Last night, I went out with Dallas, his friend Greg (who is absolutely hilarious), and this random guy, Skippy. Now Skippy looks like he's about 14, and acts like it too. He was horribly enamored of me, but it just wasn't happening. But I had a good time teasing him. And a good time making fun of Dallas with Greg. Me thinks that's why I like him so much. Anyway, we had a good time, I had a few beers. I saw John for the first time in a couple months, we made small talk, but of course that was about it.
Mike and I are going out tonight, I'm dressed as a pimp, after he vetoed my original idea of a flasher. My friends never let me have any fun! I quit smoking tommorrow. . . wish me luck!
Went to see Punch Drunk Love with Mike last night. We both thoroughly enjoyed it. It was quirky, and funny, and the cinematography was excellent. Also, I couldn' t really sleep last night, and he told me that he "hasn't quite figured me out yet." I found that humorous, because I tend to think that I'm pretty and forthcoming about my life. But I also explained to him that most people just have an "idea" of what I'm about from my first impressions. So I could understand that. There are friends I have where I don't know many facts about them, but "Know" them, and then there are others who I know they're whole life story, yet don't feel like I can get close to them. I'd like to hope I'm somewhere in the middle.
Also, I've found that my peering eyes of voyeurism has made a certain blogger, who shall remain nameless, feel a bit uncomfortable about updating. It's the double-edged sword of blogging. You can feel free to be as open as you want, knowing that "anybody" could be reading it, yet can become quickly closed off if you know that a friend or family member is also pickin your brain.
Went to see Punch Drunk Love with Mike last night. We both thoroughly enjoyed it. It was quirky, and funny, and the cinematography was excellent. Also, I couldn' t really sleep last night, and he told me that he "hasn't quite figured me out yet." I found that humorous, because I tend to think that I'm pretty and forthcoming about my life. But I also explained to him that most people just have an "idea" of what I'm about from my first impressions. So I could understand that. There are friends I have where I don't know many facts about them, but "Know" them, and then there are others who I know they're whole life story, yet don't feel like I can get close to them. I'd like to hope I'm somewhere in the middle.
Also, I've found that my peering eyes of voyeurism has made a certain blogger, who shall remain nameless, feel a bit uncomfortable about updating. It's the double-edged sword of blogging. You can feel free to be as open as you want, knowing that "anybody" could be reading it, yet can become quickly closed off if you know that a friend or family member is also pickin your brain.
Although I was greatly reassured by my friends that I'm not an evil child, I talked to mom when we got home, and it seems that she's been having the same thoughts running through her head as well. She told me she didn't think he'd make it through the surgery either, etc. However, she just couldn't vocalize it or be emotional about it, because she had to be relatively emotionally stable for Dad.
Although I was greatly reassured by my friends that I'm not an evil child, I talked to mom when we got home, and it seems that she's been having the same thoughts running through her head as well. She told me she didn't think he'd make it through the surgery either, etc. However, she just couldn't vocalize it or be emotional about it, because she had to be relatively emotionally stable for Dad.
Yesterday was a hectic, emotional day, but it's over. Dad's recovering well, in his own room. He'll probably be home friday. Today, though, he's so tired, weak, and in so much pain that he banished us from the room till further notice. So Mom's sleeping (she hardly slept all night) and I'm blogging. Go Figure. We'll probably go up tonight and see him for a few minutes anyway. I'm kind of a bad boy, because I'm not going to class tonight, but I called in already. I just don't think I could really sit in class for four hours anyway. I've only seen dad awake for about five minutes in the past few days, and I'd like to see him tonight.
So in other news, I'm now unemployed. Again. Apparently, Michelle went to see Jim, my former boss at BOA, and was informed of the news about Dad. In all the hubbub, I called BOA on monday, but forgot about Accountemps. When I woke up around 9 (oops), I was about to call BOA to let them know what happened, when Michelle called me, and told me that the assignment was terminated, b/c today was considered a "no-call, no-show." I apologized, but told her I assumed that with my four-year relationship with the company, that exceptions might be made. My mind hasn't exactly been on work these past four days. She wouldn't hear any of it. Apparently BOA is pissed at Accountemps, so they're pissed at me. Well, this is the second time that this temp agency has screwed me over, so fuck 'em. No more business from me, and no more possible referrals from my friends. I don't need that shit. The only thing that sucks, is that I REALLY liked this job. All well. Back to the old grind of unemployment, I guess.
Yesterday was a hectic, emotional day, but it's over. Dad's recovering well, in his own room. He'll probably be home friday. Today, though, he's so tired, weak, and in so much pain that he banished us from the room till further notice. So Mom's sleeping (she hardly slept all night) and I'm blogging. Go Figure. We'll probably go up tonight and see him for a few minutes anyway. I'm kind of a bad boy, because I'm not going to class tonight, but I called in already. I just don't think I could really sit in class for four hours anyway. I've only seen dad awake for about five minutes in the past few days, and I'd like to see him tonight.
So in other news, I'm now unemployed. Again. Apparently, Michelle went to see Jim, my former boss at BOA, and was informed of the news about Dad. In all the hubbub, I called BOA on monday, but forgot about Accountemps. When I woke up around 9 (oops), I was about to call BOA to let them know what happened, when Michelle called me, and told me that the assignment was terminated, b/c today was considered a "no-call, no-show." I apologized, but told her I assumed that with my four-year relationship with the company, that exceptions might be made. My mind hasn't exactly been on work these past four days. She wouldn't hear any of it. Apparently BOA is pissed at Accountemps, so they're pissed at me. Well, this is the second time that this temp agency has screwed me over, so fuck 'em. No more business from me, and no more possible referrals from my friends. I don't need that shit. The only thing that sucks, is that I REALLY liked this job. All well. Back to the old grind of unemployment, I guess.
Last night, I'd planned on cleaning my room, doing some laundry. A very relaxing night.
However, Mike and I had both taken naps yesterday, so we were wired for sound, and ready to go out. We were going to see a movie, but there was confusion on what time it was/what time the movie started. So we went to this bar that had a crappy live band, drank a few beers and played some darts. This large, old, drunk woman started flirting with us. Obviously, I wasn't impressed, but I always am nice to drunks who hit on me. I just can't be a bitch to drunks for some reason. Anyway, she asked if I was Italian, and then asked what I do with "that tongue thing." My reply, "Mostly suck cock, ma'am." Take the hint: Go far far away from me. She then asked Mike if he was Russian, apparently because he was wearing a stocking cap. Odd duck.
