So after coming to work an hour or so late (Melatonin apparently works too well), I'm immediately whisked into my boss's office for spin control training. Apparently the Kansas City Star wrote a scathing article about the money troubles and woes of my location of employment, Acoustiseal. Well, at least she didn't mind that I came in late. The joys of being a temp! (Plus, she knows that I'm not extraordinarily busy today, so it's not a big deal that I overslept.)
As I was writing the post below, this song kept playing in my head. (And still is unfortunately; it's all I can do not to burst into song here at work.) It tells the story from the point of view of the child, but the parent he returns to is his father, not his mother. Not a likely situation in the real world, I don't think.
As I was writing the post below, this song kept playing in my head. (And still is unfortunately; it's all I can do not to burst into song here at work.) It tells the story from the point of view of the child, but the parent he returns to is his father, not his mother. Not a likely situation in the real world, I don't think.
I was reading this article in Salon.com the other day, and I wasn't sure how I felt about this new law. I felt that it was a good idea to reach all possible fathers, but the plan was still quite a bit imperfect, as anyone's sexual history is no one's business, let alone public enough to be published.
But, as what usually happens, someone else has pinpointed what I'm thinking. Read a few articles by Glenn Sacks, one of my favorite writers online, on this new law, and agree with him. As Jennifer has always said (and I agree), "People shouldn't be having sex unless they're prepared for the consequences." That goes for many things. Consequences can include pregnancy, unrequited love, rumors, etc.
If these women are embarrassed about their sexual activity, then maybe they should have thought about that at the time. In my opinion, if you're doing something that you'd be embarrassed if your family or friends would find out, then don't do it.
There's nothing, really, in my sexual history (or otherwise) that I'm embarrassed about doing if someone close to me had found out about. Granted, there are a few mistakes I've made along the way that could've been handled better, but so be it. (Although, I do feel that it really is noone's business, no matter how willingly I talk about my sex life with close friends.)
Jen laughed at me when I originally lied to her about how many people I'd had sex with (after our breakup, of course). It wasn't that I was embarrassed, as much as worried about her reaction. But I also knew that her reaction was inconsequential; it wouldn't change the past, and would be unlikely to make me change my ways in the future.
As the the opponents of this law that say that this violates a woman's privacy, first of all, privacy is an implied right, not an absolute one. Our bill of rights has no clause for a right of privacy. Secondly, I agree with Glenn that a woman's embarrassment shouldn't prohibit a man from becoming a father. Since paternity can be forced upon males, with no legal option to dismiss legal rights of parenthood, shouldn't this law at least give men the chance to rightfully claim their children? The only thing that would make this law a little better for all (adult) parties involved would be an option to relinquish rights upon public notification, if that's what the father wished. Otherwise, another party, mother or otherwise, could eventually make a claim toward that father.
I was reading this article in Salon.com the other day, and I wasn't sure how I felt about this new law. I felt that it was a good idea to reach all possible fathers, but the plan was still quite a bit imperfect, as anyone's sexual history is no one's business, let alone public enough to be published.
But, as what usually happens, someone else has pinpointed what I'm thinking. Read a few articles by Glenn Sacks, one of my favorite writers online, on this new law, and agree with him. As Jennifer has always said (and I agree), "People shouldn't be having sex unless they're prepared for the consequences." That goes for many things. Consequences can include pregnancy, unrequited love, rumors, etc.
If these women are embarrassed about their sexual activity, then maybe they should have thought about that at the time. In my opinion, if you're doing something that you'd be embarrassed if your family or friends would find out, then don't do it.
There's nothing, really, in my sexual history (or otherwise) that I'm embarrassed about doing if someone close to me had found out about. Granted, there are a few mistakes I've made along the way that could've been handled better, but so be it. (Although, I do feel that it really is noone's business, no matter how willingly I talk about my sex life with close friends.)
Jen laughed at me when I originally lied to her about how many people I'd had sex with (after our breakup, of course). It wasn't that I was embarrassed, as much as worried about her reaction. But I also knew that her reaction was inconsequential; it wouldn't change the past, and would be unlikely to make me change my ways in the future.
As the the opponents of this law that say that this violates a woman's privacy, first of all, privacy is an implied right, not an absolute one. Our bill of rights has no clause for a right of privacy. Secondly, I agree with Glenn that a woman's embarrassment shouldn't prohibit a man from becoming a father. Since paternity can be forced upon males, with no legal option to dismiss legal rights of parenthood, shouldn't this law at least give men the chance to rightfully claim their children? The only thing that would make this law a little better for all (adult) parties involved would be an option to relinquish rights upon public notification, if that's what the father wished. Otherwise, another party, mother or otherwise, could eventually make a claim toward that father.
I'm in the process of updating my diary right now, as we speak. Drop me a line if you'd like the password, you nosy bastards.
I'm in the process of updating my diary right now, as we speak. Drop me a line if you'd like the password, you nosy bastards.
It's been quite a while since I've updated, and I apologize to my dear readers, whoever you might be. Anyway, it's been ridiculously busy at work these past few weeks, plus I've just started school again, so my free time's been pretty nonexistent.
Also, I've been trying to figure out what to do about the blog/diaryland issue. I've decided that I'll probably post more to my blog than diary, and leave my diary for (semi) private consumption. I think I'm going to password protect it, but mention it here when I've got more to say, so I'm not totally wasting everyone's time with my ramblings. Lemme know what you think.
It's been quite a while since I've updated, and I apologize to my dear readers, whoever you might be. Anyway, it's been ridiculously busy at work these past few weeks, plus I've just started school again, so my free time's been pretty nonexistent.
