided that I'm going to go to law school, most likely, in the fall of 2004. That's about as far as I've gotten in the process, but I'll keep you notified, as usual.
The most important good news: I got a job! Finally, after interviews and applications galore, I'm now a pseudo-sales rep for R. J. Reynolds, a tobacco company. Now, I know there are 'issues' that surround that company, and I'll post more about that later in the day. But it's money, till something better comes along.
I've missed y'all, and thanks to Jen for her threats, and Jared for your concern about lil ol me. *Feels loved*
Ok, as usual, I've got lots to talk about, so let's get started, shall we?
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