So then, we felt we definitely needed more drinks. (So much for a cheap night, with just a movie. All well, I was game.) So after grabbing cash from around the St. Louis area, we decided to go to Clementine's, a queer bar in Soulard. However, Mike didn't know exactly where it was, so we just drove around soulard for a while searching for it, than gave up and went to the Complex.
Lo and behold, who do we find there, but a very drunk Dallas. He went to a party with a friend from Grad School, and apparently "drank his weight in vodka and margaritas." And boy, did it show. Can we say, lean on me, so you don't fall off your bar stool?
Anyway, a good time was had by all, and I hope that stubborn bitch made it home alright. Dallas insisted he'd be okay to drive by the time the bar closed around 4 am (3 am, really, but there's that extra hour for turning back the clock.) I offered him my number, in case he needed a ride, but he said he'd be fine. Me thinks he thought I had ulterior motives, but I just didn't want him to drive home, and I assumed I lived closer to the complex than Mike.
Speaking of ulterior motives, on Friday night, I went out to get drunk, as was my goal. Needless to say, some good ol' fashioned making out ensued. Although it was a fluke, just that both of us were horny, it was fun all the same.
Last night, I'd planned on cleaning my room, doing some laundry. A very relaxing night.
However, Mike and I had both taken naps yesterday, so we were wired for sound, and ready to go out. We were going to see a movie, but there was confusion on what time it was/what time the movie started. So we went to this bar that had a crappy live band, drank a few beers and played some darts. This large, old, drunk woman started flirting with us. Obviously, I wasn't impressed, but I always am nice to drunks who hit on me. I just can't be a bitch to drunks for some reason. Anyway, she asked if I was Italian, and then asked what I do with "that tongue thing." My reply, "Mostly suck cock, ma'am." Take the hint: Go far far away from me. She then asked Mike if he was Russian, apparently because he was wearing a stocking cap. Odd duck.
So then, we felt we definitely needed more drinks. (So much for a cheap night, with just a movie. All well, I was game.) So after grabbing cash from around the St. Louis area, we decided to go to Clementine's, a queer bar in Soulard. However, Mike didn't know exactly where it was, so we just drove around soulard for a while searching for it, than gave up and went to the Complex.
Lo and behold, who do we find there, but a very drunk Dallas. He went to a party with a friend from Grad School, and apparently "drank his weight in vodka and margaritas." And boy, did it show. Can we say, lean on me, so you don't fall off your bar stool?
Anyway, a good time was had by all, and I hope that stubborn bitch made it home alright. Dallas insisted he'd be okay to drive by the time the bar closed around 4 am (3 am, really, but there's that extra hour for turning back the clock.) I offered him my number, in case he needed a ride, but he said he'd be fine. Me thinks he thought I had ulterior motives, but I just didn't want him to drive home, and I assumed I lived closer to the complex than Mike.
Speaking of ulterior motives, on Friday night, I went out to get drunk, as was my goal. Needless to say, some good ol' fashioned making out ensued. Although it was a fluke, just that both of us were horny, it was fun all the same.
You sees "31 Flavors" as the ideal place to work.
You can get unequivocally turned on by eating Cheese 'n Crackers -
taking the little sticks from the wrapper and sliding them into the cheese.
You are definitely a sexual glutton, taking as much as you can ;)
Are *You* Bisexual? Click Here to Find Out!
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
I'll be damned. You ARE bisexual AFTER all!
You sees "31 Flavors" as the ideal place to work.
You can get unequivocally turned on by eating Cheese 'n Crackers -
taking the little sticks from the wrapper and sliding them into the cheese.
You are definitely a sexual glutton, taking as much as you can ;)
Are *You* Bisexual? Click Here to Find Out!
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
I don't really feel like writing about last night and today right now, so I'll probably do it later or tommorrow. In the meantime, look what I've discovered:
Daring. Dangerous. And oh so tasty.
You go crazy when you go south -
And you love getting it in the mouth.
What's Your Sex Position?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
That surprises me. . . I prefer this one much more.
I don't really feel like writing about last night and today right now, so I'll probably do it later or tommorrow. In the meantime, look what I've discovered:
Your Sex Position is Upside Down 69
Daring. Dangerous. And oh so tasty.
You go crazy when you go south -
And you love getting it in the mouth.
What's Your Sex Position?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
That surprises me. . . I prefer this one much more.
Not at work, of course. But otherwise.. . .
First of all, I was originally going to take about 1.5 hours for lunch (I cleared it with my boss) so I could run out to Crestwood and get my check from AOC, and then stop by Webster to pick up my books.
However, Dad had to go in for his cardiac catherization procedure today. That's usually a pretty basic procedure. X-rays to see the blocked arteries, and then an angioplasty (basically, a balloon comes in, and pushes out the plaque and fat deposits). No big whoop, he'd be home before I got home from work.
Things didn't go as planned. When the x-ray was done, the doc discovered five arteries with 60% blockage or more (three were at least 80%). They wanted to do a quintuple bypass surgery immediately, but Dad refused. On one hand, I can see his point. None of his kids were with him, he wanted to talk to his mom, and other family members, and the stress was enough to realize he wasn't "psyched up for it." The staff recommended that he stay hospitalized for the weekend, but because of those factors, he refused. Signed an AMA (Against Medical Advice) waiver, and came home. However, no sooner had he come home, he got a message on the machine to come back up for blood work, talk to the anethesiologist, and pre-register for surgery on Monday morning.
I got this info around 10:30. Needless to say, I've been on edge and jittery all day. So while I was driving out to Crestwood, I called Jim and told him that I wasn't coming in the rest of the day, and probably wouldn't be there on Monday either. (At that point, I didn't know if surgery was going to happen on Monday or not.) So after fighting traffic foreva to get my check, I spent an hour and a half walking around campus trying to get books on my student account. Back and forth, back and forth. It just gave me more time to think, which is not necessarily a good thing.
I'm horribly conflicted right now. On one hand, I'm happy this was found now. On the other hand, his two oldest brothers died of heart attacks, Bill on the operating table for the same operation. His brothers were both 58, Dad's recently 57. The omen is scary.
I know that I will miss Dad. But I feel like a horrible son. Absolutely horrible. I'm going straight to hell. Why, do you ask? Because as much as I miss my father (both now, and if he possibly dies), if he survives, I have doubts of him changing his lifetime habits. Part of me just thinks of how much of my financial woes would be solved with the insurance policy. I know I don't really mean it, but I feel like Satan even for thinking of it.