Also, I've been trying to figure out what to do about the blog/diaryland issue. I've decided that I'll probably post more to my blog than diary, and leave my diary for (semi) private consumption. I think I'm going to password protect it, but mention it here when I've got more to say, so I'm not totally wasting everyone's time with my ramblings. Lemme know what you think.
Jen and I always seem to get into discussions about urban sprawl, location, and other topics of domesticity (As well as our dream kitchens, libraries, etc.). Here's one traveler's experiences in culture shock.
Jen and I always seem to get into discussions about urban sprawl, location, and other topics of domesticity (As well as our dream kitchens, libraries, etc.). Here's one traveler's experiences in culture shock.
LMFAO . . .
Hurrah! Now I have something to talk about when Jill, Jim, and Zachary are signin' it up at the queer bars.
Hurrah! Now I have something to talk about when Jill, Jim, and Zachary are signin' it up at the queer bars.
So last night, in my insomnia state of mind, I was watching Saturday Night Live on Comedy Central, and there was a sketch featuring Toonces, the Driving Cat. Now, I know this sketch was hilarious to me when I was 10 or 11, but I never expected it to make me laugh so hard at 22. All well, simple mind, simple humor, I guess. (I think it was the look on the cat's face when he crashed everytime that made it so funny.)
So last night, in my insomnia state of mind, I was watching Saturday Night Live on Comedy Central, and there was a sketch featuring Toonces, the Driving Cat. Now, I know this sketch was hilarious to me when I was 10 or 11, but I never expected it to make me laugh so hard at 22. All well, simple mind, simple humor, I guess. (I think it was the look on the cat's face when he crashed everytime that made it so funny.)
Yes, after reading this article, it was the first thought that popped in my head. But not for the obvious reason you might think. I just meant that the states of the Northwest are probably very liberal (and libertarian), as we've gathered for quite some time.
Yes, after reading this article, it was the first thought that popped in my head. But not for the obvious reason you might think. I just meant that the states of the Northwest are probably very liberal (and libertarian), as we've gathered for quite some time.
So, bored on a sunday night, and my ego wonders if "nakedvoyeur" will have lots of links on Google. You know, no one's blogrolling me *sniff, sniff*, not even Jennifer. So I thought I'd check it out.
Imagine my surprise (ok, I'm not really surprised) when I found that the domain name for Nakedvoyeur.com was taken up by a porn site. The description
here says it's full of "sluts with spread pussies." Sadly, my life is not.
So, bored on a sunday night, and my ego wonders if "nakedvoyeur" will have lots of links on Google. You know, no one's blogrolling me *sniff, sniff*, not even Jennifer. So I thought I'd check it out.
Imagine my surprise (ok, I'm not really surprised) when I found that the domain name for Nakedvoyeur.com was taken up by a porn site. The description
here says it's full of "sluts with spread pussies." Sadly, my life is not.
Check my additions to my enormous blogrolling list. (Yes, I know it's ridiculous in length. Maybe that's why I don't post many insightful things on here. I dunno.)
A new site, Unbillable Hours is interesting to me, because it seems that the author is relatively young. Of course, there's no profile, so I don't know for sure. Anyway, the rollover description right now reads "for the law geek in all of us." But I was originally going to put down "for the Jennifer in all of us." At best, it's a compliment. At worst, I could have made "law geek" synonymous with Daniel, the big dick with a small man attached.
Check my additions to my enormous blogrolling list. (Yes, I know it's ridiculous in length. Maybe that's why I don't post many insightful things on here. I dunno.)
A new site, Unbillable Hours is interesting to me, because it seems that the author is relatively young. Of course, there's no profile, so I don't know for sure. Anyway, the rollover description right now reads "for the law geek in all of us." But I was originally going to put down "for the Jennifer in all of us." At best, it's a compliment. At worst, I could have made "law geek" synonymous with Daniel, the big dick with a small man attached.
Amen, my brother, I feel your pain.
An addendum to note. . . this horrible malady has made my chances even worse with the ladies, as any of my friends could tell you.
Amen, my brother, I feel your pain.
An addendum to note. . . this horrible malady has made my chances even worse with the ladies, as any of my friends could tell you.
Hmmm. .. WHO'DA THUNK IT?>

What's *Your* Sex Sign?
I'm amazed, after seeing what Gemini's description was. . . I guess the bisexual part means I'm "balanced." (Although as of late, I'm tipping the queer scales a bit too much . ..grrr.)
Thanks to SDW for the link. (I've realized that I haven't been giving much credit where due when I'm sent to a new site from a blog. . . I'm in the processing of editing to make things right)
What's *Your* Sex Sign?
I'm amazed, after seeing what Gemini's description was. . . I guess the bisexual part means I'm "balanced." (Although as of late, I'm tipping the queer scales a bit too much . ..grrr.)
Thanks to SDW for the link. (I've realized that I haven't been giving much credit where due when I'm sent to a new site from a blog. . . I'm in the processing of editing to make things right)
Nothing like a funny list in the morning to make you spit coffee all over your monitor. LMFAO, though.
Nothing like a funny list in the morning to make you spit coffee all over your monitor. LMFAO, though.
Great cartoon. I love The Stranger! Perfect analysis about how culture's limitations on youth doesn't promote moderation and context, only the black and white of something being right or wrong.
Great cartoon. I love The Stranger! Perfect analysis about how culture's limitations on youth doesn't promote moderation and context, only the black and white of something being right or wrong.
Smokey, our fraternity's road-trippin tin man, seems to have a genealogical past. I do believe that I've found his
grandfather! Looks just like him, except I think he's got a diaphragm on his head instead of a cock ring.
Smokey, our fraternity's road-trippin tin man, seems to have a genealogical past. I do believe that I've found his
grandfather! Looks just like him, except I think he's got a diaphragm on his head instead of a cock ring.
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