What the hell is wrong with me?
And the other horrible thing. . . I'm afraid of the worst. . .If he were to survive, but maybe stroked out or something equally horrible, I don't think he'd last long. As sorry for himself as he's been feeling lately (he told mom he thinks of suicide at least once a month), he refuses to get help. I'm envisioning the worst. Drunk, and then killing himself. A worser fate for both himself and our family than a death on the table.
Again what the hell is wrong with me? Shouldn't I be happy that this was caught? Shouldn't I be thinking about change? How I need to change my attitudes about my father before it's too late? Why am I already digging his grave? Am I so evil that that's what I want? God, I'm an emotional wreck. I can hardly see the keys through my tears right now.
So what am I going to do to remedy the situation? Shower, get dressed, and go drink myself into oblivion, like our family is wont to do.
*Heavy sigh* Dallas was right. . . I do have some *issues.*
Dear friends, Jay has hit the emotional equal of rock bottom.
Not at work, of course. But otherwise.. . .
First of all, I was originally going to take about 1.5 hours for lunch (I cleared it with my boss) so I could run out to Crestwood and get my check from AOC, and then stop by Webster to pick up my books.
However, Dad had to go in for his cardiac catherization procedure today. That's usually a pretty basic procedure. X-rays to see the blocked arteries, and then an angioplasty (basically, a balloon comes in, and pushes out the plaque and fat deposits). No big whoop, he'd be home before I got home from work.
Things didn't go as planned. When the x-ray was done, the doc discovered five arteries with 60% blockage or more (three were at least 80%). They wanted to do a quintuple bypass surgery immediately, but Dad refused. On one hand, I can see his point. None of his kids were with him, he wanted to talk to his mom, and other family members, and the stress was enough to realize he wasn't "psyched up for it." The staff recommended that he stay hospitalized for the weekend, but because of those factors, he refused. Signed an AMA (Against Medical Advice) waiver, and came home. However, no sooner had he come home, he got a message on the machine to come back up for blood work, talk to the anethesiologist, and pre-register for surgery on Monday morning.
I got this info around 10:30. Needless to say, I've been on edge and jittery all day. So while I was driving out to Crestwood, I called Jim and told him that I wasn't coming in the rest of the day, and probably wouldn't be there on Monday either. (At that point, I didn't know if surgery was going to happen on Monday or not.) So after fighting traffic foreva to get my check, I spent an hour and a half walking around campus trying to get books on my student account. Back and forth, back and forth. It just gave me more time to think, which is not necessarily a good thing.
I'm horribly conflicted right now. On one hand, I'm happy this was found now. On the other hand, his two oldest brothers died of heart attacks, Bill on the operating table for the same operation. His brothers were both 58, Dad's recently 57. The omen is scary.
I know that I will miss Dad. But I feel like a horrible son. Absolutely horrible. I'm going straight to hell. Why, do you ask? Because as much as I miss my father (both now, and if he possibly dies), if he survives, I have doubts of him changing his lifetime habits. Part of me just thinks of how much of my financial woes would be solved with the insurance policy. I know I don't really mean it, but I feel like Satan even for thinking of it.
What the hell is wrong with me?
And the other horrible thing. . . I'm afraid of the worst. . .If he were to survive, but maybe stroked out or something equally horrible, I don't think he'd last long. As sorry for himself as he's been feeling lately (he told mom he thinks of suicide at least once a month), he refuses to get help. I'm envisioning the worst. Drunk, and then killing himself. A worser fate for both himself and our family than a death on the table.
Again what the hell is wrong with me? Shouldn't I be happy that this was caught? Shouldn't I be thinking about change? How I need to change my attitudes about my father before it's too late? Why am I already digging his grave? Am I so evil that that's what I want? God, I'm an emotional wreck. I can hardly see the keys through my tears right now.
So what am I going to do to remedy the situation? Shower, get dressed, and go drink myself into oblivion, like our family is wont to do.
*Heavy sigh* Dallas was right. . . I do have some *issues.*
Dear friends, Jay has hit the emotional equal of rock bottom.
Started my new job at BOA. I LOVE IT!! It's downtown, so I'm in my element; I like the people I work with; and the job keeps me busy. Basically, it looks like it's just a lot of paper shuffling (filing, entering loan apps, etc.), but everyday I've got a new job, because everyone in the department switches off on tasks. I think this one's a keeper. I just hope it lasts longer than the end of December, which is what I was told originally. Who knows, maybe I'll be hired on permanently there. . .that seems to be a trend at BOA, from what I hear.
Saw The Ring last night with Mike and Dallas... not a great movie, but entertaining. . .I jumped at quite a few moments in the movie. Odd for me, I don't usually get scared at movies like that. But now I want to see the Japanese movie it was based on, Ringu.
Started my new job at BOA. I LOVE IT!! It's downtown, so I'm in my element; I like the people I work with; and the job keeps me busy. Basically, it looks like it's just a lot of paper shuffling (filing, entering loan apps, etc.), but everyday I've got a new job, because everyone in the department switches off on tasks. I think this one's a keeper. I just hope it lasts longer than the end of December, which is what I was told originally. Who knows, maybe I'll be hired on permanently there. . .that seems to be a trend at BOA, from what I hear.
Saw The Ring last night with Mike and Dallas... not a great movie, but entertaining. . .I jumped at quite a few moments in the movie. Odd for me, I don't usually get scared at movies like that. But now I want to see the Japanese movie it was based on, Ringu.
Well, I played hooky from work today, and called in sick. It wasn't a total lie. The thought of just sitting there for eight hours left me feeling ill to my stomach. No matter. Accountemps called, and I start tommorrow at Bank of America (Heretofore referred to as BOA). Better hours (8 to 5, which means an hour lunch, yeah!), and I'm back in my best environment: downtown. Plus, there's possibilities for overtime. Woo hoo! Besides that, I've done nothing except the dishes and lounge around. I should be doing laundry, or some such thing, but I know I've got enough clothes for tommorrow, so I'll do that tommorrow night, or this weekend. Plus, with the way AOC and Accountemps handle their pay, I'll get a check on Friday from AOC, and then another one on Tuesday. Same thing happens the next weekend. So these next two weekends, I'll have to fight the temptation to be frivolous. Grrr...
Well, I played hooky from work today, and called in sick. It wasn't a total lie. The thought of just sitting there for eight hours left me feeling ill to my stomach. No matter. Accountemps called, and I start tommorrow at Bank of America (Heretofore referred to as BOA). Better hours (8 to 5, which means an hour lunch, yeah!), and I'm back in my best environment: downtown. Plus, there's possibilities for overtime. Woo hoo! Besides that, I've done nothing except the dishes and lounge around. I should be doing laundry, or some such thing, but I know I've got enough clothes for tommorrow, so I'll do that tommorrow night, or this weekend. Plus, with the way AOC and Accountemps handle their pay, I'll get a check on Friday from AOC, and then another one on Tuesday. Same thing happens the next weekend. So these next two weekends, I'll have to fight the temptation to be frivolous. Grrr...
For anyone who's participated in or watched the video of my 21st birthday, you know that this is very much head on. Overly confident, but when I fall, I fall hard. (Literally, and figuratively.)

What kind of drunk are you?
For anyone who's participated in or watched the video of my 21st birthday, you know that this is very much head on. Overly confident, but when I fall, I fall hard. (Literally, and figuratively.)
What kind of drunk are you?

Take the Affliction Test Today!
Thanks to Jen for the link.
Take the Affliction Test Today!
Thanks to Jen for the link.
Five minutes to go. I've been reading "Wine Snobbery" off and on for the past few weeks or so, but I'm not an expert enough to distinguish between all the wines. However, it's still an interesting read. It's amazing how wine laws aren't followed, How low-quality wines blends are stil sold as premium, full varietal wines, made from the same grapes, vineyard, or both. That's one other thing I like about Mike #2. He wants to start a wine tasting club. How cool is that?
Allright, 3:30. . .time to go!
Five minutes to go. I've been reading "Wine Snobbery" off and on for the past few weeks or so, but I'm not an expert enough to distinguish between all the wines. However, it's still an interesting read. It's amazing how wine laws aren't followed, How low-quality wines blends are stil sold as premium, full varietal wines, made from the same grapes, vineyard, or both. That's one other thing I like about Mike #2. He wants to start a wine tasting club. How cool is that?
Allright, 3:30. . .time to go!
So I went ahead and took my smoke break. This last hour or so is always the worst. All I do for the next hour is glance at the clock. Watching time move slowly, in five minute increments. The only saving grace is that I'm drinking an excessive amount of water while I'm here. I think I piss about every half hour or so. And that also helps wit the five minute increments of time go by. And it also makes my drive home excruciating. I've got to go so bad by the time I head home. And apparently, it doesn't matter how early I stop drinking. 3:00, 2:30, 1:30; it makes no difference. Still gotta go intensely.
One hour left. Something tells me that no matter how much I despise micro-management, it would definitely be beneficial here. It seems that everyone just slacks off during the latter half of their day. Think of the labor costs that could be saved. Although, I guess I'd be sitting at home if that were the case. Making no money. Bah!
So I went ahead and took my smoke break. This last hour or so is always the worst. All I do for the next hour is glance at the clock. Watching time move slowly, in five minute increments. The only saving grace is that I'm drinking an excessive amount of water while I'm here. I think I piss about every half hour or so. And that also helps wit the five minute increments of time go by. And it also makes my drive home excruciating. I've got to go so bad by the time I head home. And apparently, it doesn't matter how early I stop drinking. 3:00, 2:30, 1:30; it makes no difference. Still gotta go intensely.
One hour left. Something tells me that no matter how much I despise micro-management, it would definitely be beneficial here. It seems that everyone just slacks off during the latter half of their day. Think of the labor costs that could be saved. Although, I guess I'd be sitting at home if that were the case. Making no money. Bah!
I wish I knew Origami. I just shot a Post-It paper airplane at Cathy, one of the few smokers I know around here. And that reminded me how my cousin Jason and I used to spend hours on end making paper airplanes. We'd try varing lengths, widths, weights, and colors of paper. We'd experiment with different folds and add-ons, like paper clips or rubber cement. It's odd, because with all the time we used to spend on those damned things, it took me five minutes to remember how to fold a basic design. Crazy, huh?
I think the jury's still out on the Internet, though, because I've seen a few people with different types of CD players on their computers, plus, I'm almost certain that Tammy has WinAmp on her computer, replete with MP3s. Of course, it wouldn't be such a goddamned mystery if I had a computer of my own right now. . .grr. . .
Two o'clock. Time for a smoke break in about 15 minutes. That means I've only got an hour to go when I get back from break. . Hurrah!
I wish I knew Origami. I just shot a Post-It paper airplane at Cathy, one of the few smokers I know around here. And that reminded me how my cousin Jason and I used to spend hours on end making paper airplanes. We'd try varing lengths, widths, weights, and colors of paper. We'd experiment with different folds and add-ons, like paper clips or rubber cement. It's odd, because with all the time we used to spend on those damned things, it took me five minutes to remember how to fold a basic design. Crazy, huh?
I think the jury's still out on the Internet, though, because I've seen a few people with different types of CD players on their computers, plus, I'm almost certain that Tammy has WinAmp on her computer, replete with MP3s. Of course, it wouldn't be such a goddamned mystery if I had a computer of my own right now. . .grr. . .
Two o'clock. Time for a smoke break in about 15 minutes. That means I've only got an hour to go when I get back from break. . Hurrah!
ROUND TWO. . .1:15 PM
Again, I'm bored. So I'm pretending to transcribe some notes for about the fourth or fifth time in the past ten days or so. Write, write, write. . .turn age occasionally. I guess it's better than I was on Friday, when it was ridiculously obvious that I was reading the paper or a book. And I'm nearly certain that there's no real Internet access here. Although I understand the logic of it: less outside contact through computers, less chance of corrupted personal and confidential information. But it still sucks like a Hoover.
Luckily, writing is keeping me from dozing off. It's those last two hours or so that are the worst for me. It basically consists of me staring at the clock, feeling tired, having just ate lunch. Me think's I'll be calling Todd soon to tell him to be on the lookout for another assignment. That way, citicrap or Accountants on Call aren't surprised when I'm not happy here.
Again, I'm bored. So I'm pretending to transcribe some notes for about the fourth or fifth time in the past ten days or so. Write, write, write. . .turn age occasionally. I guess it's better than I was on Friday, when it was ridiculously obvious that I was reading the paper or a book. And I'm nearly certain that there's no real Internet access here. Although I understand the logic of it: less outside contact through computers, less chance of corrupted personal and confidential information. But it still sucks like a Hoover.
Luckily, writing is keeping me from dozing off. It's those last two hours or so that are the worst for me. It basically consists of me staring at the clock, feeling tired, having just ate lunch. Me think's I'll be calling Todd soon to tell him to be on the lookout for another assignment. That way, citicrap or Accountants on Call aren't surprised when I'm not happy here.
BORED ALREADY. . .10/21, 7:21 AM
Been at work for nearly 1/2 an hour, and already bored. So I'm writing a blog entry (by hand, mind you), while feigning to take notes from this damned "Consumer Credit Reconciliation Policies and Procedures" handbook.
Last night was a great time. Went over to Mike #2's for dinner and a movie. Great dinner -- I know you fellow food lovers will appreciate this -- French Onion Soup, Salad with Lemon Balsalmic Vinagrette over field greens, and Fettucine Alfredo. All homemade. Add nearly an entire bottle of Beaujolais between the two of us, and I was definitely having a good time. Watched a few episodes of Absolutely Fabulous, followed by Burglar, a classic Whoopi film from the 80s, and Moulin Rouge.
Zack stopped by, and it shouldn't surprise me, really. He lives ridiculously close by, and is a "older queer." (Not to be mistaken with OLD) That cusp of late 20s/early 30s where you're still fun and young enough to hang out with the youngins (I've been called young by a surprisingly large amount of gay people. Don't know how I feel about that one.), yet old enough to speak from experience about the escapades of the younger. (Granted, the advice might be unwarranted, but so be it.)
So, I like Mike #2. He's a nice guy, well-read, quirky sense of humor, southern (from Conway, AR, I believe), and thinks I'm great. We made out for a while, but otherwise, pretty innocent. I doubt I'll pursue anything further, but who knows, I guess. The wine made me horny, I guess (as if I needed a catalyst to my horniness), and he's attractive (in that cute, cuddly way), but I don't think I'm largely attracted to him "like that." Part of me thinks we made out cause he thought I expected it to happen. Horny 22-year-old stereotype, I guess.
So after being entirely satiated, with food, entertainment, and some good ol' fashioned high school-style makin' out, I came home around 12:30. Mind you, Friday and Saturday I stayed out/up till 3 or 4, and slept in till at least 1 pm, so I wasn't exactly tired. So I pop some Melatonin and wait for the placebo effect to kick in, because I"m sure it can't physically make you tired after 1/2 an hour, which it always does.
So I'm skimming online, and decide to read Dallas's archives. (He's got a blog, too, btw) I realized that's where the "voyeur" part of my name comes in. There's a lot of information that I learned about him that's just hard to bring up, or wouldn't be brought up, in normal conversation. For example, O found out that his family came over from North Africa for the 1904 World's Fair. I find it entirely interesting that he's only maybe four generations removed from his origins. Things like that shape the way a person lives, but aren't usually brought up in everyday life.
Been at work for nearly 1/2 an hour, and already bored. So I'm writing a blog entry (by hand, mind you), while feigning to take notes from this damned "Consumer Credit Reconciliation Policies and Procedures" handbook.
Last night was a great time. Went over to Mike #2's for dinner and a movie. Great dinner -- I know you fellow food lovers will appreciate this -- French Onion Soup, Salad with Lemon Balsalmic Vinagrette over field greens, and Fettucine Alfredo. All homemade. Add nearly an entire bottle of Beaujolais between the two of us, and I was definitely having a good time. Watched a few episodes of Absolutely Fabulous, followed by Burglar, a classic Whoopi film from the 80s, and Moulin Rouge.
Zack stopped by, and it shouldn't surprise me, really. He lives ridiculously close by, and is a "older queer." (Not to be mistaken with OLD) That cusp of late 20s/early 30s where you're still fun and young enough to hang out with the youngins (I've been called young by a surprisingly large amount of gay people. Don't know how I feel about that one.), yet old enough to speak from experience about the escapades of the younger. (Granted, the advice might be unwarranted, but so be it.)
So, I like Mike #2. He's a nice guy, well-read, quirky sense of humor, southern (from Conway, AR, I believe), and thinks I'm great. We made out for a while, but otherwise, pretty innocent. I doubt I'll pursue anything further, but who knows, I guess. The wine made me horny, I guess (as if I needed a catalyst to my horniness), and he's attractive (in that cute, cuddly way), but I don't think I'm largely attracted to him "like that." Part of me thinks we made out cause he thought I expected it to happen. Horny 22-year-old stereotype, I guess.
So after being entirely satiated, with food, entertainment, and some good ol' fashioned high school-style makin' out, I came home around 12:30. Mind you, Friday and Saturday I stayed out/up till 3 or 4, and slept in till at least 1 pm, so I wasn't exactly tired. So I pop some Melatonin and wait for the placebo effect to kick in, because I"m sure it can't physically make you tired after 1/2 an hour, which it always does.
So I'm skimming online, and decide to read Dallas's archives. (He's got a blog, too, btw) I realized that's where the "voyeur" part of my name comes in. There's a lot of information that I learned about him that's just hard to bring up, or wouldn't be brought up, in normal conversation. For example, O found out that his family came over from North Africa for the 1904 World's Fair. I find it entirely interesting that he's only maybe four generations removed from his origins. Things like that shape the way a person lives, but aren't usually brought up in everyday life.
But before I decribe my weekend, I think I'll add this note: I've been becoming addicted to Ally McBeal reruns in syndication on the F/X cable network. I liked the show when if first aired, but once I got to college, my TV viewing was non-existent for quite a few years. I just never caught up. Anyway, the quirky humor gets me. In the particular episode that I'm watching today, Tracey Ullman, one of my favorite commediannes, guests as a therapist, helping Ally though all of her drama, inevitably. She suggested that Ally needs a "theme song." Something that she hears in her head to make her feel better. I think I know what mine is, inevitably. Well, I have two. One is the 80s classic, I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred. It's the ultimate theme song for an egomaniac like myself. The other, more correct theme song, is My Stupid Mouth by the inevitably great (and cute) John Mayer.
And actually, that's a great segue. I've met quite a few people online these past few weeks, and I don't feel bad bout it at all. In some ways, I feel ridiculous and pathetic. As if I don't have the social skills to meet people in public, on my own. However, on the other hand, the online chatting means that usually I meet people by their personalities, first. Which is a nice change from the bar scene, where the first rule of attraction is looks first, brain second. (Yeah, I know, "Why can't they love me for my mind?" Cliched, but true.)
Anyway, besides Mike, mentioned beforehand, I've been talking to this great guy, Dallas. He's 26, well educated (Bachelor's in Psych and Poli Sci, Master's in Library Science). We met at The Atomic Cowboy, a great bar/coffeehouse in Maplewood. Mike joined us for a few rounds of drinks and what not. It was a great time, and a great place. It was a very artsy-fartsy crowd, slightly pretentious. It was like I was going home to Mecca. What I thought was really humorous, was that within two minutes of showing up, I made friends with two cute, yet-slightly-inebriated girls. Of course, I figured it'd be rude to pursue them while meeting a prospective boyfriend. . .lol.
After the Atomic Cowboy, we went to this 24 hour diner, had some food, and then Mike had to head home. Meanwhile, Dallas and I headed over to The Grind, a coffeehouse in the CWE for some scalding hot coffee. And here's where the "Stupid Mouth" part comes in. As many of you know, I tend to reveal too much about myself. I'm sure I did that night, continuing the theme of our prior conversations. I'm pretty sure that realizing that when meeting a guy you're interested in, and then inadvertantly telling him that you've slept with his best friend and former boyfriend puts you directly in the Friend Zone.
However, I'm ridiculously dense when it comes to things like that, so I flat out asked him. He told me that I was edging on the friend zone, but he wasn't ruling anything out. Great. Another friend. Sometimes it's a downside to have attractive friends. . .
Actually, that's not too bad. He's a great guy, and pretty down to earth. And we have completely random conversations. So, I guess a friend who's actually on the same level that I am in a lot of ways isn't a bad thing. Plus, we're both tops, so that equals sexual incompatibility issues anyway. :)
Luckily, he's not too affected by it. If I thought it would've made it awkward, I wouldn't have brought it up. So we flirt and tease, and we'll see where it goes, I guess.
We went out again last night, and just had a relaxed time, shot the shit with a few friends, and had a few drinks. All in all, not a bad weekend.
Plus, I think I might be having dinner and a movie with Mike #2, who I met at Spirited Away with Mike #1. He's a nice guy, thinks I'm funny (always a requirement to be my friend), and is currently on a "penis embargo." So at least I know that it's completely platonic. No big whoop. I just like that Mike #2's a food guy like me, and from the south. He nearly shit a brick when I told him I didn't eat biscuits and gravy.
I think I've rambled plenty for the moment. BTW, if any of the aforementioned people are reading this right now, *do not* let me know. I'd rather not feel vulnerable knowing that you know my opinions of you, even if they are positive.
But before I decribe my weekend, I think I'll add this note: I've been becoming addicted to Ally McBeal reruns in syndication on the F/X cable network. I liked the show when if first aired, but once I got to college, my TV viewing was non-existent for quite a few years. I just never caught up. Anyway, the quirky humor gets me. In the particular episode that I'm watching today, Tracey Ullman, one of my favorite commediannes, guests as a therapist, helping Ally though all of her drama, inevitably. She suggested that Ally needs a "theme song." Something that she hears in her head to make her feel better. I think I know what mine is, inevitably. Well, I have two. One is the 80s classic, I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred. It's the ultimate theme song for an egomaniac like myself. The other, more correct theme song, is My Stupid Mouth by the inevitably great (and cute) John Mayer.
And actually, that's a great segue. I've met quite a few people online these past few weeks, and I don't feel bad bout it at all. In some ways, I feel ridiculous and pathetic. As if I don't have the social skills to meet people in public, on my own. However, on the other hand, the online chatting means that usually I meet people by their personalities, first. Which is a nice change from the bar scene, where the first rule of attraction is looks first, brain second. (Yeah, I know, "Why can't they love me for my mind?" Cliched, but true.)
Anyway, besides Mike, mentioned beforehand, I've been talking to this great guy, Dallas. He's 26, well educated (Bachelor's in Psych and Poli Sci, Master's in Library Science). We met at The Atomic Cowboy, a great bar/coffeehouse in Maplewood. Mike joined us for a few rounds of drinks and what not. It was a great time, and a great place. It was a very artsy-fartsy crowd, slightly pretentious. It was like I was going home to Mecca. What I thought was really humorous, was that within two minutes of showing up, I made friends with two cute, yet-slightly-inebriated girls. Of course, I figured it'd be rude to pursue them while meeting a prospective boyfriend. . .lol.
After the Atomic Cowboy, we went to this 24 hour diner, had some food, and then Mike had to head home. Meanwhile, Dallas and I headed over to The Grind, a coffeehouse in the CWE for some scalding hot coffee. And here's where the "Stupid Mouth" part comes in. As many of you know, I tend to reveal too much about myself. I'm sure I did that night, continuing the theme of our prior conversations. I'm pretty sure that realizing that when meeting a guy you're interested in, and then inadvertantly telling him that you've slept with his best friend and former boyfriend puts you directly in the Friend Zone.
However, I'm ridiculously dense when it comes to things like that, so I flat out asked him. He told me that I was edging on the friend zone, but he wasn't ruling anything out. Great. Another friend. Sometimes it's a downside to have attractive friends. . .
Actually, that's not too bad. He's a great guy, and pretty down to earth. And we have completely random conversations. So, I guess a friend who's actually on the same level that I am in a lot of ways isn't a bad thing. Plus, we're both tops, so that equals sexual incompatibility issues anyway. :)
Luckily, he's not too affected by it. If I thought it would've made it awkward, I wouldn't have brought it up. So we flirt and tease, and we'll see where it goes, I guess.
We went out again last night, and just had a relaxed time, shot the shit with a few friends, and had a few drinks. All in all, not a bad weekend.
Plus, I think I might be having dinner and a movie with Mike #2, who I met at Spirited Away with Mike #1. He's a nice guy, thinks I'm funny (always a requirement to be my friend), and is currently on a "penis embargo." So at least I know that it's completely platonic. No big whoop. I just like that Mike #2's a food guy like me, and from the south. He nearly shit a brick when I told him I didn't eat biscuits and gravy.
I think I've rambled plenty for the moment. BTW, if any of the aforementioned people are reading this right now, *do not* let me know. I'd rather not feel vulnerable knowing that you know my opinions of you, even if they are positive.
Lots of things to talk about, and I wrote them down during all my free time at "work" today. . .
Speaking of work. . . I spent a majority of my time today transcribing my notes again, thinking that rote repetition is better than zoning out. . .
There's an article in this week's Riverfront Times about some of the best things in the world. . . beer, pizza, and sex. It's a great combination, and I wish I would've thought of it first.
Also read a great article about bisexuality in an otherwise mediocre publication, Out Magazine. I'm a subscriber, because I got a free subscription. And it ends with the November issue. Of course, inevitably, that issue isn't online yet, so check out the link later, if you'd like to read the article for yourself.
But I'll give you the brief breakdown: "Bisexuals are sexual radical too (when compared to homosexuals -- J) -- and not only when they have partners of the same sex. If I take a [same-sex] lover, I have to deal with homophobia from narrow-minded heterosexuals. But sadly, if I take a [opposite-sex] lover, I risk ostracism from similarly narrow-minded homosexuals. Thus, as bisexuals we are radicals no matter what choices we make. For us, the radical act is rejecting monosexuality as the only path."
She also goes into detail about how being in a relationship with a woman doesn't "erase [her] attraction to men or other women. . . . [I]f I were to spend the rest of my life to a woman, I would remain a bisexual."
Preach on, sister.
I also talked to Mooch last night, for about an hour or so. Every once in a while, we just catch up, since we don't see each other as often as we used to. Good times, good times. Gossip about the fraternity, gossip about some people I've been dating/interested in. And since I'm sure you're curious, they're all guys. I think I'd like to experience a real relationship with a guy before I get the nerve to climb back in the saddle and pursue women again. Ehh, we'll see.
Well, this entry has taken a long time, replete with lots of interruptions. But it's 11:30, and I've got to get up in six hours for work. So I'll write more later.
Lots of things to talk about, and I wrote them down during all my free time at "work" today. . .
Speaking of work. . . I spent a majority of my time today transcribing my notes again, thinking that rote repetition is better than zoning out. . .
There's an article in this week's Riverfront Times about some of the best things in the world. . . beer, pizza, and sex. It's a great combination, and I wish I would've thought of it first.
Also read a great article about bisexuality in an otherwise mediocre publication, Out Magazine. I'm a subscriber, because I got a free subscription. And it ends with the November issue. Of course, inevitably, that issue isn't online yet, so check out the link later, if you'd like to read the article for yourself.
But I'll give you the brief breakdown: "Bisexuals are sexual radical too (when compared to homosexuals -- J) -- and not only when they have partners of the same sex. If I take a [same-sex] lover, I have to deal with homophobia from narrow-minded heterosexuals. But sadly, if I take a [opposite-sex] lover, I risk ostracism from similarly narrow-minded homosexuals. Thus, as bisexuals we are radicals no matter what choices we make. For us, the radical act is rejecting monosexuality as the only path."
She also goes into detail about how being in a relationship with a woman doesn't "erase [her] attraction to men or other women. . . . [I]f I were to spend the rest of my life to a woman, I would remain a bisexual."
Preach on, sister.
I also talked to Mooch last night, for about an hour or so. Every once in a while, we just catch up, since we don't see each other as often as we used to. Good times, good times. Gossip about the fraternity, gossip about some people I've been dating/interested in. And since I'm sure you're curious, they're all guys. I think I'd like to experience a real relationship with a guy before I get the nerve to climb back in the saddle and pursue women again. Ehh, we'll see.
Well, this entry has taken a long time, replete with lots of interruptions. But it's 11:30, and I've got to get up in six hours for work. So I'll write more later.
An update on my first day at work for CitiMortgage. I'm sure it will be a wonderful place to work, if I can get past the first week. It seems like the company's idea of "training" involves me "reading" this huge manual of how to do sample transactions for a week. I guess I should mention that reading actually means "eyes glazing over." But I'll stick with it. At $12/hour, it beats staying at home being lazy. Also, this stupid city boy got lost left and right trying to make it out there this morning. But I'm sure that's a surprise to noone who knows me, and my absolute horrible time with directions.
An update on my first day at work for CitiMortgage. I'm sure it will be a wonderful place to work, if I can get past the first week. It seems like the company's idea of "training" involves me "reading" this huge manual of how to do sample transactions for a week. I guess I should mention that reading actually means "eyes glazing over." But I'll stick with it. At $12/hour, it beats staying at home being lazy. Also, this stupid city boy got lost left and right trying to make it out there this morning. But I'm sure that's a surprise to noone who knows me, and my absolute horrible time with directions.
LMFAO . . .
This is definitely a reason why I'm waiting to get back on the woman track. Besides the fact that I'm a pussy, but that's already been debated here, I'm sure. Just check the archives.
I nearly pissed myself after reading some of these. G'Head, you know you want to. Thanks to that hottie cowboy for the link. (In case you're reading this after his pic changed, he was shirtless, wearing a cowboy hat when I wrote this one. . . mmmmm).
This is definitely a reason why I'm waiting to get back on the woman track. Besides the fact that I'm a pussy, but that's already been debated here, I'm sure. Just check the archives.
I nearly pissed myself after reading some of these. G'Head, you know you want to. Thanks to that hottie cowboy for the link. (In case you're reading this after his pic changed, he was shirtless, wearing a cowboy hat when I wrote this one. . . mmmmm).
Actually, I'm a bad, bad friend, because I don't remember exactly what day our birthday girl was born. It was one of those things I purged from my memory when we broke up. Alas. However, I think it's today. I'll call tonight anyway, cause I want to hear how the weekend with Scotty went.
Last night, I went to see this weird but fun japanese anime movie, Spirited Away. That's one thing I like about my new platonic gay friend, Mike. He's witty and has a very quirky taste in cinema, like myself.
In other news, it's frickin cold in St. Louis this fine fall day. My favorite season came very quickly this year. It was in the 30s this morning. G'damn!
Actually, I'm a bad, bad friend, because I don't remember exactly what day our birthday girl was born. It was one of those things I purged from my memory when we broke up. Alas. However, I think it's today. I'll call tonight anyway, cause I want to hear how the weekend with Scotty went.
Last night, I went to see this weird but fun japanese anime movie, Spirited Away. That's one thing I like about my new platonic gay friend, Mike. He's witty and has a very quirky taste in cinema, like myself.
In other news, it's frickin cold in St. Louis this fine fall day. My favorite season came very quickly this year. It was in the 30s this morning. G'damn!
I might be moving. It's a long shot, but I'm still excited anyway.
Some background. . . The house next door was occupied by a nice family of three (Mom, son, and daughter) for about five years, then the mother died. The daughter decided to take over the payments. Fast forward three years. Andrea has left, and there's a pretty good chance that the house is going to be foreclosed upon soon.
Mom and Dad want to buy the property. Here comes the excitement. . . if they do, I might move in while we fix it up. The mortgage will still probably be about $350-$450 a month, so I'll probably need a roommate. Luckily, Tina needs to get out of her house too. Bonus!! So, like I said, it's a long shot, and it's only next door, but it's my own place again, which would be nice. The funny thing is that I told Brian about it, but changed the story a little bit. In his version, I definitely don't need a roommate. No way, no how.
One other thing. . . Bought the new Ben Folds Live CD on Friday to celebrate the new job. It rocks the casbah, to say the least. It's nice to know that I was actually at a concert where all these songs were played, but it still makes me sad that Jennifer gets to go to see him, and I don't. I can be bitter, I've decided. She's in Portland, a place I'm sure I'd love; she's got the love of her life visiting her for her birthday weekend; she's going to see Ben Folds again. Grr. . . :)
Also, next week is the first time I've actually been able to RSVP and clear my schedule for the Blog Meetup. I'm kind of nervous, because I'm a newbie, to say the least, and I don't update as often as others do. I feel like I don't have my blogger membership card. :)
Also, I'm using a new blogger client, called w.Bloggar which is great. It's got all the tools of the edit screen in Blogger, but I don't have to sign into the website, and it's a bit more stable.
Anyway, I'm off to go gas up my car, grab some smokes, and get busy on this hellacious room of mine. I've finally gotten tired of it. Plus, I've attached some full-size speakers to my computer, so I can hear my mp3's at a relatively ear-shattering volume, without the whinning from my tiny computer speakers. Rock on!
I might be moving. It's a long shot, but I'm still excited anyway.
Some background. . . The house next door was occupied by a nice family of three (Mom, son, and daughter) for about five years, then the mother died. The daughter decided to take over the payments. Fast forward three years. Andrea has left, and there's a pretty good chance that the house is going to be foreclosed upon soon.
Mom and Dad want to buy the property. Here comes the excitement. . . if they do, I might move in while we fix it up. The mortgage will still probably be about $350-$450 a month, so I'll probably need a roommate. Luckily, Tina needs to get out of her house too. Bonus!! So, like I said, it's a long shot, and it's only next door, but it's my own place again, which would be nice. The funny thing is that I told Brian about it, but changed the story a little bit. In his version, I definitely don't need a roommate. No way, no how.
One other thing. . . Bought the new Ben Folds Live CD on Friday to celebrate the new job. It rocks the casbah, to say the least. It's nice to know that I was actually at a concert where all these songs were played, but it still makes me sad that Jennifer gets to go to see him, and I don't. I can be bitter, I've decided. She's in Portland, a place I'm sure I'd love; she's got the love of her life visiting her for her birthday weekend; she's going to see Ben Folds again. Grr. . . :)
Also, next week is the first time I've actually been able to RSVP and clear my schedule for the Blog Meetup. I'm kind of nervous, because I'm a newbie, to say the least, and I don't update as often as others do. I feel like I don't have my blogger membership card. :)
Also, I'm using a new blogger client, called w.Bloggar which is great. It's got all the tools of the edit screen in Blogger, but I don't have to sign into the website, and it's a bit more stable.
Anyway, I'm off to go gas up my car, grab some smokes, and get busy on this hellacious room of mine. I've finally gotten tired of it. Plus, I've attached some full-size speakers to my computer, so I can hear my mp3's at a relatively ear-shattering volume, without the whinning from my tiny computer speakers. Rock on!
Yesterday, I wasted a day when I could've been sleeping. Went on my "second interview" which consisted of following a trainer and a trainee (who, incidentally, is an idiot) doing "sales presentations." Well the sales presentations were going door to door, hocking office supplies. Like I said, a waste of my day. Especially since the trainee, Gary, couldn't sell life preservers to drowning people. But maybe it has something to do with the way he was trained. . . a rote speech, not expecting any alterations, like rejections. It was ridiculous to say the least.
In good news however, I start a new job Tuesday, thanks to Accountants On Call. They called me before I left yesterday morning. . .$12/hour in Ballwin. Rock on!
Yesterday, I wasted a day when I could've been sleeping. Went on my "second interview" which consisted of following a trainer and a trainee (who, incidentally, is an idiot) doing "sales presentations." Well the sales presentations were going door to door, hocking office supplies. Like I said, a waste of my day. Especially since the trainee, Gary, couldn't sell life preservers to drowning people. But maybe it has something to do with the way he was trained. . . a rote speech, not expecting any alterations, like rejections. It was ridiculous to say the least.
In good news however, I start a new job Tuesday, thanks to Accountants On Call. They called me before I left yesterday morning. . .$12/hour in Ballwin. Rock on!
Went to go see "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" last night. Definitely a good movie. Funny as hell. Makes me want to marry a greek girl so I can have a mother-in-law to feed me all the time, and do that cool dance. Plus I get to drink lots of orzo. Whoo Hoo!
In other news, Jennifer's a big 'ol punk, cause she gets to see Ben Folds Live, and I don't. At least now she can see it with out me singing in her ear, so maybe it's a good thing.
I've also been giving a lot of advice to Kyle lately about the Fraternity. why is it that when I went to school down there, no one gave a rat's ass what I thought, and now everyone wants to know my opinion? Especially since right now, I really am in a "I need a break from PSP" frame of mind right now? All well. We'll see how well my pearls of wisdom work with the chapter. I'm sure nothing will change :)
Went to go see "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" last night. Definitely a good movie. Funny as hell. Makes me want to marry a greek girl so I can have a mother-in-law to feed me all the time, and do that cool dance. Plus I get to drink lots of orzo. Whoo Hoo!
In other news, Jennifer's a big 'ol punk, cause she gets to see Ben Folds Live, and I don't. At least now she can see it with out me singing in her ear, so maybe it's a good thing.
I've also been giving a lot of advice to Kyle lately about the Fraternity. why is it that when I went to school down there, no one gave a rat's ass what I thought, and now everyone wants to know my opinion? Especially since right now, I really am in a "I need a break from PSP" frame of mind right now? All well. We'll see how well my pearls of wisdom work with the chapter. I'm sure nothing will change :)
I had a great first interview with a small marketing firm, and and going out tommorrow for a second interview/shadowing project; our group project in our advertising class was absolutely wonderful; and my cold seems to finally be passing.. . whoo hoo! Now if I can just get my ass in gear and straighten up my room and finish my laundry. . .
I had a great first interview with a small marketing firm, and and going out tommorrow for a second interview/shadowing project; our group project in our advertising class was absolutely wonderful; and my cold seems to finally be passing.. . whoo hoo! Now if I can just get my ass in gear and straighten up my room and finish my laundry. . .
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